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Avatar: Aftermath Book 1 Chp. 1: Emotions

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Hello, the long and complicated effort to put this out is now over! The intension of this tale was to show the conflicted feelings towards Aang. Summary: After Zuko's Corrination, the gaang search for King Kuie to inform him of the fall of the Fire Lord. During this Journey, Katara struggles with her emotions.

Enjoy, PLEASE give me feedback and let me know if you'd like to see more!


NOTE: This is going to be more emotional, and center more on the emotions of Katara. The fast paced action, will soon come :P




The coronation took place four days after the passing of Sozin's Comet. The Fire Nation, Katar and Zuka in particular, had passed the first two days in tense anticipation from the battlefield. The answer they had been so longly awaited for had finally arrived just before dusk, when Aang, Sokka, Toph, and Suki brought the final functional warship of the Phoenix King's formerly mighty force limping down to the ground in the capitol, with a weak and furious Ozai onboard.

The third day had been a rush of preperation. For the entirety of the night, the staff had been sending out word across the world as soon as possible. That the new Firelord would be crowned the following day. Fire Nation nobility and citizens of nations across the world to witness the new Fire Lord. The coronation would be a rushed occasion, but it was important for Zuko to take his role as Fire Lord. And on the fourth day, at dawn, Zuka was finally crowned.

For Katara it was almost a surreal experience to witness the coronation and watch her former enemy, now a good friend, kneel and recieve the crown of the Fire Nation. For generations a symbol of hatred and ruthlessness, it was now worn on the head of a simple man, that was seeking balance and order. And she helped make the dream become a reality. She had fought alongside him, alongside all her friends for a brighter, better world. She had put Azula in chains, has helped end a war that had shadowed her childhood, her parents childhood, even her grandparents horrid childhood.

 There was still a mass of work to be done, certainly. There was a whole world to rebuild, and guild and century's worth of suffering. But the world itself had changed. People were weary of fighting and ready and ready to begin anew, even the citizens of the Fire Nation, who had suffered as much as anyone else. Zuko, who was a far better man than she had thought him to be until recently, could be trusted to guild his people in a way his forefathers had not. The young man himself stood at the head of the stairwell before approaching the large croud. And Katara was close enough to see the tiny smile that stood on the base of his mouth as he arose to his feet, accompanied by wild enthusiastic cheers from citizens from all three nations. But whatever pride Zuko felt in that moment, he concealed it well as he stepped closer to acknowledge the crowd.


A smile twitched at her lips as he glanced over his shoulder and with a small wave and a jerk of his head, encouraged Aang, to join his side. There was something so charming about seeing these two amazing boys. Who were also two of her dearest friends, being so unbashedly human.

But as Aang stepped forward into the brilliant late summer sunglight, whatever musins she'd had on Zuko left abruptly as all of her attention focused immediately on the little man.

Well mabye not wuite so little anymore...

He's so tall now, she thought dizzily. He's gotten so big. As Katara gazed at him, stanfing there so different from the silly boy he has been not even a years time ago. And yet still so much the same, something had changed in him. For the life of her she couldn't have explained it, but it felt to her as though something clicked into place. The wight of the confusion and fears she had been mired under for so long rolled back and profound shift occurred within her.

It had occurred to her sometimes over the course of their adventures that she was falling for him. How could she not suspect it, when he could make even dark, and horrible times seem light, and beautiful. She had been so afraid of this. The idea of leaving herself so vunerable ( hadn't she learned the lessons all from Jecht? ) was horrible. They were so young, and their mission was complete. Throughout all of it, he looked at her in a way that made her sure he must care for her, too but she didn't know for sure...... She didn't want to have her heart broken. She didn't want to fall for fear and no one would be there to catch her. But it had seemed that she didn't have much choice, so all she could do was repress it as best she felt. And hope that possibly this ginormous, ridiculous, oversized crush would go away, or evolve into something more.

But as she watched Aang as he stood alongside the new ruler, so collected and sure of himself, she began to blush with a new thought.

I love him, she whispered, quite suddenly. It seemed right. She was still anxious, they were still so young she was unaware where to go from here, but something had changed. She wasn't sure of what it was, but had happened and she couldn't find a single reason to regret it. She loved him. She, Katara of the Water Tibe, was in love with the little airbender. With her best friend.

Katara knew she should be paying attention to the ceremony, to the traditions that were being carried out on the dais, but she was too preoccupied with this new and delightful realization that she had gone right ahead and fallen in love despite herself to care. She was a hero, but she was also a young girl, and thoughts of romance were much more interesting to her in that moment than the droned out speeches being made by the Fire Sages.

As Aang looked out across the crowd, he spotted her and they locked eyes. Her heartbeat doubled and she hoped he couldn't see that he was blushing, but she couldn't have looked away from him if she'd tried. She wondered if he was as transfixed as she was. She couldn't imagine that was possible, but he held her gaze so steadily that she had to consider the possibility.sfd

He cared for her. She knew that much, now, and it was reassuring. As uncomfortable and messy as their confrontation the night of that atrocious play on Ember Island had been, she

ast gotten the confirmation she'd been unconsciously seeking, that she wasn't imagining the feelings she suspected he harbored for her. How deep those feelings ran, she couldn't be sure. She couldn't imagine herself inspiring in him the same depth of love she found herself feeling in that moment, but he did care. He cared enough that the thought of her being with Zuko, of all people visibly upset him (she cast a quick glance at the young Fire Lord and couldn't repress a snort of amusement at the very idea).

She had hurt him that night, and she knew it. Although they'd made a very excellent show of continuing the routine of their frienddsfsdship as though nothing had happened, they both knew something was different after that night. There had been a slight cordiality in the way they talked to each other that had never been there even when they were strangers. They had avoided being alone together for fear she of awkwardness, and the way he had sometimes avoided her eyes told Katara that her reaction to his ill-timed kiss was often on his mind.

With the benefit of hindsight, it seemed ridiculous. With the fresh realization that she'd been falling for him all along resonating through her, she couldn't seem to remember what it was that had made her so startled and panicky that night and sent her flying away from him.

And then a second realization struck her: she wanted to be with him. It should have been obvious, maybe, that having realized she was in love with Aang she would no longer be content to be only his friend. Somehow, though, it just hadn't occurred to her until that very second.

She valued their friendship enormously. She had never in her whole life been as close to anyone outside her immediate family- perhaps not even them- as she was with Aang. She had confided things to him, and he to her, that neither of them had ever told anyone else. They were best friends and she treasured the closeness between them. It was one of the most important relationships she had ever formed... but she wanted more. She wanted them to be together.

Katara resolved right then and there that as soon as a good opportunity presented itself, she would tell Aang everything.

PLEASE give me your feedback, it will be GREATLY appreciated. I will soon post links to the next chapters. ALSO: Do not worry, the action and adventure will soon kick off.


Chapter 2-----> http://kh13.com/forum/topic/69823-avatar-aftermath-book-1-chp-2/

Chapter 3-----> http://kh13.com/forum/topic/69917-avatar-aftermath-book-1-chp-3/

Chapter 4-----> TBA


Tales Of Republic City

Chapter 1----->TBA

Chapter 2-----> TBA

Chapter 3-----> TBA

Edited by Aang

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nice work :) you're a good writer just make sure you proof read before you post (spelling mistakes etc.) it was really good :) oh and can you post the link to chapter two so i can read it?

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nice work :) you're a good writer just make sure you proof read before you post (spelling mistakes etc.) it was really good :) oh and can you post the link to chapter two so i can read it?

Done :)

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damn you write fast xD wish i could just sit myself down and write sometimes :P when I'm in the mood it's all good but otherwise I'm so slow!!!

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damn you write fast xD wish i could just sit myself down and write sometimes :P when I'm in the mood it's all good but otherwise I'm so slow!!!

Nope lol. I'm not fast at writing. This chapter was already written a few days back. But I held it from being posted because of the lack of interest shown of it. After Chapter three I won't release any more unless it gets more interest. Looking for at least a few comments, and likes, and 100+ views per chapter.

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you should have posted on the same thread, the thread with the newest post comes up in each section when you click on forum, if you post each chapter in the same thread then your thread comes up more, you get more views, you get more interest :D

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