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Shard the Gentleman

What I want to do before I die...

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Go to a Distant Worlds concertAttend E3Go to Boston during fallFall in love with and marry a Final Fantasy fanaticVisit a foreign countryGet a job I actually likeGo skydivingGo skiingWhoosh down a mountain Zip-line.Be happyMove out of and never return to FloridaWhat do YOU want to do before your untimely demise?

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I'm already doing it: doing the best I can to make it in this world.

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Go to a Distant Worlds concert

Attend E3

Go to Boston during fall

Fall in love with and marry a Final Fantasy fanatic

Visit a foreign country

Get a job I actually like

Go skydiving

Go skiing

Whoosh down a mountain Zip-line.

Be happy

Move out of and never return to Florida


What do YOU want to do before your untimely demise?


where's the 'Give Shera all my money because she helped me rule the world' part?


what I wanna do: 


meet at least on KH13 member irl and talk with them

help as many people as i can

establish world peace

make pokemon real

marry an incredible hot guy and create the ultimate otp ship

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Publish a book 


Have kids 

Write a sequel to Dracula that doesn't suck rear. 

See the pyramids. 

Finish KH II

Become immortal. 

that last one might be a little tricky ;)

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- Visit the U.S.A, Brittain, and Japan (Already visiting Japan this year xD)


- Meet up with my KH13 friends IRL


- Watch a soccer game where Cristiano Ronaldo is playing


- Meet up with my family on Brazil


- Drink one of the most expensive drinks in the world


- Visit the Eiffel Tower

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My fellow Floridians, how many more are there??


Before I die I want to 


-Travel the world or at least see most of Europe and Southeast Asia

-Move to California or New York

-Go to TomorrowLand

-Get married and possibly have children

-Meet some of my KH13 friends of course



I'm actually not too concerned about what I want to do later in life, I'm just goin' with the flow right now lol 

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- Not die in a couple of years 

- Expand my cult to a variety of areas for undisclosed reasons

- I might move upstate or to another state 

- I might get married and maybe some children

- Meet some of people on KH13

- Become immortal 

- Master magick or whatever it is 

Edited by King Demise

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Go to Disneyland,Paris,Boston,Pax East

Meet all my favorite YouTuber's

Become a big YouTube star

See an Aerosmith concert

Marry a hot girl

Have kid(s)

Get to see Oswald come back as a Disney character

Beat KH3

Ride a dolphin

Become an Artist.

Go to Disneyland,Paris,Boston,Pax East

Meet all my favorite YouTuber's

Become a big YouTube star

See an Aerosmith concert

Marry a hot girl

Have kid(s)

Get to see Oswald come back as a Disney character

Beat KH3

Ride a dolphin

Become an Artist.

Have a huge party

Eat Sea-Salt ice cream(from japan)

Complete my destiny

Have my grandfather cured

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Get all the bitches on KH13 pregnant, YEAAAAAAHHHH!


But seriously:


Meet my KH13 buddies irl

Be involved in creating a powerful story

Adopt a girl

Move to NY or Cali

Live in an actual house

Have one last rendezvous in London with my pal Sora. :)



...OK this one's kind of lame, like really lame, but...get Dracozombie to say she loves me and with sincerity. OK, pathetic as this one sounds, my real life friends say it to me all the time, some people on Game-freakin'-FAQs of all places say it, two people here say it to me, people on Deviantart say it to me but my friend DZ...nada. 

Edited by Winner's Proof

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