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This is slightly depressing XD

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So, it's the end of my seventh grade year now and I feel like absolutely everything has changed since the beginning of the school year. I mean, I know that things change every year, but, this year, it seems like EVERYTHING'S different.

I'm friends with people I never even would have talked to at the beginning of the year.

My old best friend is now a slut who has a new boyfriend every week.

My other old friends don't hate me, but we're never going to be as close as we were before.

I myself am definitely not as friendly or as sweet as I was earlier in the year. It seems like every day I'm getting meaner and more bitter.


I would go on, but, meh, the internets are not the best place for emo rants, no? ;) And I'm actually in a good mood for once, and I don't want to spoil it. xD

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keep tha tmentally and mind set, be oepn....lets see 7th grade....xD I feel so old! hmm...well i never liekd anyone in middle,elmentry, or high school....yet everyone LOVED ME...


Anyways....7th grade is that trnastion period in middle school.

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Everyone changes around this time.

I remember entering 6th grade I was some nerdy little girl with glasses and long frizzy hair who was super nice and can be hurt easily.

Now I'm leaving middle school as a artistic/rebellious teenager who can make peopple laugh at random moments and be the stupidest girl in the whole universe if I want to. I'm so badarse 8)

As for my friends, I've had four close friends for the last 3 years who have changed alot as well.

I have also befriended people who use to hate me.

So it's very weird but cool at the same time

It's just pretty much something mostly everyone goes through, I think

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i'm in colage....really the best advis e si to hang in there and keep an eye ont he ultimate goal..COLLAGE BESCAUS EIT. IS.AWSOME!

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