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Shard the Gentleman

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Want to tell the site about your unpopular opinions on certain video games, or video games in general? Feel free to let it all out below!My Unpopular Opinion:I actually liked Sonic '06.I like Silvers character, all of his actions are explainable.I liked the music from the game, along with the gameplay (except a few glitches, although they add difficulty to the game, which sorta makes it fun)The story was good for the most part. I didn't like the events at the end, nor did I like that the Princess was kidnapped all the time... but still, I liked it. 


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-I love KH Re: Coded, gameplay and all. I think it's better than DDD. Legit.


-I have absolutely no desire to play any Zelda or Sonic games *looks above*........I mean owo


-Mario games aren't very amusing to me.

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While I understand just what makes ME3's ending awful, I actually don't really have too many problems with it. Despite the vocal outcry, it didn't ruin Mass Effect for me. After realizing all the shit seeds EA planted during ME2's development, I almost hate that game more now. 


Again, Sora is underrated. 


Xion has - and always will - feel like a fanfiction self-insert character to me. Try as I might, I cannot see her as anything but that. There are several factors as to why. One being that 358 came out after II, and they developed the relationship between her and Roxas after I had already placed it in my mind that Roxas and Namine fit together. (Not romantically, however) Combine that with the fact that she looks like a re-colored Kairi and has connections to all of the main characters to some degree, she just feels like she doesn't belong. What I love about her, though, is that I think that was the point. 


Connor is probably my favorite protagonist from Assassin's Creed. At the very least, he's woefully underrated.


I refuse to play the Splinter Cell series anymore due to the voice change and the fact that Sam Fisher doesn't feel like the same character anymore. Things ended off perfectly with Conviction.


The new Crash Bandicoot game - assuming it ever actually starts production - should be a sequel to Crash Twinsanity rather than a reboot. Disregard everything after CB:T and just set it after that. Keep Nina Cortex's design from the Mutant games, but keep everyone else as close to their original incarnations as possible. It would work and it would be lovely.  


Either continue the Force Unleashed series, or de-canonize it. 


I actually like Raiden in MGS2. Sure, I get why people might have been pissed back in 2001, but 13 years later? C'mon, guys. He's not that bad.

Edited by Kaweebo

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I am really not a fan of Axel. I don't see what the big deal is with him or why he's so popular. And I hate that he gets a Keyblade at the end of DDD. Also agree with Kaweebo; I don't know what to do with Xion. She seemed like an unnecessary character to me. There's really no other way for me to put it. 

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-Final Fantasy IX is the best Final Fantasy game of the PS1-era.


-Final Fantasy XII is the best Final Fantasy game of the PS2-era.


-Pokemon Red & Blue are not even the best Pokemon games and the series actually got better and produced more original Pokemon after Gen 1.


-The Last of Us was one of the biggest let downs of 2013.


-Xion was a pointless character and I'll never understand why she was loved by so many.

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Mass Effects ending was fine. The extended ending did add quite a bit, but even the original default ending, to me, did the trick.


Call of Duty is actually still a good game. They don't add much to it with every release, but the games themselves are well made games.


I do not even remotely understand why Sonic has any sort of fanbase. The games past like the first two are pretty terrible, the art design is the stupidest thing in my eyes, and the characters are just boring.


The first Crash Bandicoot was amazing, but I find that I can't get into any game in the series following that one. I hate Warped, didn't get past the first level of the second one, and it's not even unpopular to say that the games made after Naughty Dog gave the IP up are pretty terrible.


I am all for movies based on games being made. Games provide a lot of great material. Granted, the final product is never good, but I'm still open to the idea of more being made.


Final Fantasy XIII actually has a decent story, but the gameplay is the worst the series has ever seen. Also, the pacing of the story is atrocious. Watching a cutscene archive of FFXIII was a more enjoyable experience for me then actually playing the game.


The story in the inFamous games is pretty shit. The gameplay is good, but it gets repetitive. In fact, while we're on the subject of Sucker Punch: They make good games in the sense of GAMES, but their characters are either unlikable or just bland, and their stories... aren't good.

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-Sora is underrated

-I hated GTA 4

-I think Legend Of Zelda is a dumb name it should be Legends of Link

-I don't like Halo multiplayer but I like Master Chief

-Gen 1 was the worst gen because Gen 2 was the best of Pokemon

-I can't stand COD

-I love Kingdom Hearts

-I love Sonic Heroes

-I don't care for the FPS

-I hate Kingdom Hearts RE:COM

-Silver is the coolest hedgehog

-I think Marvel video games where overrated

-Practically every Spider-Man game,other than the arcade beat em up with Venom and the one for the 1st movie, sucks ass

-I hate Gears Of War

-Uncharted was OK

-The WiiU is not in the console race and I regret buying it instead of a 3DS XL

-I hated Final Fantasy XIII-2 and the Lightning Returns demo

-I would've liked a Final Fantasy X-3 about 3 years ago

-They should've milked Final Fantasy 12 more because I loved Vaan in Final Fantasy Dissidia

-Mega Man is treated like garbage which I hate

-I like the new DMC art style and Dante and Vergil design

-I don't understand the hype around Metal Gear Solid but 5:Ground Zeroes looks cool

-I would rather have Xion stay dead and she not come back unless with a new hair color, new clothes, new demeanor something a little more rough and independent like Anko from Naruto, hair style, new PERSONAL,CUSTOM, AND REAL Keyblade and she becomes Riku's love interest. If this doesn't happen she can go die

-I would like if when Ventus comes back his body magically super-ages when he steps out of Castle Oblivion with long flowing hair like Kirito at the end of Sword Art Online Season 1

-I want Roxas,Namine, and maybe Xion to come as kids in the next Saga so we can see them grow up and play as Xion and Roxas as they grow up together like Riku and Sora kinda

-Infamous 1 was a 6/10, Infamous 2 was a 8/10, and I hope Second Son is good

-Street Fighter X Tekken sucked

-PlayStation Battle Royale sucked and they should've had a story mode that copied off of Brawl because I hated those pictures and dialogue scenes

Edited by Kaiser SilverSun

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Umm, I'm far to mainstream to do this but I'll try

-I don't know if this is different or not, but I've slowly been liking snow from final fantasy 13 less and less as the series goes on

-I greatly disliked the battle system in 358/2 days because I felt like I couldn't do anything to become powerful. I was a lvl. 76 and I was hardly dealing any damage

-I quite enjoyed the gameplay in re:coded. Well, the Olympus colisseum at least.

-I never really liked the Alice in wonderland world in any kingdom hearts game

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I hate Re:Coded. I tried the gameplay and gave it a chance, but i felt the controls were clunky and weird and i didn't like it, plus it had no story. I find it the worst KH game ever and one of the most atrocious games i've ever played.


I love the Final Fantasy XIII games, and as you all know, i will defend them no matter what. I feel the story is amazing, and easy for someone like me to get into. The gameplay is a bit repetitive with its Auto battle, but i feel the difficulty makes up for that. I like the first game alot(not as much as XIII-2 or LR tho) despite its Linearity. XIII-2 felt really incredible and same goes for LR(from what i've seen so far). I feel its extremely underrated and doesn't deserve as much hate as other entries in the series, *cough*FFXII*cough*.


I honestly can't get into that many FF games of the series. Aside from XIII, the only ones that interest me are VII and X, and even with VII its mostly interest invested in Crisis Core. I will get the FF X HD collection though. Ive play FF VI and i like the story and gameplay, its a great game, but i honestly can't get into it all that much. I hope to find the interest to finish it someday though.

Edited by spiderfreak1011

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Twilight Princess is the worst possible Zelda since the CD-i games.

Ocarina of Time doesn't really stand up to its original praise.

Majora's Mask doesn't need a remake, in fact, the last thing Nintendo needs to do right now is another remake. Remakes dun even count as games to most people. (Thus lowering the consumer rate for Nintendo)

Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo needs a fighting game made by Cyber Connect 2.

Jak and Daxter aren't that interesting.

A FemLink option would be a nice change to the series, even customizable gear and appearance. After all, Link was meant to be us.

People are too scared of changes that need to happen to iconic franchises like Zelda in order for them to live on. 

Edited by Vexoria

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-Final Fantasy IX is the best Final Fantasy game of the PS1-era. -Final Fantasy XII is the best Final Fantasy game of the PS2-era. -Pokemon Red & Blue are not even the best Pokemon games and the series actually got better and produced more original Pokemon after Gen 1. -The Last of Us was one of the biggest let downs of 2013. -Xion was a pointless character and I'll never understand why she was loved by so many.

Wow. I like disagreed with everything you said xD

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Final Fantasy VII isn't even a game I can consider "good". I don't consider it "bad", but I don't see anything that could make me want to call it good. Cloud felt too boring and I couldn't sympathize with him at all, and the story overall was pretty boring. I also found Materia to be a MAJOR step down from the Magicite from FFVI.


With the exception of the first 6 games and 10, I find FF to be a pretty bad franchise.


Final Fantasy XIII isn't unpopular anymore. I mean, seriously, Lightning is hyped up by so many fanboys, and a ton of people seem excited for Lightning Returns. The whole XIII hate thing ended a while ago, the fans still claim that its incredibly underrated though.


Ocarina of Time didn't age very well. It's a great game, I love it, but it feels so dated. I don't think it can be considered the best in the Zelda series.


I love my Wii U, it's easily my favorite console I've used. The Gamepad's really comfortable, and the library is growing into a really strong one.


The Last of Us never interested me, and after seeing gameplay, I can say that it looks pretty boring to be honest.


I like Re:Coded.

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I didn't care for Ocarina of TIme.


Xion is one of my favorite characters in Kingdom Hearts.


358/2 Days is my favorite KH game for story, characterization, and emotion. DDD for gameplay.


I think that the KH manga makes the story more entertaining than the games do.


Battle system that employ some sort of auto-attack and real-time cool down system aren't fun (think Xenoblade, FF12, FF13, and the like).

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-I don't like Sora

-Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog are not the worst things ever created by a human being

-Skyward Sword is one of the worst Zelda game(I like it,its just one of my least favorite)

-Chrono Trigger is not THAT amazing,its good,but its not one of the best game ever made

-Xion's death is not sad

-My favorite Pokemon generation is not Gen 2,its Gen 4

-Sonic Generations is probably the best game that was release on the PS3/360 (Excluding ports from previous consoles gen or HD remasters)

-I don't hate Atlantica in KH1

-The prologue in Tales of Graces f wasn't boring,it was great

-I haven't played it,but I don't get all the hype from The Last of US.It doesn't look THAT fun to play from what I saw.

-Wind Waker didn't need an HD remake(I'll still buy it when I'll get a Wii U because Wind Waker was awesome)

-I don't get why people want a Majora Mask remake so badly.It wound be great,but how about a remake of the original on NES,or Twilight Princess or Link's Awakaning.

-Megaman X7 looks pretty good,I'd like to play that game someday

-I don't hate the draw system of Final Fantasy VIII

-I can't tell if a game is running at 30fps or 60fps

-The Wii was my favorite console last gen despite the fact that it was less powerful then the PS3 and the 360,there were a lot of great Wii games

-I consider a game like Final Fantasy VI to have better graphics then games like Resident Evil 6 or Call of Duty Ghost or Battlefield 4 because of the art style.

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Ever since Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty has been the cancer killing first person shooters. 


Battlefield is transitioning from the best shooter series of all time to potentially one of the worst. 


Company of Heroes 2 was better than the first, improving gameplay, graphics, and story. 


Fun is more important than realism.


Valve is in danger of becoming as evil as EA. 


Free to play (pay to win) is a great business strategy for online games. I can save money by strategically picking the moments when I want to pay for content and bonuses. 


Zelda is over rated. The characters and setting is fantastic, but the storyline is a giant clusterfiretruck and the gameplay is bland and similar to other games of the same genre. 


Any form of Nazis are still the greatest game villains. 


Fallout: New Vegas is better than Fallout 3


With the exception of a few major series, Japanese games are slowly becoming irrelevant outside of Japan. 


Kingdom Hearts related:


Xion is a shitty character, get over it. 


There are too many characters that are simplified. For example, characters like Ventus, Sora, and Kairi are always too optimistic. They could be on fire while the world was melting and aliens were probing their butts and they would still be happy about it. Then you have characters that are too pessimistic like Riku, Terra, and are always going "Bleeeehhhh Waaaah darkness nothing waaah!" 


Keyblades are stupid weapons. Granted, the designs for them have improved and have actually gotten pretty badass over the years, but the original designs are just dumb. Sora was supposed to have a Chainsaw-Sword (Chainsword) before they dubbed it down for Disney. Do you know how badass that would be? Sora would be a little space marine!


The Disney themed Worlds are some of the best parts of the game, if not the best. However, a lot of them feel like filler levels and don't add to the plot. 

Edited by Amon

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All right, here I go...


Braig should survive KH3 and continue to be a recurring villain. All of the other XIII darkness's (including Isa) should die and stay dead.


Nintendo should make a "Legend of Groose" game.


Ghirahim is an even worse LoZ character than Tingle.


I don't care how fun the game play apparently can be, or how deep the story apparently is, no one should be teased or insulted, in real life or online, for not playing a certain M rated game because they find it inappropriate, no matter their age.


I think that there were some very good things in FFVII, but they were overpowered by poor graphics (I understand that graphics aren't everything, but come on! The next two major FF games had graphics that were significantly better than in VII, and they were on the same system!), often awkward game play, and significant amounts of "mature content" (seriously, Square went a little overboard with trying to appeal to older gamers).

Edited by Xigboss

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This is going to get good, I can tell. 


- Pokemon BW>Pokemon XY Mostly because of the story and post-game stuff. 


-Sigloo line sucks thanks to 50% of the design and 50% of the amount of praise it gets.


- Shrek meme>Sigloo meme


-People who complain about other people "complaining" about Pokebank are more annoying than them. (Note the quotation on the 2nd complaining because some of the bank complainers are actually trolling or joking around.)


-Metal Slug is an underrated arcade series. 


-Megaman Starforce series> Megaman Battle Network series. Mostly gameplay wise; most insist 3 panel movement sucks when it sucks more that BN has the most cheapest tactics compared to SF. 


-Megaman Battle Network 6 was overrated. For starters, final bosses were letdowns. Who the firetruck thought of having Gregar have 2 hit spots? (Forte+Double Point=GG)


-Move on out of DK and go make a new Metroid. I agree with people when they say this because I see a higher demand for Metroid.


-I can only see MK 8 and SSB 4 push sales of the Wii U. The latter not as much I would have expected thanks to Sakurai deciding to slap it on the 3DS as well, which will suck up the amount of sales the Wii U version would have made. (Don't get me wrong, it will still sell well.)

Edited by OmegaForte

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