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Bravely Default was inspired by... 90210 and Glee?

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I... uh... don't know how I feel about this.


We created the world view as a fantasy RPG with a story revolving around crystals, because that way RPG fans won’t have any trouble jumping right into the world. The exaggerated characters are cute and players can enjoy them on their adventures. Basically this is comedic up to the point where you start really liking the characters, and then the drama develops. I used the methodology of American TV dramas like the older Beverly Hills 90210 (I’m a huge fan!), and Glee as references. In terms of games, a number of games developed outside of Japan had major influence on the storytelling. So if you think about it, I guess you could call Bravely Default a traditional Japanese RPG with American content thrown in.



source: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2014/02/bravely-default-was-influenced-by-uh-90210/

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Oh man, I read this article a few days ago. Ironic isn't it? A game that has been trapped in Japan for 1.5 years, influenced by Western influences.

For storytelling that is,gameplay wise it's a JRPG from beginning to end


Also if you wanna be general,every JRPG and WRPG out there was inspired by Dungeons & Dragons and Ultima

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Okay, I haven't really watched either of those shows, but was there a point where they started redoing everything from previous episodes with slight dialog changes? Because that would explain a lot

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