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Daily Accomplishments/Daily Stuff you did

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Well, instead of makign threads about our days

why not make this?

A daily Accomplishment thread where you can put all your Daily accomplishments!


I'll start! :D


I got some more FF8, FF7:DOC, clips

I got inspiration

I went to the Beach...

I talked to friends


That's all I have o.o

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I have quite a few things I accomplished today. (they may not be a big deal to some people, but to me, they are.)

1.) I knit myself a blanket

2.) I made cookies for my brother

3.) My Chinese classes are going very well

4.) I actually managed to feel pretty today :D

5.) I got back in touch with a friend I've been missing

6.) I started writing again

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1) Found some awesome icons. 8D

2) Found out that I'm going to Florida in less than a week. *raves*

3) Tied a scarf around my eyes and went around screaming, "LOOK AT ME! I'M RIKU!"

4) Scared my brother while doing #3

5) Got sent up to my room after doing #3 and #4

6) Started writing down my accomplishments today



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NEW accomplishments:

~made a bunch of new friends due to my Twilight-hating rant (awwwww yeahhhhhh)

~ate a rather delicious raspberry-hot-fudge sundae

~danced around my empty house in nothing but a lacey black bra and matching undies

~forgot that the blinds were open on all of the windows while doing the previously mentioned activity, and made one of my neighbors' days

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1) Woke up to te sound of everyone in my house screaming "happy birthday!" in Japanese.

2) Dressd up as a Xion x Riku child for my sister

3) Imitated Sora's suicide attempt in KH1

4) got banned from playing KH1 for doing #3

5) ate a honey bun.

6) wrestled my dog

7) finished making Vanitas's keyblade

8) finished making Leon's(coughcoughsquall'scoughcough) Gunblade

9) found myself writing about my accomplishments on one of my favorite sites

10) got new inspiration for my latest fanfic

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1. I was able to scan several pictures.

2. I recieved my "made-my-day" dose, courtesy of Celeste.

3. I earned a ticket for the premiere of the Last Airbender tomorrow night-- in 3D. :3

4. I hastily helped Yuffie move the kitties to my closet instead of Mom's.

5. I realized what the kitties have are their umbilical cords, not weewees. xDD

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1. Woke up and had a major headache

2. Threw up

3. Took a nap(I remember when I was little and hated taking naps..now naps are my best friends.)

4. Talked with some of my camp friends on facebook and planned on hanging with some of them next week. :)

5. Realized I no longer have a crush on my best friend

6. Going to bed. :)

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-Woke Up (trust me, being off school for a month for study leave and having to get up for 6th form induction is an achievement :))


-6th Form Induction - Making new friends with people I didn't know existed as they are very sneaky and live in the common room haha.


-got home and re-strung my guitar - it sounds AWESOME!!


-Wrote a chapter of my book - also AWESOME!!


-Went to the Beach - No Seaweed today :D Sea = Nice and warm!


-Ate Chinese food - NOMNOMNOM


-Wrote this :)


-Watch a bit of TV before bed

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1: Went to therapy and opened up a little

2: Is now able admit I go to therapy

3: The reasons are because of Family stuff

4: Am able to make vent videos more freely

5: Finish a trailer/signup video

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