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Captain Arrowguns

If you could ban a Disney Animated Franchise from KH...

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Let's say that you could ban one Disney franchise (Aladdin, Robin Hood, etc.) from appearing in any future Kingdom Hearts games, including KH3, than which would it be? By the way, this can be a franchise already represented in Kingdom Hearts, or not.


For me, I'd ban "Home on the Range" because,


1.It was a horrible movie (if you've never heard of it, watch the trailer using the link below, and you'll understand why)

2. I just can't possibly think of a way that movie can be implemented into Kingdom Hearts properly. I mean, whay would they do, turn Sora and his friends into farm animals? Please no.



Edited by Xigboss

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Home on the Range, The Black Cauldron, Oliver & Company and Brother Bear. Some of these aren't necessarily bad movies, I just don't think they'd contribute anything worthwhile. 

WHAT!? WHY? It could definitely work because Taran learns what Sora learned in the first game, that it's a person's heart that make them a hero, not their weapon. 

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Can I just say anything on Disney channel now

Oh, absolutely.


Mickey Mouse. I mean, putting him with Final Fantasy is such a crazy idea, right? :P

Well, it could be worse. They could have Donald Duck as a party member! I mean, what would he even do? It's not like he could fight or anything. They'd have to make him a magician or something crazy like that just for it to work!

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WHAT!? WHY? It could definitely work because Taran learns what Sora learned in the first game, that it's a person's heart that make them a hero, not their weapon. 

I dunno. Doesn't fit, in my opinion. Which is kind of ironic given that I'm one of the staunchest supporters for Pixar and Star Wars. So, who knows? It could work, I guess. I can't really see it, though.  

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Oh, absolutely.


Well, it could be worse. They could have Donald Duck as a party member! I mean, what would he even do? It's not like he could fight or anything. They'd have to make him a magician or something crazy like that just for it to work!

Next thing you know, Goofy will be a knight who fights using a giant shield. Doesn't fit at all.

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I'd ban Snow White and (don't get me wrong but...) I'd ban Agrabah because i really don't like the worlds, but I really love the movie. Pinchoio and Dumbo... I really hate those movie's and also Pinochio's world's are the worst!

Edited by TheWayToDawn

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Let's say that you could ban one Disney franchise (Aladdin, Robin Hood, etc.) from appearing in any future Kingdom Hearts games, including KH3, than which would it be? By the way, this can be a franchise already represented in Kingdom Hearts, or not.


For me, I'd ban "Home on the Range" because,


1.It was a horrible movie (if you've never heard of it, watch the trailer using the link below, and you'll understand why)

2. I just can't possibly think of a way that movie can be implemented into Kingdom Hearts properly. I mean, whay would they do, turn Sora and his friends into farm animals? Please no.




I don't think people read that part....

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