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King Demise

Image Anime vs Real Life

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All this really shows to me is that anime people do not exist. I mean, if there was someone in the world who believed they were real, this is probably the weird flip-book that person would be shown in order to brainwash them into thinking otherwise.

Edited by Mr. Mancer

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A lot of these pictures look like someone drew the background scenery and just photoshopped the anime characters in front (not saying they did, it's just really jarring the semi-realness in the background and then the anime style of the characters)

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So Anohana did take place in a real setting.Fitting since the show was going for a more realistic story,but since the anime isnt that recent,I wonder if the 4 year difference would make these still shots even more real,after all the guys who made this show did do Sword Art Online and I heard its praised from an animation perspective.

A lot of these pictures look like someone drew the background scenery and just photoshopped the anime characters in front (not saying they did, it's just really jarring the semi-realness in the background and then the anime style of the characters)

Since I did a marathon on the entire series just recently,I can say with certainty that this isnt just something someone photoshoped,its from an actual anime,the title being Anohana:The Flower We Saw That Day.

Edited by lostmemory123

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