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Why Does Everyone Hate Exp Share?

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So why does everyone have a problem with the exp share ability in Pokemon X&Y? Sure it makes a lot of Pokemon battles too easy since the Pokemon in your entire gets the same exp as the one that battles another Pokemon. But I kind of like it because it makes grinding so much easier. In the older Pokemon games I spent hours grinding all of the Pokemon in my party just so I can get them to a certain level. But with exp share it makes level grinding a lot more faster and easier because now I won't have to spend a lot of hours grinding each of my Pokemon to a certain level. I mean i can see why so many people don't like it (and I'm glad that you can turn it off since there were times where I wanted to only level up at least one or two of my Pokemon and not my entire party) but does it really deserve all the hate that it gets from everyone? I mean it's not like the game is forcing you to use it. If people are going to complain about exp share than why not just turn it off completely? I've only used it when I don't want to spend a lot of hours level grinding and quickly continue on with the story. At least in my copy of Pokemon Y, anyway (I'm going to turn off exp share completely whenever I get around to getting Pokemon X).



But seriously why all the hate on exp share?

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I hate it because it made the game 10x easier.

I know I know you can turn it off but the fact they gave it so early didn't make sense.

I feel its better if they gave it post-game, THAT is when you truly need it.

Yeah i can agree that it made things waaaaaaaaay too easy but at least you don't have to spent a lot of hours grinding each of your Pokemon though. That's what I kinda like about exp share. it shaved me a ton of time with grinding my Pokemon to a certain level and I could move on with the story more quickly. I'm not saying that exp share is a super good thing but it shouldn't get all the hate. Especially when you have the option to turn it off.

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i never had a problem with it, since the level scaling was different in x and y i didnt know what lv my pokemon shoud be time to time so it helped.

 however it did occur to me having a lv 100 pikachu does kinda screw the game wehn ur at the last gym .-.




btw. pikachu was my bro in that game. then goodra.

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Yeah i can agree that it made things waaaaaaaaay too easy but at least you don't have to spent a lot of hours grinding each of your Pokemon though. That's what I kinda like about exp share. it shaved me a ton of time with grinding my Pokemon to a certain level and I could move on with the story more quickly. I'm not saying that exp share is a super good thing but it shouldn't get all the hate. Especially when you have the option to turn it off.


Its so tempting though xD

I like challenge especially in Pokemon so the fact that EXP share made it so easy wasn't fun.

In fact, my Fennekin evolved Delphox RIGHT after the 2nd Gym Leader. Like in the beginning of the next route. That was when I noticed it was too late to go back. 

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Its so tempting though xD

I like challenge especially in Pokemon so the fact that EXP share made it so easy wasn't fun.

In fact, my Fennekin evolved Delphox RIGHT after the 2nd Gym Leader. Like in the beginning of the next route. That was when I noticed it was too late to go back. 

I see.

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I saved it for the postgame. I didn't want to get too overleveled for the main game, so I kept it off. It made things way too easy, and I think that's why people complain about X/Y being too easy. Even without it it was pretty easy, but still, I imagine EXP share would make things way easier.


It's really good when it comes to evolving Pokemon for the Pokedex, though.

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X&Y were way too easy in general. The Exp. Share buff pretty much disabled any sort of challenge that was in a super easy game to begin with. Maybe if you had gotten it later in the game than, ya know, right after the first firetrucking gym, it would've been better.

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Lol, first I heard of it. Everyone I know personally loves it because it makes for easier training. I for one hated having to swap between Pokemon to train each one individually for everything. Like with Black, I'm rushing through only focusing on one Pokemon because it's too late for the others. I could be using the other Pokemon had they leveled up and gained experience equally with those of my single Pokemon who is ten times stronger. With EXP. Share being a key item in X and Y, I only have to focus on IVs and EVs and breeding, loving, and caring for my Pokemon. I'll save individual battling for competitive play. Thanks to EXP. Share in X and Y, I can build stronger Pokemon by only using one.

Edited by Vexoria

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If it's optional, there's no reason to hate it. Some people like an easier game, and taking hours off of grinding is a plus. I feel RPGs could benefit from cutting back on that because it slows down the game SO much, and not in a beneficial way. It's an artificial time-waster. Now, if you prefer to spend hours training your Pokemon, that's all well and good. I personally don't. So EXP Share is a great idea, in my opinion.

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None of the Pokémon in my party are weak enough to fight wild Pokémon that I wanna catch without knocking them out in one shot @.@

Quick Balls and False Swipe are essential depending on how you wanna go about. Filling out the Pokedex (Quick Ball), want to breed Pokemon in different types of balls (False Swipe the female Pokemon who will become the mother. False Swipe ensures that she will be left with 1 HP no matter the circumstance. Then you catch her in the ball you'd prefer your offspring to hatch into.)


I for one still have my Master Ball. I plan to breed Eevees in them. xD

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They should make a challenge mode where you play as a Grunt in a villainous team, and you can only use select Pokemon like Ratatta and Zubat. The only way to get a better team would be to steal Pokemon and gain promotions, and eventually you would be promoted high enough that you could possibly get a Mightyena.


Anyway, I don't mind EXP ALL. I don't play the campaign to be challenged, that's what competitive battling is for :P

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Fool. That doesn't make you a master. Taking the time to train your poke'mon to be all they can be makes you a poke'mon master.

It takes more than strength of Pokemon to be a Pokemon Master. Training all of them through one Pokemon's battles doesn't mean they won't all experience the fun battles. Eventually they all get a chance and to top it all off, you still gotta love and care for them individually. :3

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It takes more than strength of Pokemon to be a Pokemon Master. Training all of them through one Pokemon's battles doesn't mean they won't all experience the fun battles. Eventually they all get a chance and to top it all off, you still gotta love and care for them individually. :3

Fool. It's letting the exp share train the poke'mon for you. That's the part that doesn't make you a poke'mon master. You have to train them.

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Fool. It's letting the exp share train the poke'mon for you. That's the part that doesn't make you a poke'mon master. You have to train them.

It takes more than using EXP Share to level your Pokemon though. You gotta work with IVs and EVs, find out what's best for your Pokemon to use. You have to explore the options and have fun with it. I've never had better connections with my Pokemon before.  EXP Share really lets me focus on bonding with my Pokemon in better ways than battling.

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Fool. It's letting the exp share train the poke'mon for you. That's the part that doesn't make you a poke'mon master. You have to train them.

Vexoria's right. There's more to it than just battling to become a Pokemon Trainer. it's about bonding, breeding, choosing what moves your Pokemon needs, and startegy. Battle's aren't just the only thing that helps you to become a Pokemon Master.

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