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I'm thinking it could one of two things:Either it happens between kh1 and kh:COM, before they find Castle Oblivion. It might explain how Riku actually got to Castle Oblivion and why he was seperated from Mickey it'd be nice to know what was going on in the Realm of Darkness while Riku and the King were there, it might even explain how sora got to Castle Oblivion too. But, if it were about Data Sora, now the game could basically be about anything, but if it were to be a Data Sora story, it'd be cool if they would send him in the past to see how Xehanort falls with the 5 apprentices in Radiant Garden, and to see how Lea and Isa join the Organization, as well as shedding some light on Demyx,Luxord,Marluxia,and Larxene's former selves.

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I'm thinking it could one of two things:Either it happens between kh1 and kh:COM, before they find Castle Oblivion.

That was a mere 6 days, and SDG spent that time running along a road from the End of the World to CO. Riku on the other hand, stayed with Mickey in the Realm of Darkness until he drifted along into the Realm of Inbetween, where he met the mysterious voice who gave him a card.


It might explain how Riku actually got to Castle Oblivion and why he was seperated from Mickey it'd be nice to know what was going on in the Realm of Darkness while Riku and the King were there, it might even explain how sora got to Castle Oblivion too.

See above.


But, if it were about Data Sora, now the game could basically be about anything, but if it were to be a Data Sora story, it'd be cool if they would send him in the past to see how Xehanort falls with the 5 apprentices in Radiant Garden, and to see how Lea and Isa join the Organization, as well as shedding some light on Demyx,Luxord,Marluxia,and Larxene's former selves

Data Sora is from the first Jiminy Journal, which covers the events of KH1 and CoM. The events before that weren't recorded, especially by Jiminy of all people.

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But things are kinda out of place though, which would point to a Data Sora and Data Riku story. Sora gets new clothes at the beginning of kh2, and has an older appearence, and so does riku. Sora only recieves his keyblade at the beginning of kh1, therefore the story can't be from the past. Destiny islands was destroyed, and only came back at the end of kh1. Traverse town was made out of pieces of worlds that were destroyed by the heartless, after the end of the game, it's assumed that Traverse town no longer exists since the worlds were restored, Sora is seen in screenshots fighting the Twilight Thorn in Traverse town, so how could it exist, after kh1? And i've seen many people talking about how nobodys didn't exist before kh:COM, but that just can't be true, cuz nobodys existed before Sora even got his keyblade, Xemnas came about before Sora was chosen. But to my opinion, they should really make a game that explains the events between BBS and Kh1. I feel like it could be potentialy be an awesome game, story-wise that is, and it could tie-in all the games together for an incredible finale in KH3.

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Yeah, they've revealed VERY little info so far, saying it's in the same timeline, and features sora and riku as playable characters. I guess at this point all we can really do is speculate. Hopefully they release more info soon, as to when the game takes place, and why the theme of the game is "trust".

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I was thinking about something. In some older interviews Nomura talks about how it's difficult to figure out ways to return Sora to level one. Perhaps Sora and Rikus clothes in some way represent their return to level one?

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Wait, I have a theory, and it's to see if it would fit into Sora's sleep.


Let's assume that it is during Sora's sleep. Now we can also assume that Sora may be dreaming while he is sleeping for the year being. Is it possible that Roxas and/or Xion's memories were affecting him? Maybe that's why he faces the Twilight Thorn


But I have to disown my own theory, as for these reasons:

1) This game doesn't have to do with any game

2) This game has new worlds

3) Riku is running around

4) Not enough good points to make

5) Roxas and Xion never faced Twilight Thron, so it may not work


There has to be some specific reason of why Sora/Riku/Kairi is they are in their KH1 forms, and why Traverse Town is there. It isn't a KH1 remake, but it doesn't explain why Sora is facing Twlight Thorn.


I swear to god 3D is going to be either a time paradox or an altenative timeline/universe. There's no way this could make sense for it to be after KHII, because there is no scientific reason besides time paradox or altenative universe.


your wrong my friend I think this fits shortly after Kingdom Hearts Coded/Re:Coded. this way it connects to real life sora seting the stage for KH3

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But. Nomura has said that the timeline takes place during current games, HE DOESN'T SAY WHICH GAME, and that is what makes this thing all confusing. We'll never find out until the game is released V.V

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Maybe the reason why Sora and co. were in thier KH1 attire is because its a graphic template, but if not, i blieve it will be based when Sora is asleep in the pod. Or since some of you guys have been saying that it might be Data Sora and Riku, it gave me the idea that it might be the real Sora and Riku, after getting the message from Mickey, go to Disney castle to see mickey, so they need to go to the data world to find out more information about the 3 obvious people that need to be saved.while getting zapped into the D-world the machine will malfunction and put them back to level 1, seperate them, and change them into KH1 attire because that is the info the machine has on them.(Sora and Riku in Coded are in KH1 attire too.)

Or something like that.

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When Nomura says it takes places during the "current" games, the current games maybe meaning the latest ones out, BBS,Coded,and Days. Maybe it does take place after Coded, with the whole "Free them from their torment" thing, considering the story all three of those games gave us, it was basically about those that Sora has to free right? Days had Axel,Roxas and Xion, BBS had Ven,Terra and Aqua, and in coded there was Namin

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Sora doesn't remember anything about Castle Oblivion, so I doubt he would go back there. Plus, he wouldn't know Ven was in Castle Oblivion unless Aqua told him, but even then he couldn't save him. I don't see why they would need to see the King about the letter when it states what they need to do. It's not like Mickey knows HOW to save them, he's just telling Sora that he needs to. And going back to Castle Oblivion wouldn't change their clothes...


The most logical reason the events that happened in the trailer that we saw is that Sora is sleeping. In no other way possible any of that stuff could happen, even if it's KH. Crazy shit like that has never happened in KH. It's chronologically impossible for some of the stuff to happen. There is plenty of time to squeeze, Sora was sleep for a year..

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Wait, I have a theory, and it's to see if it would fit into Sora's sleep.


Let's assume that it is during Sora's sleep. Now we can also assume that Sora may be dreaming while he is sleeping for the year being. Is it possible that Roxas and/or Xion's memories were affecting him? Maybe that's why he faces the Twilight Thorn


But I have to disown my own theory, as for these reasons:

1) This game doesn't have to do with any game

2) This game has new worlds

3) Riku is running around

4) Not enough good points to make

5) Roxas and Xion never faced Twilight Thron, so it may not work


There has to be some specific reason of why Sora/Riku/Kairi is they are in their KH1 forms, and why Traverse Town is there. It isn't a KH1 remake, but it doesn't explain why Sora is facing Twlight Thorn.


I swear to god 3D is going to be either a time paradox or an altenative timeline/universe. There's no way this could make sense for it to be after KHII, because there is no scientific reason besides time paradox or altenative universe.


your wrong my friend I think this fits shortly after Kingdom Hearts Coded/Re:Coded. this way it connects to real life sora seting the stage for KH3


Wait, how can I be wrong when KH 3D isn't out? There's no right or wrong answer here. It's theories.


Unless you can back up your claims about it being coded/Recoded, you wrong too :P

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It could be anytime, but Nomura said not to be fooled by the way everything looks. It seems logical to say its a data world. It could be after Coded when they need to go through memories of Sora and Riku to peace together facts to help save Ven and everyone else. Which could make for the reason that some things kinda don't add up like a nobody in traverse town and Sora and Riku being young again because your memory is not always a 100% accurate and the fact that Namine had to piece back together Sora's could have affected his memory or ability to remember stuff 100% (not like he has trouble remembering, but like when focused on a certain memory it sometimes gets fuzzy or something).

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The data world was Jiminy's journal transformed into data, that's it. Ansem's data isn't inside the journal, so why would the Data World be needed?

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The data world was Jiminy's journal transformed into data, that's it. Ansem's data isn't inside the journal, so why would the Data World be needed?


Wwhat about a KH2 Data world? Didn't think of that, huh?

No really, I doubt it's another data world. There hasn't really been any recycling of ideas yet in the franchise, I doubt there'd be one so soon after the thing it's based on.

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Here's a thought. Maybe when Nomura said not to be fooled by how things look, maybe he meant that it's just a proof of concept. Like in BBS where they're reusing maps and models in the early trailers for simplicity's sake. There are more joints to animate on the KH2 models, so they used the KH1/RECOM/Coded models to keep it simple.


It taking place during current games probably means Coded. If we assume that the KH2 models weren't used for the purpose of simplifying animation, then this theory becomes even more plausible. It may very well be that SRK found a way to travel between worlds without CoDs of Gummi Ships. We've seen that it can be done using a Keyblade in BBS, so why not later in the timeline?


Anyone else agree here?

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To me, the place were it makes most sense is after Coded.

Here's a thought. Maybe when Nomura said not to be fooled by how things look, maybe he meant that it's just a proof of concept. Like in BBS where they're reusing maps and models in the early trailers for simplicity's sake. There are more joints to animate on the KH2 models, so they used the KH1/RECOM/Coded models to keep it simple.


It taking place during current games probably means Coded. If we assume that the KH2 models weren't used for the purpose of simplifying animation, then this theory becomes even more plausible. It may very well be that SRK found a way to travel between worlds without CoDs of Gummi Ships. We've seen that it can be done using a Keyblade in BBS, so why not later in the timeline?


Anyone else agree here?


I was thinking along the same lines. Really, this is the only place in time where the story of the game will be of any importance. (If I remember right, didn't Nomura say that this was going to be like BBS, a major part of the story?) It doesn't matter what happened during Sora's sleep, and I really don't care. Really, what the heck would be so important during his sleep to fill an entire game? That would make it the most useless KH game to date* (well there is mobile and v-cast, but those don't really count). And since Sora didn't have the Keyblade before KH I, the only logical place left is after coded.


*Well, some people thought Days was useless, but it is my second favorite game out of the 4 I have played. But I would still rather have a game with a important story line, not something so useless as to what happened during Sora's sleep.*

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Maybe. But I think it does somehow take place still during 358/2 Days and after COM. It may explain a bit more accurately how Xion gained an identity in the first place.

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Since Sora's and Riku's outfit were in KH1, maybe the setting of kh3d was taken place before kh chain of memories. Before Sora and Riku found the Castle Oblivion. Could you ever imagine how did Sora and Riku got in Castle Oblivion? On the opening of kh: chain of memories, we see Sora, Goofy, and Donald saw Pluto holding a letter and they followed it. How did they get on that road at the first place? About Riku, he woke up that he is already in Castle Oblivion. Plus when he heard the voice and asking where is he, the voice answered that Riku was drifted there by himself. So, how did Riku got there? And as Nomura said, kh3d was taken place during current games.


Anyway, here's the video so that you can get what i want to point :)


Riku opening scene:


Sora opening scene:

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I think the fact that they are wearing their old clothes doesn't mean anything in terms of the timeline

Judging from the pics it just seems to me that those developers are a lazy bunch and just put in already existing objects for a quick demonstration of the game (you know traverse town, twilight thorn, old sora + riku) .. there was nothing new in the pics yet

As for the trailer, no one but a selected group of people saw it until now, so these pics could just be beta pics because the new outfits weren't done yet or for whatever reason


Although it could also be possible, looking at the trailers description, that there will be a lot of "Sora Clones" (from kh wiki: "Riku is looking up into the sky to see several unconscious Soras raining down from above")

Maybe these were forged using the data collected from the sleeping Sora.. dunno :P



I just came up with this check this out:

Maybe all of KH3D is happening before the first keyblade war, and riku + sora get reborn everytime in order to save the world xD

that would be so typical for a nomura mindfcuk

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The things I would like to know for KH3DS is will elements of a world be involved like wind earth and sea. And also what about Demyx Marluxia Larxene and Luxord. What if we are viewing Sora but he is really Xion or Ventus. We could look at Riku and it could be Xion or...someone else I am sure. And I read somewhere about trust being part of this game. And the time thing could be a possiblity because the orginization guy was in it. It could be Terra making up for what he thought was his fault.

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