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Captain Arrowguns

Film Something that Really Gets Under My Skin

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I don't know about you guys, but what really annoys me is when people constantly complain about how much they hate a movie, simply because it's different than the book it's based on. For example, I hear people complain about the first two Hobbit movies all the time (both of which I love), and it's almost always because they're in many ways different than the book they're based on, not because of the actual quality of the movie. Remember, the movies are supposed to be based on the books, not just an identical version but in movie form. If you don't like a movie because of it's slight unfaithfulness to the book, that's fine. Just don't condemn the entire movie(s) for it. And if that kind of thing bothers you, why are you even watching the movie in the first place? You're kind of just setting yourself up for disappointment.

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I don't know about you guys, but what really annoys me is when people constantly complain about how much they hate a movie, simply because it's different than the book it's based on. For example, I hear people complain about the first two Hobbit movies all the time (both of which I love), and it's almost always because they're in many ways different than the book they're based on, not because of the actual quality of the movie. Remember, the movies are supposed to be based on the books, not just an identical version but in movie form. If you don't like a movie because of it's slight unfaithfulness to the book, that's fine. Just don't condemn the entire movie(s) for it. And if that kind of thing bothers you, why are you even watching the movie in the first place? You're kind of just setting yourself up for disappointment.

my friends complain about book to movie adaptions all the time xD but they all love the hobbit/ lord of the rings and the way they've been done :) I'm surprised that your friends do and my friends dont

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I don't know about you guys, but what really annoys me is when people constantly complain about how much they hate a movie, simply because it's different than the book it's based on. For example, I hear people complain about the first two Hobbit movies all the time (both of which I love), and it's almost always because they're in many ways different than the book they're based on, not because of the actual quality of the movie. Remember, the movies are supposed to be based on the books, not just an identical version but in movie form. If you don't like a movie because of it's slight unfaithfulness to the book, that's fine. Just don't condemn the entire movie(s) for it. And if that kind of thing bothers you, why are you even watching the movie in the first place? You're kind of just setting yourself up for disappointment.

I agree with this, but there is one series that deserves to be complained about for being so different; Eragon. It was actually pretty good as a standalone movie, but when you read the book, the differences are literally pathetic. There are way too many to list, but they don't even stick to key parts of the story. They completely ignored actual important key-details and totally changed them. 


It was so bad that they didn't even continue making the rest of the series. And that's saying something.

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I agree with this, but there is one series that deserves to be complained about for being so different; Eragon. It was actually pretty good as a standalone movie, but when you read the book, the differences are literally pathetic. There are way too many to list, but they don't even stick to key parts of the story. They completely ignored actual important key-details and totally changed them. 


It was so bad that they didn't even continue making the rest of the series. And that's saying something.

Yeah, the Inheritance Cycle is by far my favorite fictional book series, but I've have to admit, the movie was pretty horrible. And not just because it butchered the book, either. I didn't think it was that good of a stand alone movie. Hopefully they'll make a better movie version in the not too distant future.

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