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Judging from what I've seen from the FF15 trailers, I can conclued that Noctis is AWESOME.


Me, personally, it would in Radiant Garden (because we'll most likely have to go there for Aqua's armor and Keyblade), Sora would be fighting Heartless (or a possible new enemy for KH3) and, the fight would suddenly stop because the enemy is too strong for Sora's current level and Noctis would show up out of nowhere, blasting away a few of the Heartless (or new enemies), and help Sora finish them off, and after that he would introduce himself and just walk off or something and meet up with him later and have him become a party member.


I would also like to meet Stella, too. Maybe she could be looking for Noctis and Sora could help her find him, or something, IDK.


Anyway, imagine if Noctis were in KH3; what world would you meet him and what possible situation would cause you to meet him? Would he become a party member or just be a stand-by character? And would he (or Stella) give you a new weapon, ability, or an important item once your business in that world is complete?

Edited by Keyblade101

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What about both?Lightning can be a kid in Twilight Town and Noctis could be his right age in Radiant Garden.

If Lightning's character was kept to a very small part then I could live with it but if she had a role in the same sense that Cloud, Leon and the others had/have then no I don't think I could stand her in the game. She's just an emotionless drag of a character. I agree though Noctis would fit well in Radiant Garden.

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If any SE character was going to be allowed to also be a keyblade wielder (similar to Mickey being one for Disney), I would definitely think it would go to Noctis. I also wouldn't mind Lightning in the game, see as how it is almost inevitable anyway...

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Seeing as how hype for XV is going through the roof, (I for one am genuinely excited.) I would love for Noctis to appear in KH3.  I'm sure he'll have his own little story in the game, and Sora and the others could try helping him.  It'd be really awesome!  Noctis for the win!  Also, I don't get why Lightning gets so much hate, I'd be all up for it if she also appears!  Although Lightning would fit better into Olympus Coliseum because of her cold and rough character style, and plus, she could enter a tournament to free Serah or seek answers to where she is. :P

Edited by Golden Fighter

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Of course he will be in it. I don't even know why anyone would think otherwise, KH3 and FFV13/FF15 are basically sibling games and FF15 is the most hyped FF in a long time plus he just fits to well to not be included since he has control over swords. 

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Kingdom Hearts is more about Dinsey , not god damn FF .  You guys wanted Lightning to be featured in KH III and you also want Noctis now ....

Kingdom hearts is about Disney AND Final Fantasy. No more one than the other, and any chance to add more dynamic to this amazing concept, from either the Disney or Final Fantasy side, is opened with welcome arms in my book. You have a right to your own opinion, but that doesn't mean your opinion is right. Wether or not Final Fantasy characters are added does not change what the basic formula of the game is. Everyone wants more Disney, it's only natural to want more Final Fantasy as well. I, and I believe many others, would love to have as much content as possible in KH3

Edited by The Granas Girl

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 Kingdom hearts is about Disney AND Final Fantasy. No more one than the other, and any chance to add more dynamic to this amazing concept, from either the Disney or Final Fantasy side, is opened with welcome arms in my book. You have a right to your own opinion, but that doesn't mean your opinion is right. Wether or not Final Fantasy characters are added does not change what the basic formula of the game is. Everyone wants more Disney, it's only natural to want more Final Fantasy as well. I, and I believe many others, would love to have as much content as possible in KH3

I agree with ya . But FF & KH fans can't always have everything .

Edited by The Granas Girl

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Seeing as how hype for XV is going through the roof, (I for one am genuinely excited.) I would love for Noctis to appear in KH3.  I'm sure he'll have his own little story in the game, and Sora and the others could try helping him.  It'd be really awesome!  Noctis for the win!  Also, I don't get why Lightning gets so much hate, I'd be all up for it if she also appears!  Although Lightning would fit better into Olympus Coliseum because of her cold and rough character style, and plus, she could enter a tournament to free Serah or seek answers to where she is. :P

Yeah, I don't get why people don't like Lightning that much either, I think she's great, and I could see a coliseum story for her! And I am excited for FFXV too and I'm planning on getting a PS4 just to play FFXV and KH3.

Edited by Keyblade101

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I'm a little on the fence, just because Noctis reminds me of a much darker and more mature version of Sora. I feel like they are similar in a few ways. Maybe it's just the feel Nomura gives off in the FFXV trailers or something.


I think it would be cool to use Noctis, depending on the context of which they use him. I'd personally like to see him be more like the FFVII characters in the game, fighting alongside Sora and whatnot. BUT at the same time, having him as a side boss wouldn't be such a bad idea either.


If we were to see him in any world, I'd agree with it being Radiant Garden. I can't see Noctis really fitting anywhere else. 


Stella could fit pretty well with everything, once again, depending on how they use Noctis, etc. etc.

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I feel that Noctis would be a perfect boss. Maybe replace Sephiroth with him.

Maybe, but I think that Caius would be a good replacement too. Maybe both Noctis and Caius could be bosses. Caius as the new Sephiroth and Noctis as a secret boss you have to track down somewhere.

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