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What I Wish KH 2.5 Remix Looks Like

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When I was looking for a video to show a friend I'm bringing into the series I stumbled across this. Watch in HD for your eye souls


Although this is through the magic of video editing by adding some motion blur it does wonders for the game and combined with a 1080p resolution (the recorder is only in 720) it would be amazing 

Edited by MasterWorlock

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If Square actually makes the game look like this I may forgive them for FFXIII and XII-2, Lightning Returns is alright. And if they make it look better than this I will never doubt them again

So you say you're just now getting in the series, so you haven't played KH2 yet?

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I really though we could battle Roxas or it was just cutscene then.

Yeh this will be awesome.

Yup we can really battle him, which is awesome

No I was bringing a friend of mine into the series and he recently borrowed and beat my copy of 1.5 and he wanted to see what was different between KH1 and KH2. Sorry about the confusion

"to show a friend Im getting into the series" is what you said lol. x D


Does he like the series so far?

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Yes he likes it, Though he was skeptical at first because he loves turn based rpgs and was not really interested in the disney aspect but after a few hours he started to enjoy it and ended up beating KH1 and Chain of Memories in 2 weeks. I told him to waint until after KH2 to watch 358. Im gonna have him play them in release order instead of chronological because I want him to have the same questions and experience that all of us had

Edited by MasterWorlock

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Yes he likes it, Though he was skeptical at first because he loves turn based rpgs and was not really interested in the disney aspect but after a few hours he started to enjoy it and ended up beating KH1 and Chain of Memories in 2 weeks. I told him to waint until after KH2 to watch 358. Im gonna have him play them in release order instead of chronological because I want him to have the same questions and experience that all of us had

Nice, good idea

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When I was looking for a video to show a friend I'm bringing into the series I stumbled across this video and immediately had a multiple orgasm Watch in HD for your eye souls

This looks like the place where Goku and Vegeta fought in Saiyan Saga

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