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Arya Stark

The Amnesia Games (Sign-Ups and Discussion)

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Well I did something with Bronshu and was waiting for someone to respond to it.  I didn't do anything with both him and Rexon remembering something because I know it will take a while to do, plus it would be a lot of text.  There's also me mainly focusing on the arena battle with Rex.


I'll do all of that and the Elsewhere part tomorrow.  I have something I want to play right now.

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lol, does no one remember how Nighttime works? Even if you all don't like talking to each other, everyone has a memory to sift through if they wish.

Honestly I don't have a memory for my other character because his RP died and then the 1x1 died, so I don't have anything resembling a story for him to remember and I'm just gonna let him fade away/die at next possible interval.. As for Brooklyn, well...And Derik interacted.

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Honestly I don't have a memory for my other character because his RP died and then the 1x1 died, so I don't have anything resembling a story for him to remember and I'm just gonna let him fade away/die at next possible interval..As for Brooklyn, well...And Derik interacted.



Replace him with Sandrew from Evraius


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Replace him with Sandrew from Evraius


(He is kind of ded, like super ded)

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Oh right. His like memory vanished from existence or something like that. You should still do it. The Watcher knows no bounds.

Well, think of it like thisDeadDeath himselfSuper DeathSuper punk deathDeath the kidLord DeathSandrewOn a scale of 1- dead.

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Or he can return the same way as the "Dead" returned to help.



He could do that


But that would ruin a bit of the story for Riki


And I don't wanna do that


Just saying, the Watcher could probably resurrect any fragment, soul, piece of flesh, or memory, that was Sandrew.

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He could. Gimme a day or so to mull it over. I did use him very recently.

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And it is daytime! All can and should post again, stating the awakening of your character, and dealing with the memory last received if you haven't done so already. Also, any objects or powers that you ordered have been given to you. Apologies if I missed something, simply alert me, and I shall deal with it speedily!


Also, Daniel's newest character will be placed in the Forest Group next post.

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 Replacing Ilya and Bers with these two since they're easier/funner to maintain.



Name: Shirou Emiya

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Clothes he'll wear for the RP http://anime.astronerdboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/04-Saber-hits-Shirou.jpg and his face  http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/00098ebc2af5f16c93fb57434797c9ee1395695773_full.jpg

Personality: Serious, yet friendly. This Shirou has accepted that he's weak and can't save everyone as he is, yet he will continue to fight for people and make them happy, even if it costs his own happiness. Has a teasing side, and can get very angry in times of need.

Lifetime Goal: To save everyone in the world, not just those he can, even if it costs him his life.

Story of Origin: Fate Stay Night

Weapon(s): He doesn't have one.

Projection magic: He can summon weapons or armor he has seen before, but at a lower quality than the original. Although he can potentially copy other character's weapons or armor, he prefers to summon his own set. As long as he uses the weapon, he gains the experience, ability and knowledge of the original user to the point where he can fight like them for the duration of the fight, and has a lasting effect on knowledge when he finishes using the weapon.


(I'm not actually planning on making him copy other RP'er weapons, I just threw in all the information.)

Kanshou and Bakyua, two strong swords that can return to the owner after throwing, which acts as a boomerang http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/224/5/6/kanshou_bakuya_by_aolorn-d5aubbb.png Originally owned by a blacksmith, and later Archer, Shirou fights with a unique style while using them, with no unnecessary movement. He can project more sets while throwing them for a triple boomerang attack.

Caliburn, a holy sword which is his strongest weapon, used by King Arthur. His fighting style is more defensive while using it, focusing on making openings before striking quick, powerful blows. http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_small/0/4929/608306-110.jpg

Rho Aias, a magical shield that can block attacks and projectiles. He can summon it near others to shield them as well. http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/617/617543-bigthumbnail.jpg

Berserker's sword, a large axe sword used by Hercules.  http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110727004924/typemoon/images/a/a6/NLBW.jpg

Unlimited Blade Works, a chant that gives buffs to him when he says them. The first line will strengthen his swords while the next one increases his healing. At full verse, he can summon a small field of blades to use. Even without saying anything, they can strengthen his bones to steel if he takes near-lethal damage.


Strengthening magic: He can strengthen other people's armor or weapons, or normal items like branches or wooden chairs to create makeshift weapons or shields.


Theme Song(opt): Emiya. 





Name: Kiritsugu Emiya

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/132/0/2/ki_by_mcdouglass-d650w43.jpg

Personality: Cold and heartless, he will do anything to accomplish his goals. Secretly, he is warm and caring, but pushes away those feelings in order to fulfill his role as the "Mage Killer", an apathetic assassin.

Lifetime Goal: To save only those he can save, because he gave up on trying to save everyone. Given the choice between saving two groups, he will choose the group that has more people, and will easily kill them if it means saving more people. He still desires to save everyone if he was granted a miracle.

Story of Origin: Fate Zero


Thompson Contender, his magnum that fires strong rounds that can suppress a target's magical abilities.

Calico M950, a small machine gun the size of a pistol, yet fast and strong.

A bowie knife


Innate Time Control, a spell that can speed up or slow his body to the point where he seems dead. He uses the chant Time Alter, followed by the degree of speed he wishes to use. The chant accel allows him to speed up, while stagnate slows him down. He can use release alter to stop it an any point. He can only reach up to quadruple speeds, or else his heart will stop.



Theme Song(opt):

Emiya Time Alter



And now the remade Gilgamesh sheet.


Name: Gilgamesh

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance:  http://www.4gamer.net/games/202/G020203/20150328004/TN/012.jpg

Personality: Cocky, arrogant, regal. Believes himself the most supreme of the land. He is capable of harboring affection, however. Cynical towards "mongrels" who have not proven themselves as valuable in his eyes.

Lifetime Goal: Collect all the treasures of the world.

Story of Origin: Fate Stay Night (The F/SN UBW version for this Gilgamesh)


Gate of Babylon: His main fighting style is opening portals behind him to show hilts of weapons from which he can choose from.


From these assortments, he pulls out weapons depending on the situation, such as strong, yet generic swords, lances, axes, maces, and daggers. He likes to alternate which ones he uses, and never sticks to just one weapon for a long time. His favorite way to fight is to fire the weapons out of the portals like an archer while gracefully dodging blows from enemies, or to use them as a melee weapon if he wants to play with his opponent.

Ea: His main sword which is stronger than the rest, made of godly materials. The sword has many special abilities, yet he only limits it to a powerful tornado effect for the RP, being able to fire forward at enemies. http://s209.photobucket.com/user/cryptlord_cc/media/m4811s.jpg.html

He'll only use Ea and Enkidu on enemies he deems worthy.

Golden Armor: Very strong armor that has resistance to both physical and magical attacks http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/8/8e/GilgameshCCC.png/revision/latest?cb=20120426162230

Enkidu: Chains that fire out from his GoB like snakes, becoming more tighter and hard to escape from depending on how high the enemy's divinity is. On normal enemies, it's simply strong chains.






now to forever debate these wip sheets



Name: Eto

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: http://data1.whicdn.com/images/158660364/superthumb.jpg

Personality: As a ghoul she displays a sadistic personality.


In her human form she's the opposite. Eto has a very childish personality and is very calm and uplifting.


Lifetime Goal: To make ghouls the top dominate species and overthrow humanity

Story of Origin: Tokyo Ghoul




Theme Song(opt):

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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A'ight, here goes :P (hope its still open or else this will go to waste :( )


Name: Henry Lexor / Hector (split personallity)


Age: 21


Gender: Male



Posted Image



Is able to summon an armor like this at all times during battle:

Posted Image

without helmet of course.


Personallity: Clam, collected and kind, eager to help others but eager to put whoever does evil down, he is quick to trust but quick to be suspicious as well, due to years of fighting, can be rather cold and merciless should the need arise.  

Hector is something different, he's sadistic and sarcastic, as well as cold and calculating, he however shows more honor than Henry, refusing to strike innocents as well as unnarmed combatants.


Lifetime goal: To destory all manners of evil. / To destroy any who opposes him and his other self,


Story of origin: The great alliance (Rp from another forum) 


Weapon: Merixiulis "The sword of the abyss"


Posted Image



Swords background: A legendary sword, wielded by the supposed demon lord himself before being acquired by Henry, Merixiulis is a sword of pure dark energy, serving as the perfect catalyst of darkness based attacks and spells, it is also extremely sharp. the sword grows in power the more darkness Henry charges during battle, the eye-like gem in the hilt glowing britgther and brigther the more power he generates.


The sword takes a different turn when Hector takes control, the sword's blade's color changes to a grey-ish white color as the gem in the hilt changes to a gold color, working the same way as it would work for Henry, instead with void magic.


the sword is linked to Henry (And indirectly to Hector), and any swordsman who wields it that it does not deem worthy, the user will find it unwieldable and its dark power will easily harm him physically and mentally at every second he holds it.


Abilities: Is a master swordsman, Able to use both darkness and elemental spells to his bidding, and combining them in combat, dividing his abilities in what he calls "Dark styles" of which he focuses on something different each one, able to switch them on the go and even mid combo.


His body is also hardened, both skin wise and mentally, allowing to resist mind control and to absorb hits easily.


Chaos Drive: Focuses on Offensive attacks, combining Darkness with Fire, creating a chaotic crimson like colored element with both element's properties, focuses on destructive power and extremely damaging combos and attacks, his attacks leave a lingering effect of fire on the enemy. This is the style in which he lacks the most in defense, as its all traded for offense.


Summoner: This style focuses on summoning a variety of weapons and creatures with his power over darkness, this style uses the wind to improve the speed of his summoned weapons when thrown and to boost his own speed, allowing him to literally blink around the battlefield without a second's breath, he can amass high combos with this style, giving the enemy little time to react, although the style focuses mor on ranged battle.


Soul Reaper: A style of which Henry focuses his darkness and the water element on his sword and mind, allowing him to "connect" to the natural flow of the world, and everything in it, greatly boosting his evasive potential as well, his sword in this style becomes transparent and intangible, only the hilt being able to be touched, the sword's blade in this style passes slashes directly at the enemie's soul, this however, leaves him unable to block an attack, and his evasive potential, although boosted, is limited, he however can use water to use a variety of ice attacks.


Sentinel: This style focuses on defense and sustainability, increasing his healing factor as well as massively boosting his strenght, although his speed is hindered greatly, in this style he can create extremely powerful barriers and shields of darkness boosted by the earth element, allowing for great tanking potential. He can call upon his Dreadnaught form in this style in which he focuses all his power into creating an extremely tough suit of armor, reducing his speed to a crawl, but increasing his strenght even more.



Posted Image




Oblivion: To be seen (Yes it hasn't even been shown in the RP he's in for 3 years xD)


Null void: Hector's style of fighting, utilizes nothingness as his weapon, distorting the very fabric of exisistence as he can wield power from the void, giving his attacks void power, allowing him to desintegrate matter, although limited to unenchanted objects and dead matter, he is able to generate "charge" during battle, to which he uses to unleash a variety of powerful attacks that consume the 'charge' he accumulates


Theme songs: 


General theme:



General battle:




When Hector takes control







Note: Hector can speak to others even though he's Henry's outer personallity, this is due to Hector's soul being placed in a magic pendant which Henry carries on his chest at all times, when speaking, the pendant will glow and his voice can be heard by Henry and everyone around, he is able to speak directly to Henry's mind, and when Henry opts to, Hector can switch places with Henry, sending Henry's conciousness to the pendant and allowing Hector to take control of Henry's body, although temporarily.


How Hector's power is void and Henry is darkness I will explain as the RP progresses...cuz it requires some memories.





Holy crud...that took me a WHILE to make xD even though I took the details mostly from his sheet in the other Rp.

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Not accepted, we're closed.



JK, we're still open. I'll add you in the next time I post. For the record you will be a part of the Forest Groups which currently consists of:

Rija Absilon - Carolina

Neena Mors - Carolina

Robert - Captain Arrowguns

Kyle Conner - Daniel Black


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 Replacing Ilya and Bers with these two since they're easier/funner to maintain.



Name: Shirou Emiya

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Clothes he'll wear for the RP http://anime.astronerdboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/04-Saber-hits-Shirou.jpg and his face  http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/00098ebc2af5f16c93fb57434797c9ee1395695773_full.jpg

Personality: Serious, yet friendly. This Shirou has accepted that he's weak and can't save everyone as he is, yet he will continue to fight for people and make them happy, even if it costs his own happiness. Has a teasing side, and can get very angry in times of need.

Lifetime Goal: To save everyone in the world, not just those he can. (Ironically, his goal was stated in the first scene he has, which made this super easy)

Story of Origin: Fate Stay Night

Weapon(s): He doesn't have one.


Projection magic: He can summon weapons or armor he has seen before, but at a lower quality than the original. Although he can potentially copy other character's weapons or armor, he prefers to summon his own set. As long as he uses the weapon, he gains the experience, ability and knowledge of the original user to the point where he can fight like them for the duration of the fight, and has a lasting effect on knowledge when he finishes using the weapon.


(I'm not actually planning on making him copy other RP'er weapons, I just threw in all the information.)

Kanshou and Bakyua, two strong swords that can return to the owner after throwing, which acts as a boomerang http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/224/5/6/kanshou_bakuya_by_aolorn-d5aubbb.png Originally owned by a blacksmith, and later Archer, Shirou fights with a unique style while using them, with no unnecessary movement. He can project more sets while throwing them for a triple boomerang attack.

Caliburn, a holy sword which is his strongest weapon, used by King Arthur. His fighting style is more defensive while using it, focusing on making openings before striking quick, powerful blows. http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/scale_small/0/4929/608306-110.jpg

Rho Aias, a magical shield that can block attacks and projectiles. He can summon it near others to shield them as well. http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/617/617543-bigthumbnail.jpg


Strengthening magic: He can strengthen other people's armor or weapons, or normal items like branches or wooden chairs to create makeshift weapons or shields.


Theme Song(opt): Emiya. 





Name: Kiritsugu Emiya

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Appearance: http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/132/0/2/ki_by_mcdouglass-d650w43.jpg

Personality: Cold and heartless, he will do anything to accomplish his goals. Secretly, he is warm and caring, but pushes away those feelings in order to fulfill his role as the "Mage Killer", an apathetic assassin.

Lifetime Goal: To save only those he can save, because he gave up on trying to save everyone. Given the choice between saving two groups, he will choose the group that has more people, and will easily kill them if it means saving more people. He still desires to save everyone if he was granted a miracle.

Story of Origin: Fate Zero


Thompson Contender, his magnum that fires strong rounds that can suppress a target's magical abilities.

Calico M950, a small machine gun the size of a pistol, yet fast and strong.

A bowie knife


Innate Time Control, a spell that can speed up or slow his body to the point where he seems dead. He uses the chant Time Alter, followed by the degree of speed he wishes to use. The chant accel allows him to speed up, while stagnate slows him down. He can use release alter to stop it an any point. He can only reach up to quadruple speeds, or else his heart will stop.



Theme Song(opt):

Emiya Time Alter



And now the remade Gilgamesh sheet.


Name: Gilgamesh

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance:  http://www.4gamer.net/games/202/G020203/20150328004/TN/012.jpg

Personality: Cocky, arrogant, regal. Believes himself the most supreme of the land. He is capable of harboring affection, however. Cynical towards "mongrels" who have not proven themselves as valuable in his eyes.

Lifetime Goal: Collect all the treasures of the world.

Story of Origin: Fate Stay Night (The F/SN UBW version for this Gilgamesh)


Gate of Babylon: His main fighting style is opening portals behind him to show hilts of weapons from which he can choose from.


From these assortments, he pulls out weapons depending on the situation, such as strong, yet generic swords, lances, axes, maces, and daggers. He likes to alternate which ones he uses, and never sticks to just one weapon for a long time. His favorite way to fight is to fire the weapons out of the portals like an archer while gracefully dodging blows from enemies, or to use them as a melee weapon if he wants to play with his opponent.

Ea: His main sword which is stronger than the rest, made of godly materials. The sword has many special abilities, yet he only limits it to a powerful tornado effect for the RP, being able to fire forward at enemies. http://s209.photobucket.com/user/cryptlord_cc/media/m4811s.jpg.html

He'll only use Ea and Enkidu on enemies he deems worthy.

Enkidu: Chains that fire out from his GoB like snakes, becoming more tighter and hard to escape from depending on how high the enemy's divinity is. On normal enemies, it's simply strong chains.



Oops, forgot about these. All accepted. Gil will be headed towards the Meadow group, and we'll have Shirou be with the forest group, and Kiritsugu be with the desert group. Those two will be added in my next post alongside Henry, you can post as Gilgamesh whenever your heart desires.

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Meadow Group is

Ryonne Neyelmnik - Carolina

Nikolai Lantsov - Carolina

Kinzoku - Carolina

Dom Locke - rikunobodyxiii

Brooklyn Morz - Riki

Bronshu Wes - Ultimus Grid

Reiner Highwind - Daniel Black


I think that's it.

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Apologies for the short post, I need to be sleeping, but I wanted to get Scrap and Soul into the game. Everyone, continue onwards with your life. I will hopefully have updates for everyone else tomorrow.

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