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reason why i have gone away

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For all of you that know me you should know this by now but i have been away because my laptop has been destroyed it was by my mom's bf. Now i might get personal here but i want to share it to you all. I have been abused by him hit and treated wrongly and because of him my mom has lukiemia, Yes i know i told you this will get personal. bascially we're still living with this pshyco  and trying im trying hard to communicate my my family from the u.s. unfortenatly he also destroyed my moms phone where she talks to my siblings. i have been working hard and earned money to get my mom out of this country. if he ever tries to hit us again he's going straight to jail. I know its sad she has lukeima and other stuff i feel bad she's living like this but im here to support her and im her only daughter that ever did... and i want to let  all the woman in this site, if a man hits you. call the police because that man deserves to rot in prison.


the story of my life


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I wish I could kick that man ass, and no he does not deserve to go to jail for that, they deserve to burn in hell for his ways!!!!

and yeah, let's kick his assThere's this website called poopsenders.com and if he has his own house, you should give us his address so we can all send him gallons of animal poop. That would be awesome Edited by Danex Darkfire

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Ino, where is this bastard so that I might smite him?

Seriously, though, he's wrotten scum, I hope he rots in the deepest hole for eternity.

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I'm sorry you have to go through this. Just keep staying strong, things will get better soon enough. Your mother is lucky to have a daughter like you who loves her so much. This guy will get what he deserves and I hope you and your mom stay safe still.

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I hope you and your mom can get away from this awful situation. Your last comment is true, if a man hits a woman then that guy deserves prison.We may not be able to physically be there, but you have our support.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your situation Inori. I hope you and your Mom can get through this obstacle in life, and move on to a better future soon. My hopes and prayers goes out to you and your mom.

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Stay strong!! 


I have a question though: you can't cause leukemia in another person. I understand he's abusive and awful, but if you ever go to the cops about this, you've got to make sure you've got everything straight, and you can't tell them he caused something he couldn't have. The police are frustrating and if they catch one incorrect fact, they'll doubt the whole story. BTW if you aren't already, start documenting the case. Take pictures of injuries, keep a journal of when he is abusive, etc. 

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I am sorry that things turned out that way for you .  I have actually never understood though , why do people share so personal stuff with people that they don't know from all around the world ? And,yeah, I may sound rude and I am sorry about that ,but people shouldn't share so personal and important stuff with strangers .

Edited by Nick Sideris

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That jerk deserves to rot in jail for hurting you and your Mom! I'm furious at the fact that he does such horrible things to you! >.< But God will deliver divine justice upon this fool, and he'll suffer each and every second that you and your Mom have suffered! Of that much I'm sure! And as your situation stands Inori my love, I'm sorry that you have to go through all this sadness and misery. :(


I have to say though, I'm immensely proud of you, because not only have you been strong, but you've been the only person that has been there for your Mom, and the work you've done to ensure the safety of you both is admirable. You are a strong woman Inori my love, and as long as you can keep on going, you must always find a reason to keep living. I'm so proud of the woman you've become, and I sincerely hope that things end up well for you and your Mom, and I hope you both get back to the US safe and sound!


I love you so much babe, and I wish all the best in the world for you, and many blessings to you and your Mom, and I hope she can overcome her lukemia. My thoughts and prayers will always be with you and your Mom my love, and I'll always be here, waiting for you to come back. You'll always have my full loyalty, love and support! :D Stay strong honey, and keep on fighting, for I'll be strong for you too! <3

Edited by Golden Fighter

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Stay strong!!  I have a question though: you can't cause leukemia in another person. I understand he's abusive and awful, but if you ever go to the cops about this, you've got to make sure you've got everything straight, and you can't tell them he caused something he couldn't have. The police are frustrating and if they catch one incorrect fact, they'll doubt the whole story. BTW if you aren't already, start documenting the case. Take pictures of injuries, keep a journal of when he is abusive, etc.

oh yeah i didnt explain well i was in a rush, basically when i was living with my sister my mom told me he didnt give,make her food so all she ate was plant herbs i know its sad. Thats how she got that he hit her lots of times in the stomach and head i dunno that causes lukemia but her doctor told her she has it and i wish i have a cam or a phone to record his guiltness but i said before he broke all of my electronics and i could write down whats he doing, even his mom doesnt do anything to stop his ignorant attitude, for give my bad grammar im typing to fast

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oh yeah i didnt explain well i was in a rush, basically when i was living with my sister my mom told me he didnt give,make her food so all she ate was plant herbs i know its sad. Thats how she got that he hit her lots of times in the stomach and head i dunno that causes lukemia but her doctor told her she has it and i wish i have a cam or a phone to record his guiltness but i said before he broke all of my electronics and i could write down whats he doing, even his mom doesnt do anything to stop his ignorant attitude, for give my bad grammar im typing to fast

Eh, I still don't think you can blame that on him. Leukemia is usually a genetic issue or if a person is exposed to a lot of radiation/harsh chemicals. If you can find a doctor to testify that it's possible he gave it to her, then maybe you could include that, but I think the police won't see it as possible evidence. 


Hmm, do think a friend would let you borrow their phone for a night?? Most phones now have voice recorders, so if someone lent you one and you kept it well hidden, you could probably catch some stuff. If not, a written log is good too. If you keep a log of what he does and when it'll really be helpful if you file a police report. Also I'd recommend trying to hide your log--keep it at school or something, that way he can't find it and punish you. If your school has a police officer or guidance counselor, maybe you could take some notes and bring it up to them? 

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I honestly want to punch this asshole. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. If there's any way possible to get this case to the authorities, do it. This man needs to be punished.

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I'm very sorry to hear that. Wishing you and your mum safety. Be cautious always and talk to someone whenever you're feeling stress. Be sure to keep your phone in a place where you can reach easily whenever trouble occurs. Hang there yeah.

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