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Kirby Maxwell Gingell

The Ocean is eerie, creepy and awesome.

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We have SO much to discover about the ocean. Not even 1/4 of it has been discovered. It's crazy. We've seen some weird monsters there. Anglerfish, Oarfish and such, but what IS there?


We know of the 'Midnight Zone' but still not even a quarter of HALF the ocean? Would the rest of the ocean be named that?




You know the Megladon right? I wouldn't be surprised if it STILL exists, lurking around in the UNDER Midnight Zone.


Could there a shark that eats rocks to knock out prey? A bird LITERALLY under-water? An 18 feet lizard? Even more translucent fish? LIVING METROIDS WHICH ARE JELLYFISH? I'm terrified of the ocean, but it fascinates me so. I can't keep myself afloat in the ocean, (blame that on EXTREME personal body problems) it's crazy.




What do you think could be down there, waiting (or not, rather, to remain hidden from humanity) to be found?


Something larger than the Oarfish? A walking clam? A GIANT ENEMY CRAB?



Let's keep this thread to discuss stuff like this.

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 You know the Megladon right? I wouldn't be surprieved if it STILL exists, lurking around in the UNDER Midnight Zone. ather, to remain hidden from humanity) to be found?

I KNOW RIGHT? I tjought i was the only one who thought the possibility of Megalodon still living,just hiding. One word though.MERMAIDSThey must be hiding deep in the deepest of oceans where they know humanity can't reach so easily.

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I wonder how long it would take for a body to float down there, or would you just wash up on a landmass first? 

If you are talking about a human body, if they aren't weighed down, they usually float to the surface of the water when dead. (so they can be washed up) Unless if when dieing they fill up their lungs with water and stuff like that. If that happens they might float at a certain depth under the water. Just where ever is the same average density as them. (mass/volume=density,  that is how heavy it is compared to how much space it takes up)As you go deeper into the water, the water gets more dense because the increased pressure is squeezing the water closer together. And, for any body to sink to the bottom of the ocean, it has to be denser than the water is and the bottom of the ocean. (which is usually metals and some rocks) Though the depth of the ocean varies.

Also I have no clue if any organic body is dense enough to sink to the the deepest part of the ocean, though that doesn't mean all of them will rise to the surface.

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