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I honestly haven't noticed any differences in Proud Mode. I mean...I skipped beginner and Standard mode and started on Porud Mode, but the other two modes don't seem any easier... :

Oh wells. xD

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I honestly haven't noticed any differences in Proud Mode. I mean...I skipped beginner and Standard mode and started on Porud Mode, but the other two modes don't seem any easier... :

Oh wells. xD


yeah. i did each mode first with beginner then standard then proud.

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mmmmmmmm, no (I was told to fight him on Level 80 or up) but i was on level 72 and (after like 3 trys) i beat him!!!!


of course theres TWO THINGS i dont understand is............Where the hell did Sepheroth & Cloud go after they vanished and What did Sepheroth want with the Keyblade? i mean that big-ass 9-foot long sword of his isnt enough?

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mmmmmmmm, no (I was told to fight him on Level 80 or up) but i was on level 72 and (after like 3 trys) i beat him!!!!


of course theres TWO THINGS i dont understand is............Where the hell did Sepheroth & Cloud go after they vanished and What did Sepheroth want with the Keyblade? i mean that big-ass 9-foot long sword of his isnt enough?


NOOOOO!!! SEPHIROTH WANTS NEW SHINY BLADE!!! 9-FOOT BLADE GET HEAVY AFTER 10 YEARS!!! And they probably went to the Final Fantasy VII world :D I wonder if that's when Advent Calendar happended... probably not... even that would be too messed up for the Final Fantasy genre... would it???

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I nearly cried while trying to beat Sephiroth

My ps2 controller was the biggest bitch in town after my dog decided to chew the cord...

I think it took me a whole hour to beat him cause my X button wouldn't work.



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I just get pwned when I try xDD


wat lvl r u on? if u lvl up a lot it might help, oh and only stock elixirs(I beat him with hi-potion cause I'm cheap, but elixirs should be alot more helpful) If u watch his moves carefully u can see a pattern if ur good u can move just in time avoid most of his counters and just keep the heat on. I recommend using arial combos and staying over his head as much as possible.

oh, and if u equip 2 combo finishers u can time it right for double damage. hope it helps.

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Rogues right haha.


Don't just waste all your potions at a time :/ I was a big dick by doing that.

HAHA stock up on alot of elixirs and potions (: and ethers too, or whatever you call them.


They will save you D;

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hmm .. I think I'm lvl 58 O_o


no wonder u got pwned! if u want to beat him lvl up at least to 70ish. I belive u learn an ability called second chance somewhere in those levels that is VERY useful.

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I think I bet him when I was level 99 >.>'

I was




lvl 99?!!! u had nothing to be scared of!!!


oh, it was either second chance or once more. it should help u survive a combo from sephiroth. if nothing else youtube sephiroth fight and see if u can figure out his pattern.

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Of course I had nothing to be scared of when I was level 99,

it was my CONTROLLER that was getting me scared.


It was so broken xD and whenever i was so close to beating him I would just die because of my X button.

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Of course I had nothing to be scared of when I was level 99,

it was my CONTROLLER that was getting me scared.


It was so broken xD and whenever i was so close to beating him I would just die because of my X button.


ewwwww, that sux... I would have to destroy said controller as payback. seriously though wasn't lvl 99 overkill? that must have taken FOREVER!!!!!!

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lmfao well it didn't take that long to get to level 99 when heartless and nobodies are getting thrown at you from everywhere xD

I was trying to get all the treasures and just so happened to reach it

but then again it took ages to kill sephiroth, he was one hell of a bitch to fight xD

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i fought like 5 times in on night and died all 4 times then the last one i was sooo slepy i wasnt hardly paying attention and nxt thing i kno he has no hp and i leveled up and i have to go and find cloud and bring him to sephiroth!!

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i fought like 5 times in on night and died all 4 times then the last one i was sooo slepy i wasnt hardly paying attention and nxt thing i kno he has no hp and i leveled up and i have to go and find cloud and bring him to sephiroth!!


lolz, u got soooo lucky! *jealous* lolz xD

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