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Why HD 2.5 ReMIX is more exciting than HD 1.5 ReMIX

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Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix has a lot more changes and additions than Kingdom Hearts Final Mix did. Better graphics, Theatre Mode with like 600 cutscenes, and that's not all of them. :( Lots of new cutscenes, some with voice acting. 20 new boss battles. TWENTY new boss battles. And more!


You just saying that 2fm is better then 1fm. :P

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Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix has a lot more changes and additions than Kingdom Hearts Final Mix did. Better graphics, Theatre Mode with like 600 cutscenes, and that's not all of them. :( Lots of new cutscenes, some with voice acting. 20 new boss battles. TWENTY new boss battles. And more!


Birth by Sleep Final Mix is better than Re:Chain of Memories. Most of it's cutscenes aren't pre-rendered, it's already in 16:9, has a Theatre Mode with 98% of the game's cutscenes. Oh and the Final Mix version has a lot of great new content including new cutscenes (yes, with voice acting) and new boss battles.


Re:coded will be better than 358/2 Days since it won't be a bunch of nobodies eating ice cream.


There's even more things that I haven't even listed including for me personally the chance to finally play Birth by Sleep/Birth by Sleep Final Mix (I didn't want to waste my money on a PSP).


Only negative? There's going about be about 1,000 cutscenes in total. :(


In therms of story, and touching moments, 358/2 Days was the best.


They have their positives and negatives, but I guess it's up to a person to decide which one they like the most.


Still, that final boss in Re:Coded xD

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Man, I think there are two reasons why people want to play this game ... A) the game where O13's master first appeared and B) this is when we realize this whole thing is but the plan of the one and only master Xehanort.

Edited by O13 Follower

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Man, I think there are two reasons why people want to play this game ... A) the game where O13's master first appeared and B) this is when we realize this whole thing is but the plan of the one and only master Xehanort.



C) We get to wear that badass crown on Sora in KH2 FINALLY! x D

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Agreed, wanted to play Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix for years and now I finally can do that, I didn't bother buying 1.5 because the changes wasn't significant for me to pay $40, but 2.5 also has Birth By Sleep Final Mix on a console which is really exciting.


The sad thing though about that last part is I bought a PSP before BBS released and BBS was the only reason I bought a PSP for, good thing I got it for like $40 so I didn't spend much, guess I won't really need my PSP after I get 2.5 lol.

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