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Hey, just a quick thread about Donald. I've played through KH about 6 times (and stopped at Neverland each time) and i have come to realise something.


Donald sucks. I always thought this, but playing on Proud makes me realise it more. He goes down pretty much instantly, and once he runs out of magic he is useless. Goofy then uses all my potions healing him. Goofy on the otherhand, is the opposite. Just beast.


Does anyone else think Donald sucks, or does anyone actually use him alot?

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Donald used to suck for me in the beginning of KH1, but he improved later on once he got more MP and abilities so he could do something productive with them. In KH2, I think he pretty much stayed the same overall. It was mainly Goofy I had issues with. It feels like he got really...nerfed. He was more of a nuisance than a good party member at times, especially when his Goofy Tornado was moving the enemies AWAY from me D:

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Yeah I must admit that Donald dies pretty easily, but what I like about him is that he has saved me lots of times. I'm about to die and then I hear him say: 'Sora!'

Hehe, he's really helped in some tough times.


I've learned to never give potions to Donald and/or Goofy, they never use them for you, and they waste them all in three battles or less. Although when I arrive to other worlds and someone is added to my party, I immediately steal their potions, haha. Gotta make good use to them right?


In KH2, Donald id pretty much the same, and Wisdom Form is not so useful for boss' fights, so yeah, he is better as healer in my party than a fighter. (he drains out of magic using thunders and fires) and then he's pretty much useless.

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i dont really pay much attention to donald in kh1 cause i dont care. but in kh2 he always takes those last slow motion kills and it pisses me off so i always swich him with the secondary characters as punishment.

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same here, i would use him only when i really need magic, such as with a boss who i cant get near or i would lose hp, but in kh2 i use him so i could use the trinity limit, then switch him out

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in kh2 u can use trinity limit without him, me he sucks at all times hes useless, i always switch him with someone else other then that i just use him for ONLY wisdom form out of all the forms there r

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yes, i know about the settings in both games where you can configure how often a party member uses an item, but i never trust my party members with my items, ever, most often when a new member comes, i just take their stuff, cuz im mean, its data, heck, if i have the chance, why not?

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yes, i know about the settings in both games where you can configure how often a party member uses an item, but i never trust my party members with my items, ever, most often when a new member comes, i just take their stuff, cuz im mean, its data, heck, if i have the chance, why not?


I do them same. I just know that if I let them keep their items, they'll just use it all unnecessarily, when they've taken just one hit, or used just one spell.

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