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Pokémon X and Y - General Discussion

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What Serebii said:

The first details of CoroCoro appears to have come out. With special thanks to my friend Gin for translation. First, the Pokémon on the far right is called Gogoat (ゴーゴート literally Gohgohto) and is the Riding Pokémon. It's Grass-type, 1.7m and 91.0kg. You can actually ride this Pokémon in the field. It can learn Horn Leech
The lizard is called Elikiteru (エリキテル) and is a Electric/Normal-type. It is the Generation Pokémon and is 0.5m and 6.0kg. It has a new move called Parabola Charge which heals the user while damaging opponents. It uses solar rays to generate electricity
The bird is called Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ) and is the Japanese Robin Pokémon. It is Normal/Flying, 0.3m and 1.7kg. It announces itself with a beautiful voice. It can use the move Flame Charge
The panda is called Yancham ( ヤンチャム) and is the Naughty Pokémon. It is Fighting-type, 0.6m and 8.0kg. It has a new move called Parting Remark
There appears to be more including the game's boxarts, and the Pokédex, as well as the region map but it's not completely visible. We'll bring more as it comes so be sure to keep checking. It also promises more information on Gogoat on a later page.
The game is set in the Karos Region which appears to be based on France. You can customise your trainer slightly with hair colour and skin shade. Main city is Miare City which is where it is seen to ride Gogoat
We have the cover and it shows that these four Pokémon may be the only new ones in it. It also shows the boxart
Closeup image of the customisation
Edited by Animepowerranger22

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I really like the new Pokemon. They look like they could fit in one of the old Gens but also new and fresh.And the Region reminds of Johto, though there is only this small picture of it.

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I hope that they have the option to make the male trainer shirtless,and before anyone accuse me of being gay,I just want to make him look badass like a fighting-type trainer.

I really like the new Pokemon. They look like they could fit in one of the old Gens but also new and fresh.And the Region reminds of Johto, though there is only this small picture of it.

And that's why I like the new region,because it reminds me of Johto and the new Pokemon designs are very good without being over the top clusterf.ucks(White Kyurem and Black Kyurem=Yu gi oh Polymarization)

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Here's a closer look at everything in the article

(old) Screenshot:

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Maire City:

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Main playable characters:

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And the customization:

Posted Image


And new information on Chespin who is confirmed not to be a hedgehog (damn straight) as well as Fennekin and Froakie:


Also, information about the starter Pokémon has been revealed. Chespin, the Chestnut Pokémon, has a tough shell covering its head and back, can learn Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip and Rollout, and is 0.4 m tall and weighs 9.0 kg. Fennekin has 200°C flames, and is 0.4 m tall and weighs 9.4 kg. Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokémon, is able to jump as high as a three-story building, and is 0.3 m tall and weighs 7.0 kg.
Edited by Weiss

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Wait, they're writing in the Article that Chespin "isn't a hedgehog" or what? Because the German name is 100% referrering to a Hedgehog O: If it's something else they made a grievous mistake.

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Wait, they're writing in the Article that Chespin "isn't a hedgehog" or what? Because the German name is 100% referrering to a Hedgehog O: If it's something else they made a grievous mistake.

It calls it the chetsnut Pokemon and says it has a hard shell so that's pretty much confirming it.


Also the lizard pokemon's name is now confirmed to be Erikiteru 

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Dang guys, what's up with the posts, they look like reposts/I'm seeing the same thing on almost every post xD.


Box art seems plain IMO. Maybe I'm still used to BW 2 art.

Edited by OmegaForte

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It calls it the chetsnut Pokemon and says it has a hard shell so that's pretty much confirming it.

Not necessarily... Erikiteru is called the "Generation" Pokemon, but it's obviously not a generator o.o It's a lizard with generating power. And Chespin is most likely a combination of a Chestnut and a Hedgehog :P

Also the lizard pokemon's name is now confirmed to be Erikiteru

Serebii says Elikiteru (because it can be L or R) but I think Erikiteru is way better. It has my name in it (Erik), so it has to be better. I hope they don't change the name too much in our Version Edited by VanitasTheBest

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Probably half the forum knows about these since they're in the XY Thread, but I don't see anything on their information! Here you go! Don't forget to discuss!



Posted Image

(Japanese: ヤンチャム Yanchamu) is a Fighting-type Pokémon.

It is currently unknown if it evolves into or from another Pokémon.


Yanchamu seems to be based on the panda.

Name origin

Yanchamu comes from やんちゃ yancha (naughty).


Naughty Pokémon




Imperial 0.6 m


17.6 lbs.

8.0 kg





Posted Image

(Japanese: ヤヤコマ Yayakoma) is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon.

It is currently unknown if it evolves into or from another Pokémon.


Yayakoma is based on a Japanese Robin.

Name origin

Yayakoma is derived from コマドリ komadori (Japanese Robin).


Japanese Robin Pokémon




Imperial 0.3 m


3.7 lbs.
Imperial 1.7 kg

Posted Image

(Japanese: エリキテル Erikiteru) is a dual-type Electric/Normal Pokémon.

It is currently unknown if it evolves into or from another Pokémon.

  • Erikiteru is the first Pokémon to have Normal-type as a secondary typing.

Erikiteru is based on a lizard. It may be based on the spotted salamander, a salamander that can photosynthesize.

Name origin

Erikiteru is likely a combination of elekiter and エリマキトカゲ erimaki tokage (frill-necked lizard).


Generation Pokémon




Imperial 0.5 m


13.2 lbs.
Imperial 6.0 kg

Posted Image

(Japanese: ゴーゴート Gōgōto) is a Grass-type Pokémon.

It is currently unknown if it evolves into or from another Pokémon.

Special abilities

The player can ride Gōgōto in Miare City.


Gōgōto is based on a goat.

Name origin

Gōgōto comes from go and goat.




A few quick things:


Seems that you can ride pokemon, and/or they can special abilities in the overworld. I also think it's interesting to see an Electric/Normal Pokemon. Still want my Fire/Water and Steel/Poison, though. Keep in mind that these aren't entirely official, and these are taken from Bulbapedia.

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Shouldn't the first one's species be the "Kung-foo Panda Pokemon"?


I was doubtful but it turns out these are real, at least Silliconera seems to think so and they're pretty reliable.


BTW. The same article says the new trainers ARE customizable. You can pick the skin and hair color.


Edited by Sora_Kuno

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Shouldn't the first one's species be the "Kung-foo Panda Pokemon"?

Not sure if i should believe this. Except the starters NO new Pokemon has had their type revealed yet, but all of these have a type listed.

That's what I said. I said these aren't entirely official. I realize that there are fake pranks, but these...seem to look like the V Pokemon.

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Looks so good. BTW, what ones of the four new ones do you guys think look good and/or cool. Erikiteru I find isn't really cool, but it has an interesting typing. It's also the only one I can spell the name (Japan) without looking at it. I can't remember the other three. The pandas' Yanchama, right? Doubt it.

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Looks so good. BTW, what ones of the four new ones do you guys think look good and/or cool. Erikiteru I find isn't really cool, but it has an interesting typing. It's also the only one I can spell the name (Japan) without looking at it. I can't remember the other three. The pandas' Yanchama, right? Doubt it.

Yanchamu is definitely my fave!

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The Karos Pokédex will be separated into three sections:
 Central Karos Pokedex
Coastal Karos Pokedex 
Mountain Karos Pokedex
Source: Serebii

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The Karos Pokédex will be separated into three sections:
 Central Karos Pokedex
Coastal Karos Pokedex 
Mountain Karos Pokedex
Source: Serebii

Didn't Black and White 2 do that with the Habitat section in the Pokedex???


Anyway I'm soooooooooooooooooo excited for Pokemon X&Y 

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I was watching this:http://m.youtube.com/?reload=3&rdm=mmjgfg5d6#/watch?feature=g-high-u&v=9XrZXftTiA8 and it said that there may be a new type because on Pokemon smash they were talking about slyveon and they said it was strong against ice and weak against poison and some other type I forgot. Anyway, I think if there is a new type it will be either light or fairy. What do you guys think it is?

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