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Noah schiff

Who do you think will be playable KH3?/who would you like to play as?

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Who do you think will playable? I personally would want to play as Kairi.

I think it might be a little too obvious who I'd like to play as most...xD


But Kairi is a VERY close second. I'll be disappointed if we don't get to play as either!


But Nomura actually acknowledged that he knows tons of people want to play as them, and he said it's "Not impossible". : D

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I think at least Sora, Riku and Kairi.

We are getting different stories and we need to play with them to follow.

Mayby later in missions/multiplayer everyone will come available.

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I suppose you're right. But really what I was referring to (and should have made clearer) is even how Donald and Goofy don't think they're as good as Sora. Like how they're always referring to him to make the decision or act when something happens. Or how they'll be like, "Do you really think we can take them all by ourselves?" Or even how they got blasted by the Heartless when Sora met them. I want to see Donald and Goofy stand on their own more, and to be comfortable in their own abilities, you know? Even they're starting to feel useless, after all (as scene in the secret ending of DDD).


Oh yea. That part in DDD made me feel bad. Maybe it was hinting they will be major in KH3.

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