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Boy Rapes His 8 Year Old Sister After Watching Porn On XBOX

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I don't understand how at 13 years of age he didn't have it in his mind that point blank "You do not firetruck your relatives" or "You do not firetruck children".  We got sex ed (I'm in the UK) when we were p6 in primary school (so around 9 or 10).  Additionally there's the drama that goes down on the news so I don't know how anyone could get to that age without having the firm knowledge, rape is bad.  And with what kids talk about nowadays at young ages, I think it's more likely he saw someone weak and helpless and thought he could get his kicks and she won't tell anyone.  


I feel really sad for the girl.  That will haunt her til the end of her days, no matter what happens or what happiness she may feel later in life, your brother raping you will never just fade away.  

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*nods*...I feel ashamed to live on the same planet as this 13-year-old boy who lacked self-control and judgement in this situation. Porn did not do this, this boy did. He watched this porn and he himself decided that he should go to his 8-year-old sister and do such an unforgivable, unimaginable thing to her: Sibling Rape. That child's innocence is long gone and she'll never recover from this experience...that boy deserves very severe punishment for such an act.



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Um wtf is wrong with people. There was another story saying that somehow a 14 year girl got pregnet someone hid it from her parents the whole time gave birth to it by herself and then she killed the child. These are the types of stories that make me lose hope for mankind.

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     Pitiful. Just pitiful. It shows how corrupt this society is becoming. I was always taught to respect women, and respect your relatives. This is just wrong.  Children shouldn't even know what porn is. This boy knows what he did, and he is in NO innocent. What did he gain from this? Nothing. That poor young girl. Forever traumatized. My prayers are directed towards not only her, but that boy's soul as well.

Edited by Aang

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