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What's the Worst Game You've Ever Played?

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Mine is Final Fantasy XII/12. Just... Wow.

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I don't even know where to start. This game was just... Horrible. I wanted to like it. I wanted to play to at LEAST the Gilgamesh fight. But... No. The story put me to sleep. The characters are possibly the worst I've ever seen, and I've seen a LOT of poorly designed characters. The gameplay was boring, basically a broken, automated version of Xenoblade Chronicles. And, the worst offender... Vaan. I HATE that guy SO MUCH. AAAAAAAGH. I'd go into more detail, but I don't feel like it...


So, what about you guys?

Edited by Black Star

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Mine is Final Fantasy XII/12. Just... Wow.

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I don't even know where to start. This game was just... Horrible. I wanted to like it. I wanted to play to at LEAST the Gilgamesh fight. But... No. The story put me to sleep. The characters are possibly the worst I've ever seen, and I've seen a LOT of poorly designed characters. The gameplay was boring, basically a broken, automated version of Xenoblade Chronicles. And, the worst offender... Vaan. I HATE that guy SO MUCH. AAAAAAAGH. I'd go into more detail, but I don't feel like it...


So, what about you guys?

why do I have a funny feeling Sora96 is about to say why this game is good? (couple secs later during adding post, a wild Sora96 appeared! WTH!? Does he read my mind!?)


My worst game? I'm not too sure. I played Sonic 06 and didn't have much problems, but got bored after finishing Shadow story. I think Battlefield: Bad Company was bad for me. I wanted to play the story, but NO F'ING SUBTITLES! I'm Hard of Hearing dammit!

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Hmmm....I'd have to say....Minecraft.



In my opinion, it's an INCREDIBLY over-rated piece of garbage. And I'm trying to be polite about it.

Honestly, I agree. I used to love it, but I fell out of it really quick. Now it feels so boring...

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You know what was said to be the world's worst video game?E.T. for Atari.

Dang, beat me to it. XPI can't really think of much since I tend to hear from other people's opinion on the game and I usually pick up a game I know won't disappoint me. Except Re:Coded, not the worst, but got boring fast. Edited by OmegaForte

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QWOPI would say Sonic '06, but I never actually played it myself so I can't say...So then I have to say Amnesia: The Dark Descent.I only say it's the worst game I've played because I shit bricks every time I start up the game.....

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This is a bit out of topic but Vaan's face looks weird on the boxart. At least to me.


Worst game I've played... Um... I'd have to say... SimCity DS. Granted, this is because I knew next to nothing about proper city management, but it still wasn't a fun experience for me. Especially when I accidentally replaced my assistant dude and couldn't get him back >.<

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Honestly what stands out the most as my least favourite game is FFXIII. Moreso the disapointment.

Mine is Final Fantasy XII/12. Just... Wow.

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I don't even know where to start. This game was just... Horrible. I wanted to like it. I wanted to play to at LEAST the Gilgamesh fight. But... No. The story put me to sleep. The characters are possibly the worst I've ever seen, and I've seen a LOT of poorly designed characters. The gameplay was boring, basically a broken, automated version of Xenoblade Chronicles. And, the worst offender... Vaan. I HATE that guy SO MUCH. AAAAAAAGH. I'd go into more detail, but I don't feel like it...


So, what about you guys?

Do you like FFXIII?

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Sonic '06 definitely stands out in my mind. Not only for the glitchy gameplay, awful story and the fact the game was basically unfinished. It damn well nearly killed the Sonic franchise! I've played Sonic since I was 4 waaaaaaay back in 1991 and to see the franchise drop so low was just appalling!


However the game was at least playable and I did finish it (with 1000G.) My vote would have to go to 'Big Rigs Over the Road Racing.' If you've never heard of this game I'm not surprised. It was an old PC which was sold at full retail price and it wasn't even finished. You had to race large trucks essentially, but it was full of faults. The A.I didn't work, you could go through bridges and buildings, there was basically no game! 3 of the tracks caused the game to crash! I played it out of curiosity and I was shocked this thing made it to the shelves. Give it a look on google sometime!


In fact here's a montage of people trying to play it in this list of the 'bottom 100 video games of all time':



Edited by TheOriginalBob

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Honestly what stands out the most as my least favourite game is FFXIII. Moreso the disapointment.Do you like FFXIII?

So what if he did??


Should we kill him ?


He didn't stated that he liked it or not


it's his opinion after all,and he and all of us are entitled to our opinion

Sonic '06 definitely stands out in my mind. Not only for the glitchy gameplay, awful story and the fact the game was basically unfinished. It damn well nearly killed the Sonic franchise! I've played Sonic since I was 4 waaaaaaay back in 1991 and to see the franchise drop so low was just appalling!


However the game was at least playable and I did finish it (with 1000G.) My vote would have to go to 'Big Rigs Over the Road Racing.' If you've never heard of this game I'm not surprised. It was an old PC which was sold at full retail price and it wasn't even finished. You had to race large trucks essentially, but it was full of faults. The A.I didn't work, you could go through bridges and buildings, there was basically no game! 3 of the tracks caused the game to crash! I played it out of curiosity and I was shocked this thing made it to the shelves. Give it a look on google sometime!


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Sonic Generations: I thought it looked cool but those challenges made me break my controller :( I've never been more frustrated with a game than this one.


Hot Shots Golf World Invitational: ok the Vita version was good but the PS3 got messed up with updates, and me and my friend hated this game more than anything! Why u ask? Ever thing in Vita version worked great but porting this game to ps3 made this game unplayable, shots would get messed up if u didn't hit it perfect. Not only that but we haven't gotten any new updates in a year already! Japan is 13 updates a head of ours. Just the lack if communication is what made this game bad.


And lastly

Dance Dance Revolution for the PS3: I had all the old ps2 DDR games and each of them had awesome songs but the ps3 version has a terrible interface. Horrible selection of music and the step charts for most of the songs are just terrible and don't go with the song.

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Ever heard of an opinion?


JS, considering that statement, he is also entitled to his opinion that it's great and you're entitled to your opinion that it sucks.  There was no need for that to be called out on.  

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