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Question for the ladies part 3

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Why do girls get mad when you see them with nothing but their bra and underwear on, but when they go to the beach, women have nothing on but a bikini ?

Edited by MasterRoxas13

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Sorry Think Pink if this comes off sexiest, I really didn't mean it to be that way :(


I am asking this because I find it to be a interesting/funny question.


but every guy I know won't get mad if somebody  of the opposite sex ( not related to him)  walked in on him when he is changing his shirt ( he will more then likely laugh it off), but if it was a girl, she might attempt to kill the guy lol. Even through she is wearing the same pieces of clothing that she would wear at the beach.


For example if a girl walked into a locker room full of guys with their shirts off. No guy is going to throw a fit over seeing them with their shirts off.


But if it was a another way around and a guy walks into the girl's locker room. That guy will get crucified. Despite the fact that the girls/women would be wearing pretty much the same thing they would wear at the beach.  

Edited by MasterRoxas13

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People, both boys and girls, are probably okay wearing swim equipment at a beach because they're surrounded by other people who are. Saying that "No guy will throw a fit" over girls seeing them shirtless or in their underwear is quite the generalization. I'm a guy, and I feel nervous in public without wearing a shirt, even if it's swimming while surrounded by other people in swim equipment. It's a personal matter, not "All guys are okay with it, all girls hate it."

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okay for the most part it is like that. Guys for the most part don't care and girls for the most part, do care. I used to be in JROTC and they made sure no girls came in the room when the guys were changing, but those few times when the girls did come in the room when the guys were changing, on multiply occasions  nobody made a big deal about it


when this happen to the girls ( when most of the guys were trying to come in the room while they were changing).They were freaking out and pissed off ( I was trying to get a peak since I am a pervert lolololol). They were wearing the same thing they would wear at the beach.


this is not a generalization but reality for me.  

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thats very sexist and gross


it's a consent thing; if someone is wearing a bikini in public, thats something they've chosen to be seen in. if a guy walks into a girls' locker room and sees them in their underwear, they're not giving their consent.


( I was trying to get a peak since I am a pervert lolololol).

and what the hell. seriously even if you're joking thats not okay????/ i dont even know what to say

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okay for the most part it is like that. Guys for the most part don't care and girls for the most part, do care. I used to be in JROTC and they made sure no girls came in the room when the guys were changing, but those few times when the girls did come in the room when the guys were changing, on multiply occasions  nobody made a big deal about it


when this happen to the girls ( when most of the guys were trying to come in the room while they were changing).They were freaking out and pissed off ( I was trying to get a peak since I am a pervert lolololol). They were wearing the same thing they would wear at the beach.


this is not a generalization but reality for me.  

You literally just admitted to illegally invading women's privacy for your own selfishness and if I were in your ROTC program I'd have reported you in half a second to my commanding officer and the school cop. Like you literally just stated that you have zero respect for women's privacy and that is so gross and sexist I can't even 

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Yes they are guys who are insecure with their bodies ( I do too in some way that is why I still go to the gym and workout). but you guys are jumping the gun here. This is not really a privacy issue more on the lines of double standards.


Think Pink this was not something that I did it was kind of a accident. The girls were taking to long so my teachers told them hurry up, but they kept taking their sweet time. So they opened the door to show that they was serious. a couple of girls were not change, and most of the guys saw them with their bra and underwear on. Most guys joked about if this was the other way around, this would not be a big deal. I was laughing my ass off through ( due to the fact that I didn't think my teachers had the balls). The moral of the story is that this is a double standards issue not really me being a creep or a pervert ( in which I am not)  

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Yes they are guys who are insecure with their bodies ( I do too in some way that is why I still go to the gym and workout). but you guys are jumping the gun here. This is not really a privacy issue more on the lines of double standards.


Think Pink this was not something that I did it was kind of a accident. The girls were taking to long so my teachers told them hurry up, but they kept taking their sweet time. So they opened the door to show that they was serious. a couple of girls were not change, and most of the guys saw them with their bra and underwear on. Most guys joked about if this was the other way around, this would not be a big deal. I was laughing my ass off through ( due to the fact that I didn't think my teachers had the balls). The moral of the story is that this is a double standards issue not really me being a creep or a pervert ( in which I am not)  


you dont know what a double standard is bc its not a double standard it is a privacy issue and please dont try and backpedal after joking about sexually harassing a group of girls

im out goodbye

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Yes they are guys who are insecure with their bodies ( I do too in some way that is why I still go to the gym and workout). but you guys are jumping the gun here. This is not really a privacy issue more on the lines of double standards.


Think Pink this was not something that I did it was kind of a accident. The girls were taking to long so my teachers told them hurry up, but they kept taking their sweet time. So they opened the door to show that they was serious. a couple of girls were not change, and most of the guys saw them with their bra and underwear on. Most guys joked about if this was the other way around, this would not be a big deal. I was laughing my ass off through ( due to the fact that I didn't think my teachers had the balls). The moral of the story is that this is a double standards issue not really me being a creep or a pervert ( in which I am not)  

Whoa whoa whoa, let me get this straight. So to prove that they were seriously still changing, you just opened the door and let everyone see them in their underwear? Why would you ever even think they'd be fine with that?

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Yes they are guys who are insecure with their bodies ( I do too in some way that is why I still go to the gym and workout). but you guys are jumping the gun here. This is not really a privacy issue more on the lines of double standards.


Think Pink this was not something that I did it was kind of a accident. The girls were taking to long so my teachers told them hurry up, but they kept taking their sweet time. So they opened the door to show that they was serious. a couple of girls were not change, and most of the guys saw them with their bra and underwear on. Most guys joked about if this was the other way around, this would not be a big deal. I was laughing my ass off through ( due to the fact that I didn't think my teachers had the balls). The moral of the story is that this is a double standards issue not really me being a creep or a pervert ( in which I am not)  

I don't think you know what a double standard is. It is completely a privacy issue: as Godot stated, if a woman is wearing a bikini, she is consenting to show off her body. If she's wearing her undergarments, you've caught her off guard and, whether intentional or not, she has not consented to let you see her body and therefore a person has every right to be pissed if you invade that privacy. 


You're making it worse and worse for yourself. You a) called yourself a pervert previously, and you can't renege on that statement, so now you're just making excuses since we called you out on your bs. And b) you are laughing and enjoying the fact you grossly invaded womens' privacy?? That is really sick. 

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Yes they are guys who are insecure with their bodies ( I do too in some way that is why I still go to the gym and workout). but you guys are jumping the gun here. This is not really a privacy issue more on the lines of double standards.


Think Pink this was not something that I did it was kind of a accident. The girls were taking to long so my teachers told them hurry up, but they kept taking their sweet time. So they opened the door to show that they was serious. a couple of girls were not change, and most of the guys saw them with their bra and underwear on. Most guys joked about if this was the other way around, this would not be a big deal. I was laughing my ass off through ( due to the fact that I didn't think my teachers had the balls). The moral of the story is that this is a double standards issue not really me being a creep or a pervert ( in which I am not)  


Let me pin point each and every statement.


1)  There are no double standards, this is privacy. I need privacy because I am insecure about myself, same goes for a lot of people both male and female. Everyone is insecure in one way, and this is one of them.


2) IF this was an accident, you wouldn't be laughing about it. It is rude, staring into the girls locker room, like staring at anyone who is changing WITHOUT their consent is wrong.


3) They can take their sweet time, this has nothing to do with double standards NOR privacy matters.


4) And yes it is not a double standard thing, this you guys being rude and opening the door to people changing. Its privacy.

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These "question for the ladies" things always come off as sexist and I'm actually kind of annoyed by it at this point 


There's no "loophole in the female logic", and the way you phrased it sounded really dang sexist. Guys don't mind being seen in speedos at the beach, but imagine if you caught a boy with nothing but his underwear on--he'd be annoyed and embarrassed, right? People see it as an invasion of privacy, and if you see someone like that and they don't like it, you've obviously caught them off guard. 


edit: also I'd say the majority of women I see aren't wearing bikinis at the beach anyway???

I walk around in my underwear all the time xD guys don't really find it that embarrassing, well at least i don't anyways :) I do understand that the way the question was asked sounded pretty sexist though, If someone caught me with my underwear on so be it, most people have seen me in them anyways xD but then on the other side I'd be embarrassed about other stuff!!! I'm just a confident person in that aspect, and I know that there are women who are the same way :) don't say it like everybody gets embarrassed in their underwear :P everybody's different remember that :D


Why do girls get mad when you see them with nothing but their bra and underwear on, but when they go to the beach, women have nothing on but a bikini ?

you could have just posted the meme and it would have been a funny joke but this kind of makes it seem a little sexist, just remember not to try and offend anyone when you post stuff :) also it depends on who it is ok, some girls would never wear a bikini ever and others dont see why every girl doesn't wear them, it's all about the confidence levels of each person specifically. I know that i could walk around in my underwear in a public street and i wouldn't care but my gf wouldn't be caught in a bikini if the world was ending xD but she's beautiful :) she just finds it inappropriate and that's alright because it's part of who she is and that's what I like about her :D

so just be careful about the way you say things alright?

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