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KH2 the hooded man in agrabah

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in kh2 during your second visit to agrabah, just before entering the palace to stop jafar, you see the peddler on the sidelines where you can talk to him,

he says that a man in a black hood told him that he would give him riches if he would not tell of jafars return

who was this man in the black hood, and there are a few people that we know it couldn't be

Demyx(XoX dead)

Xaldin(technically, if you went in the same world order you went last time, he should be dead)

Axel (after all, he is on the organizations bad side, so i don't think he was going to try to turn the organization into a heartless)


and thats probably it, but maybe it wasn't even an organization member, it could even be ransem! (riku/ansem) who do you think it is?

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idr that scene very well but i don't think it was before demyx died but my guess it was xaldin, cuz axel wouldn't promise something like that and neither would demyx, demyx would want the riches for himself and idk bouut "ransem"


well, it is an optional scene, you can walk right past him and head straight to jafar

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idr that scene very well but i don't think it was before demyx died but my guess it was xaldin, cuz axel wouldn't promise something like that and neither would demyx, demyx would want the riches for himself and idk bouut "ransem"


well, it is an optional scene, you can walk right past him and head straight to jafar


oh that makes sense i'll look it up on youtube and see if i rember it then

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the peddler did say that the man in the black coat would turn jafar into a heartless, so they would benefit from the heart produced from his defeat if sora took him on


I see, now it makes more sense. Still believes Xigbar though

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I always assumed Days showed you what worlds the orgy members hanged out most in/did missions most in, Demyx in Olimpus Coloseum, Luxord in Wonderland (which I find very fitting for Luxord) and so on. Xigbar did missions in Agrabah quite alot in Days, so to me it seems fitting for it to be him. Plus, I really can't see any other orgy member using bribery to get someone not to talk.

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