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Wanna know what Axel's catchphrase was originally?

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I already knew that, and I'm glad they changed it because "Got it memorized" is a way more awesome catchphrase then "Commit it to the memory" in my opinion ^^

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I didn't knew it was meant as a catchphrase when Axel said that :O Thanks for the info! Still "Got it Memorized?" is way better. I love that phrase i even made in school a motive on a jacket with Axel and "Got it memorized". It's on the back and i love it xD

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Just another proof that English dub is better than Japanese, cuz "got it memorized" sounds so much more badass than "commit it to memory".


The original Japanese 記憶したか is closer to "got it memorized?" anyway... (as in, it's a question, not a statement)


It was in the GBA one, and also mega briefly in the newer translation of the CoM manga, that came out June 2013. 


A quick flip through my copy of the 2013 manga has him say "got it memorized?" at that point. Don't know where you're getting this.

Edited by Ultima Spark

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I think I heard this before somewhere but I didn't remember. Thank you for clarifying

Well now you've heard it. Got it memorized?

Edited by Aang

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Sora too, in the Japanese Re:COM. 


Strictly speaking, no, but the scene is a good demonstration of Japanese politeness levels. なんだよ is simply a casual way of saying "what is it", "what are you" or something similar; you definitely don't use it in polite/distant company (and indeed it would be insulting to use it in that kind of situation), but in certain situations it's not considered rude (it's fine if you're talking to a close friend, for example; Axel and Roxas sometimes use it in such a manner). That said, the way Sora speaks, as well as his body language, does tell you he's not being friendly by any means. Fan-translators use "what the hell" as a way to get across how he's shocked at what just transpired.

Edited by Ultima Spark

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Strictly speaking, no, but the scene is a good demonstration of Japanese politeness levels. なんだよ is simply a casual way of saying "what is it", "what are you" or something similar; you definitely don't use it in polite/distant company (and indeed it would be insulting to use it in that kind of situation), but in certain situations it's not considered rude (it's fine if you're talking to a close friend, for example; Axel and Roxas sometimes use it in such a manner). That said, the way Sora speaks, as well as his body language, does tell you he's not being friendly by any means. Fan-translators use "what the hell" as a way to get across how he's shocked at what just transpired.

Ah, well looks like I stand corrected. Thanks for the interesting facts.

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