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The Transcendent Key

Image KH Days Reference In Tails Of Xilia! :D

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I don't think it's a reference to Days directly, more a reference to the series in general, but that's pretty cool. 



Fool. If anything, it would be a reference to Kingdom Hearts 2.

Yeah, I know, but the thing that made me associate this reference to KH Days was the "if you get a Win Stick, you get another one for free!" quote.  And as far as I recall, the Winner Stick was mentioned and showed in Days, not KH2.  Those are the little details that set the reference to Days in my opinion.  But yeah,  for all we know, it could be a reference to the series in general. :P

Edited by Golden Fighter

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Get the Ice Pop!  You too must experience the reference that I discovered!  You shall bask in the glory of the Tales of Xilia version of Sea Salt Ice Cream! :D

bought one a while back and it was a winner stick xD

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I vaguely remember seeing this concept in a few places. I think it might just be something common in Japanese culture, I'm not certain though.

Yeah, I assumed that as well. It's like how here in America the sticks have corny jokes printed on them

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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o_O Didn't see this before. Nice find Golden! At first I thought, "Meh they probably just designed it like that out of the blue..." but when I next read the description where if you win, you get another free, that right there was no joke. This is definitely a KHDays reference and an awesome one to be exact :D Glad that there are finally games out there that are using KH references :)

Edited by Moochieh32

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Not with the Win stick, no. Days it is.

Fool. Winner stick. Little detail from Days. Sea Salt ice cream, huge detail from KH2. Ever since Days, it's safe to assume that there are also winner sticks in KH2 versions of the ice cream, we just never saw it.

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