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Shard the Gentleman

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I actually symphathized Luke after the destruction of Akzeriuth. Although I did shout at his stupidity for a bit and the later revelations made me feel bad for him ;;

I really love Xion, and the reason is because her voice in Japanese was really cute, and she has black hair.

Ferrothorns are really cute and I want to hug it/pet it ^Q^

Fire Emblem Awakening is really easy


Oh yeah edit!

I don't know why people say Tales of Graces f was bad, I thought it was okay.

Edited by HelpMeRan-Sama

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I actually symphathized Luke after the destruction of Akzeriuth. Although I did shout at his stupidity for a bit and the later revelations made me feel bad for him ;;I really love Xion, and the reason is because her voice in Japanese was really cute, and she has black hair.Ferrothorns are really cute and I want to hug it/pet it ^Q^Fire Emblem Awakening is really easyOh yeah edit!I don't know why people say Tales of Graces f was bad, I thought it was okay.

So you want hugs of pain? lol

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I actually symphathized Luke after the destruction of Akzeriuth. Although I did shout at his stupidity for a bit and the later revelations made me feel bad for him ;;

I really love Xion, and the reason is because her voice in Japanese was really cute, and she has black hair.

Ferrothorns are really cute and I want to hug it/pet it ^Q^

Fire Emblem Awakening is really easy


Oh yeah edit!

I don't know why people say Tales of Graces f was bad, I thought it was okay.

I agree with you. I think that tales of Graces is a good game, not a bad one. 

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I really like FF XIII I don't see why so many people dislike it so much, it's actuly my favorite FF game.

I don't like Dream Drop Distance I got so excited for it and got a 3DS and everything and it wasn't what I thought it was going to be.

I really enjoy Atlantica in KH I and II e

especially, the music part made good relaxing time from the action.

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Maybe it's just me, but lots of indie games that I see/hear about/play don't really interest me. It's great that other people like them, but they just don't really do it for me, I guess.


I think Tales of Graces gets an unnecessary amount of hate. The plot and themes aren't the best or most original, but they're at least entertaining and drive me to continue playing. The voice acting seems a little awkward as isn't as well done as most games in the series, but the voices themselves work and are not terrible. The battle system is fun (I prefer the standard Tales battle system so far, but I like this one as well) and it has one of the few synthesis/item creation systems I've ever enjoyed in a game. And, while it's visuals aren't as advanced as Xillia, I prefer it's more colorful and cartoon-like style.

Edited by DragonMaster

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tbh I like Democracy 3 more than Civilization V. I still love Civ but I like how in Democracy you get to play around with the political aspect of running a country, and in Civ I'm a lot more focused on conquering the world and building wonders than I am on any kind of political stuff (not that there's much of it anyway). 

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I personally find people who obsess over every little aspect in the competitive community of a game (CoughMeleeFanboysCough) to be  really obnoxious and annoying. Just let people play how they want to play.

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League Of Legends has the worst community. I played a game as Warwick in the jungle and I saw a person telling me that I`m the worst Warwick ever. You are not helping me improved my skills, you jerk. Seriously, I`m tired of these people giving me crap. I`m seriously better off playing against AI than people who are mean, If it wasnt for my friends, I would have left this game already. I feel like ranting a little bit more about this, but that`s all I can think of.


PS; At least I wasn`t Pantheon in mid, who should have been top or jungle, or Nami in top, who should have been support.

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