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Square Enix Support Centre Team's response to my question

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Hey Square-Enix, why are you so dumb?



"Thank you for contacting the Square Enix Support Centre.


We are sorry you are having issue with Square Enix.


Unfortunately Square Enix is really, really dumb.



We apologize for the inconvenience caused.


Kind Regards


Your Friendly Neighborhood Square Enix."



EDIT: Initially I put the word 'r3tarded' but the forum censored it to 'awesome' so...

Edited by Kaweebo

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I thought at first Square Enix were supporting some thing called the Center Team's response your question.


Greatest support service ever!


Why else do you think everyone censors the F word with 'firetruck'? 

I can't stand the word firetruck anymore. In my opinion, f*ck isn't being censored; firetruck is becoming a new curse word. Anyways, if we are going to go with censoring, f*ck should at least be censored with kupo.

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Why else do you think everyone censors the F word with 'firetruck'? 

I thought it was just something about the site rules, not a computerized system.


And anyway, recently I came up with "What the Donald?", so it's not it matters to me anyway.


Is "Spike" censored? (I'll find out after clicking "Post") I heard Pokémon censors this, but I have no idea why, and the person who I first heard this from also doesn't know why.


EDIT: No, it isn't.

Edited by G-SANtos

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"Why aren't the bonus dungeons included in the Android version of FINAL FANTASY?" - Sora96




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But the price for android exactly same as PSP FF(what has the annoying bonus dungeon :P ). Thanks.Troll-Enix

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Fool. Because it's offensive to a group of people who have nothing to do with our discussion. There are better words we can use.

I know there are better words, but I mean why censor r3tard when people use much more disgusting words that are not censored.

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You asked this question to the support center, I don't know why you would be expecting a more elaborate response than this.


I've had better answers in the past. I wasn't expecting them to tell me what my question was...

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