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When it comes to school

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Depends on the class.  In terms of things outside of my field that I just need to take for a requirement, I generally just do what I can and accept whatver I get (though C's are the lowest I accept).  When it comes to classes within my field, I go all out.  I'm very competitive, and besides, why shouldn't I try my best in the thing I'm paying four-digit salaries to learn?

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I always want to be The Best. Though I know it's not always possible so I am satisfied with just doing very well. Honestly, it really depends on the subject... but I want to be good even if the subject was boring and didn't really interest me. : P Yes, I'm quite a perfectionist sometimes.

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I like to put my best foot forward whenever I can. There are some subjects, like math, where I can acknowledge that I am not fluent or skilled in, and know that I will never be scoring A's in it, but it's still important to do the best you're capable of.

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I always do my absolute best. I'm really uncomfortable with getting less than an A in anything, because I know I'm smart enough to do much better, and because the grades I get now have a big impact on my future. 

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I aim for the best but it really depends.

If its a language class I just try to pass, since I really suck at learning foreign languages. I don't even know how to speak my family's foreign languages correctly.

If its a class with a bad teacher, I try to get an 80 or above.

If its a class that is easy, then I try to get a very high grade no matter what.


So far I don't take a language class anymore so I'm good.

Global, Geometry, Health, Gym and Religion are easy.

English is unnecessarily strict, the class is easy, but the teacher is really strict for no reason. Hurts my grade too.

Chemistry is a lost cause, the teacher can't teach so I have to get help from my brother or someone else.

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