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Dawn Portal (RP)

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Asurr looking down at his arm, at the feeble thing holding on to him he slowly started to influence his surrounding without their knowing. Asurr replied," simply just restoring his energy to help his healing process,..and with him healed he will have no qualms about his imminent destruction at my hands at full strength. For you see i am from Callis which makes you an enemy, Although i'm suprised the mighty Musashi didn't finish off his foes, or maybe he knew i was coming along, so he left me some fun me to enjoy or he didn't view you as a threat, or you hid like little babies watching your friends get massacred..YESSS!!!!!, THAT MUST BE IT!!!!!" he shouted triumphantly...."and your little friend over there needs to cool his temper before i out his flames permanently," sneering he looked over in the fallen figure's direction..."traitor or non traitor all will perish before me,  if they run foolheartedly at me" Assur proclaimed. with saying those words Asurr pumped Ekindu full of mana then removed his hands. slowly calming himself Asurr shortened the reach slowly walking away a bit, turning around a bit he states, " you guys must be quite strong to be able to even draw a breath in my presence, or i'm just not trying to fully exert myself fully on you."

Edited by bigblk23

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Demona started shivering as her knees buckled. She looked over at James and went wide eyed. " we can handle this guy right ekindu" she said/asked. Demona's blade formed in her hand.

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"Of course!" Ekidnu said. He used the chain technique once more, restraining the man, chains tightly tied.

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Demona nodded and placed the blade at assur's throat. " take us to the callis palace. We need to talk to your leader" she said digging the blade into his throat. Demona froze up as a scream sounded off.

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James suddenly got up and felt better than ever. "We can do anything, if we stick together. And I am not a traitor, I am just in love!" James said. He then cast a large fireball and sent it at Asurr.

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Demona smiled and nodded taking a few steps back. " oh and what was that about us hiding while these elves got killed. HA as if we would hide from that idiot callis" she said grabbin ekindu's hand and yanking him up. She pulled him back and grinned.

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Asurr looks down at them saying, " really again with the small attacks...so fireball and magical knife, and a chain..ok." looking up and sighing he turns to Demona saying "if you value that puny blade of yours you do well and keep it away before that fireball comes." moving his finger he twirls it around slowly to move his body in james direction. directing a question towards him" how would you feel if i damaged these precious goods, lover boy!!".

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He smiled, and blushed too... But tried to keep his cool.

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"But sir. That's brilliant!" Masamune praised Astral. "Yes. It's an amazing idea sir," Musashi said as he bowed respectfully. "Why thank you. I plan on using the Seryoku to power this project," Astral replied staring in Masamune's direction. "You're in charge of this project. I'm going towards the battlefield to watch the kids get killed by Asurr," Astral said as he got up and opened a portal to Retria.

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Demona growled and glared at assur. " you want stronger attacks " she asked letting go of ekindu's arm. She walked up to assur and pointed the blade at his side. " tell me would this hurt" she asked slowly digging it ingot he flesh.




( also I was wondering if my orer character was accepted or not)

Edited by demy1077

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Shiro pushed assur out of the and ducked before it burned his head. " sheesh you guys aren't even afraid of this guy. I'm impressed" he said turning into a mouse. Demona growled and looked at the area shiro just stood in. Shiro scurried behid her and turned into a bear ready to scratch her. " bad bear" demona whispered stabbing the hilt of her blade into his gut.

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"Who is this trash?" Ekidnu said, stepping on the bear man with his foot.

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Well so be it" he said.... As the fireball was within his proximity of reach it slowly got smaller and dissipated around Asurr. without realizing it. Demona's blade was slowly melding ito his flesh. as the temperature raised around them making it harder for them to breathe Asurr slowly let out his breath as the area around him went through a metamorphosis almost simultaneously. Demona's blade was done away with, ekidnu's chains was crushed and by using the heat that has suffused he melted Jame's sword. Then he grabbed james by the neck and pulled him close to his face saying very low so only he can hear, "what say you now lover boy. look where your precious love has gotten you, maybe i should crush them while i hold you in the palm of my hand right now"

(I don't know what just happened..lol but this is how it's continuing)

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Shiro growled and turned to normal. " I'm shiro" he said not noticing the change. Demona started breathing harshly as she looked at melted blade. " how do you melt water" she whispered letting the hilt go. Both of them started goin Fred at the intense heat and looked around. " nice to meet you shiro now can we go" she asked backing away.

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Astral steps out of the portal that led to Retria. He stood a great distance above the commotion within the destroyed city. He looked down and saw the kids at Asurr's mercy. "It's interesting that they have survived this long against Asurr," Astral said folding his arms. "I do believe there is nothing for me to do here," Astral said turning his back and stepping through another portal leading to another dimension.

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" i'm afraid you guys aren't going anywhere that fast" Asurr stated as he raised his arms into the air muttering a few words. making the air reverberate more violently than last time. everything slowly started to get heavier." I don't see how you can even leave if you can't move" he said while laughing while moving towards demona with jame's in his grip... and throwing him to the ground face up he says to him" i love that little trick you do with the fire. do it again and i don't think demona nor ekidnu here will survive what's to come after you summon forth more flames."



(my power is gravity magic, so thing's are gonna be become very complicated for shiro and Especially jame's well all of you but james since he's making his character more upfront)

Edited by bigblk23

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"then kill ekidnu", Asurr stated, "so as to Quel my wrath towards you and Demona or i can use my gravi flux and send her into the sky where theres no oxygen so even you can't save her."

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James looked disappointed. He could either save the girl he loved, or he could save the king who once attacked him. He got up and took out a fire sword and tried to jab it into Ekindu. "Forgive me." James said to him.

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looking back at demona he jeeringly says." how nice for you little girl to have your older brother fawn over you like that." it makes me want to laugh.

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"James..." Ekidnu said. "I-I-" He felt the flames.... He had punctured him good... "I...I...f..fff" his lungs filled with blood... He needed a powerful cure in a short time...he fell to the floor.

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demona gasped and went wide eyes as she watched ekindu fall. " why would you do that" she whispered as tears flowed down her cheeks. demona looked up at assur and silently sobbed. "without one of us there can't be a team so go ahead and destroy the team all together " she said bravely. shiro smirked and looked at the bloody mess. " nice handiwork by the wat" he said.

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"James..." Ekidnu grabbed his hands. "I'm sorry we met... Like this... I.. Forgive you..." He used his energy to materialize the dagger. "Take care... Of her..." He looked at Demona.

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