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Ginger looked at him. "Really, you are doing this to me? After everything that I did for you. Did you even think that the reason why I saved them was so they can get us close enough to Ruby? I have a plan that you would like if you just listen to me for once. I have a plan that can kill the Retria leader, one big target taken down by tricking two love birds." Ginger said. She then walked up and kissed Astral. "Trust me, I am doing what is best for Callis cause I love it as much as I still do you." Ginger said.


James fell to the ground as he was teleported back. He then looked over at Demona and rushed to her. He then took bandages and patched up the blood. "Demona, I don't even know what to say to you right now." James said. He didn't know if he should be happy or angry.

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" what did I do wrong" she asked sadly looking at her knees. Demona yanked the blade out and let it disappear before she fainted slumping over peacefully. Shiro looked up at ruby and raised an eyebrow. " so your retrias leader cool" he exclaimed before looking out into tge woods.

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"Disgusting. You just had blood didn't you?" Astral retorted blowing her back a little using the gravity of a White Hole. "What have you done other than go behind my back and trying to commit a murder! I never wished to assassinate Retria's leader. This isn't a war but more of a struggle to me!" Astral said. Just as Astral said that, Masamune charged through the technique. Only people on his level or higher could ever do that. "Sir. Our projects are ready. Retria is going to fall," Masamune said now looking at Ginger. "Your old flame? I'm sorry were you two in the middle of something?" Masamune asked as he started to back away slowly. Astral undid the technique. "No. Nothing. I need some rest. Masamune, take control of the operation. Also, keep an eye on Azur(spell check but blkguy's char.). He's gone MIA for a little for some strange reason," Astral said opening a portal to his bedroom in Callis. Astral also opened a portal to Callis' palace entrance for Ginger. Without another word, Astral went through the portal to his bedroom.

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Ekidnu followed Astral. "What are my orders, master?"

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Demona looked up at James teary eyed still. " then don't say anything simple as that" she said her voice a little hoarse. She looked away from James and frowned more before saying," you almost died and ekindu wants me to murder you". She looked back at him ready to punch something in frustration but instead she grabbed James chin and turned his head to the side looking at the bite marks.

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" I like you alot knee so of course I couldn't kill you" she said shocked. Demona let go of his chin and sighed looking down again. Her tears finally plopped down onto her lap as she curled up forehead againest her knees.

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James looked at her. "So you were only saying that so that I wouldn't get hurt? But that plan didn't work out. Look, I love you no matter what happens, and I can't stop thinking of you. I promised you that I would get you home, and I mean it." James said with a smile.

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"Ok..." Ekidnu walked with Ginger... Astral seemed to not want to be botherd..

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Ginger turned around and looked at Ekindu. She then kissed him. "You, you are the new ticket to how I will be noticed around here. You will listen to me now." Ginger said with a dead look in her eyes. It seemed that she was really done with not getting the love she deserved.

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Demona blushed a scarlet red and hugged James closely. " thank you so much James. Your the sweetest guy I've ever met" she said crying still. She looked up at him and tightened her grip shivering slightly.

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James looked at her. "I wasn't always this sweet. But you have calmed my spirit and showed me that I should care about one girl that I truly love and not one that I just use. I promise you, I will do whatever I can to make you happy." James said. James held her back and kissed her.

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"Yes Ginger..." Ekidnu said, and looked around.

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Demona blushed a dark shade of red and kissed him back quickly. After a few seconds she pulled away and stood up wincing slightly. " let's go we still have to train with ruby" she said happily grabbing his arm.

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Ruby looked at Shiro. "Yeah I am the leader, the leader who thinks of freedom, something the Callis forgets about. The master there doesn't care about anyone but himself. He might say differently, but if he truly cared, then why not send those who want to go home back home?" Ruby said.


James looked at Demona. "Do we really have to train? I just want to spend more free time with you." James said annoyed that Demona was right. "But if we stayed out too much longer, my cousin would kill us." James said with a smile.

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"Sir. The Orichalcum Space Shuttle is ready," A scientist said to Masamune. "Sir. The Edifier Executor Cannon is ready," Another scientist said to Masamune. "Good. Master Astral is generous to build a space shuttle infused with his space-time mana for those who want to get home instead of breaking the walls. He really aspires to achieve peace," Masamune says to himself. "In that case, I will destroy all who oppose peace," Masamune said as he walked out towards Retria in one final struggle to capture it.

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" it's not like she hasn't tried to before" denona said happily yanking him to his feet. She took a deep breathe as slowly calmed down feeling like she was to Hyper. " stop. Being so cute and kind or your going to end up killing me" demona said intertwining their hands.


Shiro nodded and turned into a bird again. " I'm going to go look around the area bye" he said before flying off. He glanced back at ruby and quickly dove into the trees maneuvering his way through them. Shiro looked around for any fellow callis and let out a mighty Caw.

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James laughed. "I can't stop being who I am." James said with a smile.


It didn't take Ginger and Ekindu long to enter into a club where Ginger was going to get her mind focused on anything else that wasn't Astral. She ordered her a glass of Bloody Mary. "This is the best place to forget you worries." Ginger told Ekindu.

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Ekidnu nodded, and looked at her. He watched her drink... That's all he could do ... He didn't know what to order... And he knew no one else...

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Demona giggled alittle and looked up at the sky. " do you think theyll attack us" she asked looking back at him sadness cloaking all emotions. She hoped with all her soul that ekindu would come back and forgive them but knew deep down it'd never happen.

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"Looks like I've already been found out," Masamune says hearing the caw. Masamune easily spots who did the caw. "I don't have time for this," Masamune says as he trudged on. He was not worried. There wasn't any in Retria who could stand up to him and the projects he recently finished.

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James looked at her. "Trust me, they will come, but we won't be defeated. They don't know this, but my cousin has a surprise special ability, she can make anything that has ever happened in a fairy tale come to life. They won't expect a thing. You and I, we are going to make it home and go from there." James said with a smile.


Ginger looked at Ekindu with a smile. "So tell me, do you know how to play any instruments?" Ginger asked.

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Ekidnu nodded. Royals were taught most, if not the important musical instruments.

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