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KHBbS Do you think they'll put much effort into BBS?

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You may have noticed that Re:CoM didn't look as good as KH FM, at least it didn't for me. Character models were blurry from a distance or during fast movements. Considering that, I'm kinda worried that the same might happen to BBS. The game is a PSP game as well, so I'm also worried about the texture quality on the HD version, as they might be too lazy to improve them. They look horrible on a TV screen. I'm kinda scared that they'll just crank up the resolution for BBS and do nothing else about it.


What do you think? Will they fix the blurry characters from Re:CoM and improve the texture quality or just crank up the resolution?

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Remember Square's promotional screenshots for 1.5? They were edited to make it look better. I don't trust Square in terms of graphics when it comes to trailers or screenshots. I attached one of them compared to actual in game graphics, see for yourself.


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SE used fake pictures to promote 1.5, so really nothing counts until we see the game ourselves, as Square cannot be trusted.

eh I still think it's gonna be great :) I loved BBS :D

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I hope they just make the online in the Mirage Arena much better because the fact that I have to go out of my way to make a wired internet connection for my Ps3(instead of wireless)just to use ad-hoc so THEN I can hook my PsP to my Ps3 just to play online,that made the multiplayer sucks for me


I just don't get it,the PSP is totally capable of going online through the PSP,so why do I need a Ps3 to play multiplayer on my PSP?


So I hope BBS's mirage arena will have a better online

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It probably won't get priority over KH2FM but I mean they have to re-map certain controls as the Dualshock 3 has more buttons than a PSP so I think we'll get some effort from them. Texture wise I reckon it'll be the same as 1.5 where in parts it seems like "omg lovely HD" but then you can clearly see the stuff they didn't do.


I still think the game will be good but we'll have to wait and see :D



Edit: Oh and I really hope Mirage Arena is actually online with friends. I mean they might just omit the multiplayer as you can do all of Mirage Arena by yourself.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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KH1 lost all its assets right? So they basically had to remake a lot of stuff from scratch which is why textures look cleaner. RE:COM they had everything so I think they did a lazy upscale. That's my worry with 2.5, since they have all the assets for both games I hope they just don't do an upscale as it could leave textures to still look blurry. However from the trailers this doesn't seem to be the case with both games looking better in HD then RE:COM did.

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They said, though, that the production of 2.5 is going much better than 1.5. Plus, this is the team that made BBS, so they have the know-how needed.



The game is a PSP game as well, so I'm also worried about the texture quality on the HD version, as they might be too lazy to improve them.

RE:COM they had everything so I think they did a lazy upscale.

What do you mean lazy? Please, remember KH1.5 was made by only two people. There is a limit to how much you can do with such a short team.

Edited by G-SANtos

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BBS will look awesome. Also, it'll be easier to put onto PS3 than Re:COM because its coming from PSP rather than DS. The trailer also wasn't probably put together perfectly either

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I hope they will do a better job then they did on the 1.5 because those screenshots looked NOTHING like the in-game models and I was a bit dissapointed about that.

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I hope they just make the online in the Mirage Arena much better because the fact that I have to go out of my way to make a wired internet connection for my Ps3(instead of wireless)just to use ad-hoc so THEN I can hook my PsP to my Ps3 just to play online,that made the multiplayer sucks for me


I just don't get it,the PSP is totally capable of going online through the PSP,so why do I need a Ps3 to play multiplayer on my PSP?


So I hope BBS's mirage arena will have a better online

Don't you need just a psn account? Or one that is activated?

I never got the possibility to play online on psp cause of wep which is unsafely.

Edited by KH4Real

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Don't you need just a psn account? Or one that is activated?

I never got the possibility to play online on psp cause of wep that is unsafely.

No,not just a PSN account


to play online on a PSP,you need to hook it to a Ps3 via the ad-hoc app from PSN and your Ps3 needs to have a WIRED connection in order for your psp to play online

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they're probably just going to blast it up from native resolution,  give it a widescreen treatment, and then give it a little anti aliasing so it's not as blocky as the psp version. it looks like they did exactly that in the trailer

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They'll do just like SCE did with God of War series.

There is a program that converts PSP to PS3, and the team needs to do just the final adjustments and stuff...

But I think the graphics AND the gameplay will be great in 2.5 *-*

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I'm hoping that they're going to put at least a good amount of effort into Birth by Sleep. 


they're probably just going to blast it up from native resolution,  give it a widescreen treatment, and then give it a little anti aliasing so it's not as blocky as the psp version. it looks like they did exactly that in the trailer

It's already in 16:9 widescreen. 

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To be fair, though, they had to basically rebuild KHI from scratch, so they couldn't spend a lot of time on Re:CoM because they were spending so MUCH time on KH1 (and 358, since they were animating all those cutscenes). The process is much easier this time around so they'll be able to expend more resources on everything. 

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