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Spectral Links (1x1 with Josh wilson)

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Fen appeared in go the distance, with a hooded man behind him. "M...master...." He struggled to get the words out..." Get... Away..." He growled, starting to transform...

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"Fen!" Rianne didn't pay attention to the man after him. She just ran to the Spirit. "Where were you? Do you know how worried I was?" She said a little angry

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Fen attacked his master, pouncing on her, eyes white.


"He's my servant now..." The hooded man said. "My sprit bugs have infected him..."

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Rianne screamed when she fell on the ground. A wave of pain went through her body when her back hit the ground. She tried to crawl away from Fen but it didn't really work. "Fen! Snap out of it!"

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Fen stopped for a second, seeming to regain his body, eyes regaining color "I'm...sorry...mmmaa" the bugs were fighting back. "Destroy...queee..." The bugs regained control, and Fen roared.

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Fen ran to pounce on master...

The hooded man too the punch. "You're gonna need more than that... I always come prepared!" Two people on the side turned, eyes blank. The latched onto the girl, as fen slowly came in for the kill, tears in his eyes. "Mas...ter..."

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Rianne closed her eyes. she didn't want to see it happen. Her body relaxed and she accepted it.


Rianne opened her eyes again to see the ghostwoman with two daggers. she pushed the two men who were holding Rianne away and then attacked Fen. "Come on, Fen... Fight it". Taylee said to the wolf.

Scott ran to Rianne to check if she was okay. "My back hurts..." Rianne said with tears in her eyes. scott held her in his arms and tried to calm her down.

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Fen growled, as he unleashed a flurry of attacks on Taylee. "Trying... But... Can't." He looked at the two masters "you... Mus....destroy... Queenn..."


The hooded figure ran away, keeping a safe distance.

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"And how can we do that?" Scott asked annoyed. Taylee pushed Fen as far away as she could. Trying to protect the two Masters.

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"Queennn..." Fen was using all of his strength to resist..."inside....hRRRRRAAAHHH" he lost all strength to the bugs... Eyes clear, Fen shouted, And bolts of lightning came down, shocking Tylee.

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Taylee screamed but recovered fast. "I can't fight him!" She said to Scott.

Rianne crawled to Fen and put her arms around him. She didn't care if Fen hurt her or not. She had to be with him.

Scott nodded to Taylee. The whiteghost jumped to Fen and cut him. She pulled the Queen out of his body and destroyed it.

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Fen whimpered in his dog form, as blood and bugs spilled out of his intestines..."master..." He said, breath getting slower... "I'm... Sorry.... " he licked her face. "I…should not hav…"

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"It's fine... Just don't die.. " Rianne said with tears in her eyes. "Stay with me, okay?" She put her face in his fur.

'I'm sorry, Rianne" Taylee said while turning back into her catform.

"You did what you had to do" Rianne replied. "Thank you, Taylee, Scott". She said with a smile on her face. "But I want to be alone with Fen for a second.."

"I understand.." Scott said. He and Taylee left.

"Everything is going to be fine, right?" Rianne asked Fen.

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Fen nudged into his master.... "Sorry..." He said, watching as the duo walked away.

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"Master..." Fen licked her face. "It was my fault... It was a trap... I followed them... They grabbed me...and..."

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"Ok..." Fen closed his eyes... "I'm proud...to have been...your..."

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Rianne felt their Link become weaker and weaker. She started to cry without making any noise. She kissed him on the forehead and started to sing a song.

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This is it, fen thought. Erina…I couldn't win you back....

He went cold...

Then, the song played...

Fens breathing started to pick up. The wound started to heal slowly as the wounds slowly healed.

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Rianne looked at his wound. It were healing! She started to sing louder. She placed her hand in his neck and started to stroke through is fur. She looked in his eyes when she felt the Link got stronger again.

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Fen woke up to the sound of masters singing... "Master?"

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Fen caught her underneath his mane. "Master..." He got larger, picked her up by the teeth, and carried her home.

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