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Pokémon X and Y - General Discussion

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...you cannot be serious. <_<

Well I never payed attention to the games, My friends back in the day when I was more into Pokemon always tried to get me into the games but they never interested me. I only went for the trading cards and watching the show so I never knew they made more of the games still x3

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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The New Pokemon Pics:

(lolol serebii not stealing)

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^^^ Starters, now for the *supposed mascots*

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*Pokemon X mascot - Xerneas*

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*Pokemon Y mascot - Yveltal*


#BeingHelpful :3 thoughts?

Edited by Ztar

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Well I never payed attention to the games, My friends back in the day when I was more into Pokemon always tried to get me into the games but they never interested me. I only went for the trading cards and watching the show so I never knew they made more of the games still x3


The'y're literally everywhere on shelves, they're the series' primary draw. You'd have to be wilfully ignorant to not see anything beyond G1/G2.

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The'y're literally everywhere on shelves, they're the series' primary draw. You'd have to be wilfully ignorant to not see anything beyond G1/G2.

Not everywhere, thats too much of an exaggeration, Otherwise I'd definitely know about them. I remember hearing of Pokemon Platinum and thats the last one ive heard of x3

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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the graphics and the 3d design looked great! though the water starter kinda looks like a well... a frog. lol even so, DAMMIT NINTENDO TAKE MY MONEY


grass/fire starter ftw :D

btw did any noticed that the grass started sort of resembled osshawat?

Edited by Janaghan Jehatheesan

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Not everywhere, thats too much of an exaggeration, Otherwise I'd definitely know about them. I remember hearing of Pokemon Platinum and thats the last one ive heard of x3


because a simple "pokemon" google search wouldn't have answered anything, clearly


and just how remotely do you live that you don't see a newer Pokémon game on shelf, Platinum is over 4 years old now

Edited by Ultima Spark

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because a simple "pokemon" google search wouldn't have answered anything, clearly


and just how remotely do you live that you don't see a newer Pokémon game on shelf, Platinum is over 4 years old now

Pokemon isnt exactly the most popular game franchise you know :3 and Idk none of my friends speak of it no really their thing either I guess, I do know that I see pokemon at like Gamestop and what not but I dont really pay attention to the details of the box to see which game it is sooooooo yea the only last one I heard of was Platinum and so yeaaa apparently Im Patrick Star and I live under a rock :P!

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I love how the bird looks like a Y. VERY CLEVER GAMEFREAK!

I just noticed that '-' at least the deer is in X for X-tra AWESOME >:}

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Pokemon isnt exactly the most popular game franchise you know :3

Posted Image
so yeaaa apparently Im Patrick Star and I live under a rock

I'm done, you're clearly a lost case.

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The New Pokemon Pics:

(lolol serebii not stealing)


^^^ Starters, now for the *supposed mascots*

Posted Image *Pokemon X mascot*

Posted Image *Pokemon Y mascot*


#BeingHelpful :3 thoughts?


I prefer to Y-Mascot. The X-Hirsch looks to... fabulous to me xD

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Pokemon isnt exactly the most popular game franchise you know :3

Posted Image

so yeaaa apparently Im Patrick Star and I live under a rock


I'm done, you're clearly a lost case.

It isntttttttt .-. pshh lost case >.>


Posted Image


Least I know what Pokemon is :D Thats more important that anything right there ;P It's awesome

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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For the first Time I can't decide which Version I should get... They look both freaking badass...And I like the German Names ... It's again totally dumb xDFire: Fynx (X and Y)Water: Froxy (X and Y)Grass: Igamaro (Wait, what?)

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Yes, a worldwide release!!!!

Going in completely blind for once!

I bet that whole leaked pokemon/nintendo-fansite-threatening fiasco from last Gen probably spurred them in this direction.

Loving the new legends and starters, and thirsty for more info.

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Living everything, especially the legendaries. All except for 2/3 starters... Is it me or they look like fan-made Pokemon? (Okay, maybe the fox too, but at least it looks decent)

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