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--------<> Your E3 Gaming Wishlist <>--------

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i'm sure many of you have been following all the E3 coverage, so i wanna know what games and hardware you want. if you want to see all the announced games,click here


here's my wishlist:


  • 3DS
  • PS Move
  • GH6: Warriors of Rock
  • Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
  • The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  • Mario Kart 3DS
  • DJ Hero II
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1
  • Little Big Planet II
  • KH Re: Coded
  • KH3D
  • Final Fantasy XIV Online
  • Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4
  • PS Move + Sorcery

Italics = Possibly Get

Normal = Probably Get

Bold = Definitely Get


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-Birth By Sleep

-Mario Sports Mix


-KH 3D

-Kid Icarus: Uprising

-Nintendogs + Cats

-Martha Stewart: The Game (screw mario, this will be the best game in the history of the video game industry)

-Donkey Kong Country Returns

-Epic Mickey



Nickelodeon Fit seems interesting, might get it if it includes older characters like some from Invader ZIM.


Kidz Bop Dance Party! The Video Game? WHAT THE HELL, MAN?


I still have disappointment that there wasn't a Super Smash Bros game for the DS announced.


Also, Square Enix, come on and release the Soul Eater games here. The anime seems to have done well, might be coming to television (it's a high contender for the third anime Adult Swim acquired), and they look good, especially the PSP one (which seems to be a fighting game like Mortal Kombat)

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-Birth By Sleep

-Mario Sports Mix


-KH 3D

-Kid Icarus: Uprising

-Nintendogs + Cats

-Martha Stewart: The Game (screw mario, this will be the best game in the history of the video game industry)

-Donkey Kong Country Returns

-Epic Mickey



Nickelodeon Fit seems interesting, might get it if it includes older characters like some from Invader ZIM.


Kidz Bop Dance Party! The Video Game? WHAT THE HELL, MAN?


I still have disappointment that there wasn't a Super Smash Bros game for the DS announced.


Nick fit doesn't look that good, and i've heard good stuff about epic mickey but haven't seen that much about it yet.


i agree, super smash bros. 3DS (or even just normal DS) would be awesome!


also they need to make a new mario title for 3DS

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Kirby's Epic Yarn

Sly Cooper Collection

Marvel VS Capcom 3

Crysis 2

Metal Of Honor

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Assassin Creed:BrotherHood

KillZone 3

Gears of War 3


Dead Space 2

Epic Mickey

LittleBigPlanet 2


Infamous 2

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Twisted Metal

Fallout:New Vegas

Portal 2


Mario Kart 3DS

Metal Gear Soild 3d the naked snake sample

Mafia 2

Kid Icarus Uprising

Castlevania Lords of Shadow

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These are the games (and system) I will definitly get:


-Nintendo 3DS

-KH: Birth by Sleep

-KH: Recoded

-KH 3D

-Gears of War 3

-Halo Reach (going to see if I can get the Legendary version)

-Kid Icarus Rising

-Metal Gear Solid Rising


Games I'll probably get:


-Legend of Zelda: Skyward Blade

-Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

-Epic Mickey

-Marvel vs Capcom 3

-Medal of Honor

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Here is what i know i want




Kh: bbs, recoded(?), 3D,

Portal 2

Halo Reach

Gears of War 3(maybe, will have to play the second on coop with my brother to see if i like it, he asked me to anyways)



and thats all that i could actually see that i for sure wanted, so yeah, not very lengthy



Kidz Bop Dance Party! The Video Game? WHAT THE HELL, MAN?


isnt that based off of those really annoying cds where the kids resing songs that were really good but make it really horrible?

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Been reading some stuff about GH6:


- they aren't actually calling GH6, because they don't want this to be like the franchise they had before with the hip-hops songs and poppy band hero, they want it to be better


- the guitars will be fully customisable (and even without cutomising them, they looks awesome). you can re-attach a new faceplate, new sides, new neck, and probably some over stuff as well!


- it also seems they got rid of the annoying slide bar (which no-one really liked), meaning you won't be able to worm out of impossible solos just because they were tap notes like before


- they have a story and awesome unlockables. this is a VERY good thing, as it means now it won't just be get the gamne, play through the songs you like then forget it, now you'll actually have goals to complete


- the setlist is quite heavy. eh, i'll see about that before i get it


so i moved this from possibly to probably


EDIT: ooh, i just found out that, if you buy all the DLC and imports (imports are pretty cheap), you can have over 560 songs on it!!! without the expensive DLC, you still get over 280 songs on the game!


lol, moved from probably to definitely

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I dont know how to do the bold or italics thing so ill put them in sections.


Possibly Get

Nickelodeon Fit (Wii)

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction (PSP)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)

Wii Party (Wii)


Probably Get


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