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Lu Xun

What's your opinion concerning the fact that there won't be any new KH games before KHIII?

What's your opinion concerning the fact that there won't be any new KH games before KHIII?  

169 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion concerning the fact that there won't be any new KH games before KHIII?

    • I'm fine with it. We've had so many games already, it's time for KHIII!
    • I'm fine with it. If they decided it, it's okay for me.
    • I don't like it. I think there should be more games before it.
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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Am I the only one who remembers the rumor about Birth by Sleep Volume 2? I'm actually curious as to what it could've been. Regardless, I still refute the idea of "side-games." They are absolutely not side-games (well, maybe Re:coded). Still, I'm never gonna play KHIII, so I really don't care. I'm happy watching a walkthrough.


My idea of what BBS volume 2 would be was the story of Aqua and Mickey before/during the events of KH1. I think this for a few reasons.

1: The video that first had bbs volume 2 in it showed aqua seeing one of the disney castles from her game in the realm of darkness, which would have happened during this time period.

2: Mickey said in one of the videos at the end of re coded (I think that was the game) that they were close to finding Ven's heart. Yen Sid then said that this just leaves Terra, which implies that they already know about Aqua being trapped in the realm of darkness, so I would assume that Mickey must have ran into her at some point when he went to the realm of darkness to get the Kingdom Key D. 

3. If it were to be anything else, I can't think of anything else it could be that makes sense outside of a completely different story except maybe something to do with Xehanort regaining him memories.


Now from what Nomura has stated, there probably won't be a bbs vol 2 game released. It would be cool though if at least there was a (internationally released) written story or manga volume or something going over the story. Otherwise the seeing the bbs volume 2 message in the final mix secret video seems kind of mean.

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Geez you people are impossible to please, If we have to wait a wile between games, you whine about the wait. When they give us games to fill the time you complain about there being too many side games. You do realize that KH III won't be ready 'till 2016 at the very earliest, and possibly as late as 2018 right? Until they're done with FFXV, which won't be until at least next year, they only have the Osaka team. even with both team working 'round the clock it could still be a while until the game is done. Watch, just watch, when we don't get any news about KH III at E3, the moaning and groaning will start up again.

they aren't complaining about the wait. they're just groaning about the thought of more games coming in between. try a little harder to read the context their posts are suggesting.


they're just saying that they don't want any more games cramming up the schedule. they're willing to wait...as long as there's no more road blocks other than FF XV

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A Kingdom Hearts game is a Kingdom Hearts game. I'm looking forward to Kingdom Hearts III, but if another game is necessary to set up the story for KH3 then I'll take it.

There won't be, but I don't have a problem with it if there is.

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they aren't complaining about the wait. they're just groaning about the thought of more games coming in between. try a little harder to read the context their posts are suggesting.


they're just saying that they don't want any more games cramming up the schedule. they're willing to wait...as long as there's no more road blocks other than FF XV

I did read them, each and every one, fully and my point is that they aren't complaining yet, but believe me, if the game doesn't release next year, they will be. Especially if 2015 comes and goes and there isn't any KH game to fill the void, 

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Geez you people are impossible to please, If we have to wait a wile between games, you whine about the wait. When they give us games to fill the time you complain about there being too many side games. You do realize that KH III won't be ready 'till 2016 at the very earliest, and possibly as late as 2018 right? Until they're done with FFXV, which won't be until at least next year, they only have the Osaka team. even with both team working 'round the clock it could still be a while until the game is done. Watch, just watch, when we don't get any news about KH III at E3, the moaning and groaning will start up again.

Personally I'm fine with no Kingdom hearts games after KH HD 2.5 until KH3 but I'd be happy if a new game comes for PS Vita but I highly doubt that. xD

Edited by AaySquare

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I did read them, each and every one, fully and my point is that they aren't complaining yet, but believe me, if the game doesn't release next year, they will be. Especially if 2015 comes and goes and there isn't any KH game to fill the void, 

most of the people here believe that kh3 is going to be released sometime in 2016, so i doubt that there is going to be a lot of complaints just because it isn't released in 2015. and you don't have to accuse people of complaining just because of your predictions.

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most of the people here believe that kh3 is going to be released sometime in 2016, so i doubt that there is going to be a lot of complaints just because it isn't released in 2015. and you don't have to accuse people of complaining just because of your predictions.

Actually, I was going off of what happened between KH and CoM

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