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Nomura comments on Kingdom Hearts III and the PlayStation 4

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Developers usually cut out some things in the game, it's happened in the past. I think he should cut some things out as trying to put too much into a game can have the opposite effect...and he can add what he leaves out in III in the next game or even IV.

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Plus, in the FF franchise, you KNOW that a new game is gonna come out, even if the previous one didn't sell all that well, but with KH we have waited for ages not knowing whether we would even get a III or not. 

I'll just say that I've been reading the interviews for 10 years, and Nomura confirmed KH3 would be a thing pretty much ever since KH2 came out.


It was never officially announced but Nomura had always said KH3 was planned to come eventually

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Finally. Nomura knows how much Sony has been hard on him about the game. At least Microsoft doesn't do the same or he would have commented on it, maybe that's why he's going cull third party support.

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Because all that matters is that you get the good stuff. It doesn't matter what troubles. As long as you think it's conceivable to get a good game, nothing else matters, because these hurdles developers have to get over don't exist.


*what troubles there are


*what troubles there are

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I'll just say that I've been reading the interviews for 10 years, and Nomura confirmed KH3 would be a thing pretty much ever since KH2 came out.


It was never officially announced but Nomura had always said KH3 was planned to come eventually


Whenever they use words like "eventually", that could mean anywhere between back when KHII came out, and the year 20---forget-it, and sometimes they just say that in order to hold us off with false hopes while they "consider" if they are actually gonna do it or not. So "eventually" is not a word I put any weight to.


I mean, if he has thought about KHIII ever since the release of KHII, did he know the whole time that he was gonna skip the PS3 and wait for the PS4 to come out? Which is impossible since he couldn't have known if such a piece of hardware would ever come out at the time.

It will be hard to surpass KH2 but i have hopes up!


IF we actually get KHIII, I know it'll be the best game ever made! :-)

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