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Camp Freak [An original RP]

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"You... kind of... freaked out," Zack tried to explain, but struggled to say it, not wanting to offend her or bring back any bad memories.

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"But the... the thing that caused it... it's gone. Zane threw it out," he reassured her, and as he glanced over, smiled at the sight of Zane furiously scribbling away, trying to fix his drawing.

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The White Rabbit looked up at Zack before looking over at Zane. Then, she stood up on her knees and bowed until her head was at the level of her stomach. "Thank you," she said.

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"Hey, no biggie. We weren't gonna walk off while you were so bad, were we?" Zack looked over at Zane. The younger twin, realising Zack had been talking to him, scowled. Though Zack knew it was more by habit than any actual annoyance.

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"Not even Zane's apathy is THAT deep-rooted..." Zack smirked as Zane's scowl became genuine, and he turned back to the drawing. Then something occured to Zack.

"Hey, I never actually got your name..."

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"Huh..." Zack muttered, dropping his gaze to the floor. Zane came over, leaning over his twin's shoulder, for once looking genuinely curious.

"Hey, that's weird. It's the same for u-"

"Shut up, Zane!" Zack interrupted him, unexpectedly moving away, so Zane half fell without his brother's shoulder to support him.

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The twins carried on bickering for a little while, but both noticed the White Rabbit's confused expression. Their eyes met, and they smiled, Zack slightly embarrased at making her witness all the scrapping between them.

"It's nothing- just ignore us, okay?" they said simultaniously.

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"O... kay...?" the White Rabbit answered, her eyes raised in confusion. She then gave her attention to the ground, drawing circles in it with her finger again.

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Zane pulled a face. "Cut out the crap with the circles, it's weird."

Zack's face met his palm with an audible smack, as he cringed at Zane's lack of tact.

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"Oh yeah? How'd you figure that one out?" Zane said, voice snidey enough to earn him a warning glare from Zack.

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The White Rabbit glared at the ground. She pointed at Zack, without looking up, as she said, "I already told him."

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Zane turned to look at Zack in mock astonishment. "Are you hiding what she said from ME, Zachary? Your own twin brother? Your other half, your-"

"I'll tell you the second you get your head out from up your ass," Zack answered, voice dull.


A foghorn sounded from across the camp, presumably near the canteen. Zane didn't react, but Zack winced, sticking a finger in the ear closest to the noise.

"Urgh, what do they want with everyone NOW?" Zane grumbled.

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Zack and Zane stood up together, Zane heading over to pick up the sketchbook and crayons. Zack offered a hand to help her up. "C'mon. We don't wanna be late... After all, ZANE got himself in the camp director's bad books. I'm trying to make up for it."

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When they reached the canteen area place (...I'm sleepy. O.e) there was a sign up- a list of activities, which both twins scan-read the second they saw it. Zane stomped his foot. "Urgh! I KNEW they would make us do the stupid hike first!"


"Calm down. It's not like they're asking you to carry someone up there and camp with them all night, is it?" Zane said, somewhat snappily- he'd just about reached his limit when it came to Zane's complaints about the camp; especially the hike, as it had basically been the subject of a whole two hour long rant from him.

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The White Rabbit had no interest in the sign-up list, but was instead was looking around. There were those that were bigger, more threatening-looking than her. All she was was a mixed-breed; part human, part rabbit.Yet, the humans sent her here with some actual threats, wearing a suffocating collar. The poor Rabbit sighed as she stared at the ground below her feet.

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