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Kingdom Hearts The Keyblade War

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Kalina after telling the tailies where to go turned to Ryan and Allera. " we are about 19 years into the past in the year 2007. Oceanic 815 just crashed on the Island along with the Tailies and my father's middle section people." Kalina said to them.

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" yes but whatever happened, happened dont you dare hint ANYTHING about these guys' death to anyone. I MEAN ANYONE! we would cause a time paradox. That would be VERY bad." Kalina said. " I think if we get to the middle section camp i can take us back to the heart of the Island and warp us back." kalina agin said to them.

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(O_O remember two things: one this is in the past, and two, Ryan has some weird disease that makes him never age. The disease started when he was 21) "Can you tell me what they were about? Because I might be able to help you" said Ryan still walking

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(( DL this is the past when kalina ryan and allera were warped back in time. they are still them selves.))

The day turned to night and the Tailies made camp and Kalina was sitting her tent thinking about Soul.

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"Well anyways, if you remeber please tell me Allera" said Ryan. Ryan put up his tent and put in there a bunch of wood and he started a fire and fell asleep "..."

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(( please stop one lining. dont you want to keep post count?))

Ana Lucia walked into Ryan's tent. She sat down in front of him. There was a gun in her hands yet she looked happy and joyful mainly because she discovered she could reunite the to factions. " Ryan. were you on the plane? I dont remember seeing you in the tail." Ana lucia asked him. Loading the gun and un-loading it.

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(ok I will) Ryan looked at her surprised that she was in there "No I wasn't there on the plane. I just saw some weird light and all the sudden, I was in this island along with Kalina and Allera"

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Ana Lucia looked puzzled. She looked understanding but at the same time impatient like she wasn't getting the answers she needed. " hm. Maybe you crashed here with kalina and Allera and you forgot your memory. Im going to go talk to Kalina if you dont mind." Ana Lucia said getting up and leaving.

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"Oh its ok" said Ryan. Ryan went back to sleep. He wondered why and how they got in the past but that didn't matter to him right now. He just wanted to sleep.

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