Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 When Jason got to the exit, there was an army of the strange armor standing in his way. "Get the hell out of my way!" Jason snapped his fingers and the armors combusted spontaneously. e then kicked the door open and walked outside. "We didn't have any leads from the start other than the fact the Humonculis was in this city." Jason said, his voice covered in anger and pain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 a monster busted out behind themand snow was just stadying there not looking not caring Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 Jason forced this one to combust too. It only took about five seconds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 snow looked and torw his board up then jumped on it and started to leave Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protoman 1,974 Posted June 19, 2010 Jake sighed, resting his left hand in a pocket while his other hand held a still warm coffee cup. "I suppose we should just look around." He had suggested. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 snow wehnt strate past them and didnt even look then he just startes searching ever hous busting thorw the window Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 "..." Jason had decided he was going to find and kill the Humonculi, even if Central told him not to go in alone. He would avenge his family. Jason looked up in the sky. There was a full moon. He walked around the house and found a door at the end of the upper hallway. Jason blew it open and found his mother was standing in the room alone. "Hello dear..." the woman said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protoman 1,974 Posted June 19, 2010 Jack was at the front of the house, thinking about everyone who died but couldn't stop the humonculi. What if that was him who died? What if it was someone he loved? He shook his head, trying to push the thoughts out. No matter how hard he tried, the cruel reality still lingered in the back of his mind. They died. He atempted to follow Jasons path. After all, he was his team mate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 snow looked then pulled out his phon and called jason"i found what where looking for" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 Jason answered his phone, "Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes.". Jason returned his attention back to his mother, "M-mom, how did you get here alive? Your not a State Alchemist like big brother and grandpa, yet your alive and there not." He walked closer to her. "I made it here thanks to your friend Noah." She replied. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Auxon 1 Posted June 19, 2010 By now Noah has walked away from the House. Noah turns once more too see the house. As he leaves he pulls out switch from his pocket. He pushes down on the switch. As he does, the room that Jason is in closes as metal doors slide down all around the room, enclosing him inside. As Noah leaves down a flight of stairs, he turns left and walks into the underground pathways. -Gone- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protoman 1,974 Posted June 19, 2010 Jack heard the metal inclosing around the room. He rushed towads the area, worried for his comrades. "Jason!" He shouted, hoping that he could hear his voice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 The woman laughed as she saw the door closed. "hehehehe, so easy to fool... I thought were smarter than that." The woman's appearaced changed and it turned out to be a Humonculis. Lust. She was massively stronger and had more powers. She turned her arm into a sword and extened the blade at Jason. Jason tried to dodge it but it cut off his left arm. Jason yelled in pain and fell on the floor. Lust walked closer to the boy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protoman 1,974 Posted June 19, 2010 Jack knew that if there is metal doors guarding a room, there has to be something serriously bad going on in there. Using his handy dandy chalk he always keeps in his pocket, Jack created a transmutation circle on the metal door. "Hang in there, I'm comming!" He called out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 Lust transformed again, into Envy. "Your finished." He said. Envy grabbed Jason's leg and slammed him on the ground on his back and chest over and over then threw him into the wall. Jason's forehead was bleeding and the blood covered his face. "D-damn you... Envy. Go to Hell." Jason managed to slip his ring off and replace it with his mstery ring. He held his hand up at the walking Envy and closed it. Four glowing Transmutation Circles appeared all over the room and there was a huge explosion of Light that filled the whole building and destroyed its interior. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 snow whent up to the room and slid making spikes come up they whent thorw the metal and into the room"jason can you hear me i was calling you to tell you about this" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 (Les say that came before. Just like if [Ventus]'s character manages to get inside) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 (mmmk my dud was calling yours to tell him about noah but it was two late) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Protoman 1,974 Posted June 19, 2010 (What? /stupidity ._.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 (okay, the buldings destroyed now and all Humonculi have escaped. We're all in the rubble. Let's start there.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 (he was saying that both or peoply where trying to get into the room befor he did his trick and snow was trying to tell him about noah but was to late) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 (Everyone clear now? Start from post 145) Jason pushed some of the wall pieces from on top of him. "Damn witch..." he said as he emergd from the rubble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 snow came in and helped jason up"you ok "lookign at him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted June 19, 2010 Jason looked at where his left arm should have been. "I'm not dead." he said. If that Humonculis wan't his mom, then where was she? And, it seems Noah is a Humonculis too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 19, 2010 snow looked at him"noah is one of them soo we can hunt him down becous when i looked at my momes body and smilled it a smilled her blood on his body"looking at jason Share this post Link to post Share on other sites