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Sofia the First in Kingdom Hearts

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  On 1/1/2014 at 10:03 PM, TheTimidLight said:

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  On 1/1/2014 at 10:05 PM, Jaune Arc said:

Yeah, because we all want to summon a little girl to help us fight...



  On 1/1/2014 at 10:08 PM, Aile said:




  On 1/1/2014 at 10:08 PM, Danex Darkfire said:

Um............. No



  On 1/1/2014 at 10:10 PM, TheWayToDawn said:

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  On 1/1/2014 at 10:30 PM, ReikuSSR said:


I am against Sofia being in the game, but... 


  SPOILERS: Click to reveal




  On 1/1/2014 at 11:07 PM, Nweintraub said:




  On 1/2/2014 at 8:13 AM, Nick Sideris said:

No . Just no .



  On 1/2/2014 at 11:45 AM, KittensOnFire said:

Last time I checked Kairi was the same age as sora

Are you saying sora is a little boy too?









Sure, Fanmade , but that's where shits going

Also I'm pretty sure you're just a kairi hater with xora98 since you like all her posts

On topic: HELL NO



  On 1/2/2014 at 12:22 PM, Xora98 said:

No thank you



  On 1/2/2014 at 5:12 PM, Rob base said:

Never ever...no... 



  On 1/2/2014 at 5:19 PM, Caity Raindrop said:

Personally I don't care to see her

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  On 1/14/2014 at 10:27 PM, Nweintraub said:

I've been waiting to say this rhyme, & now, this is the time...

Do not tell me what to do. I do not take orders from you!

i own you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  On 1/1/2014 at 10:00 PM, Andre Walker said:

I was watching an episode of Sofia the First and then it hit me. What if Enchancia was a world in Kingdom Hearts? Maybe Cedric could be a boss, and after you clear it either Sofia or Clover could be a summon.


While I know nothing about Sofia the First untill I saw this thread and looked her up, I actually wouldn't mind if she made an appearance in KHIII xD I mean think about it guys, in KHII we have a "level" where we have to protect Disney Castle from being taken over by Malificent, so I could totally see a similar idea returning in KHIII where Sora this time has to protect Sofia's kingdom from the forces of even. Plus, Sora is older now, so I could totally imagine that he becomes friends with her and acts as her older brother, thus showing us how much he's matured over the years :) and then when he has brought peace back to her world, she is sad to see him leave, but they then do the pinky-swear, and Sora promises her that he'll always be in her heart to protect her. In return, Sofia then gives Sora her lucky-charm (or whatever object they can come up with), and says that as long as he's in her heart, she'll be in his. And with that charm you can now summon her! :D and just like Tinker Bell being a ridiculously overpowered summon in KH1 and like the gamebreaking female characters in Castlevania; she turns out to be the best summon in the game! Acting like a healer/one-time-reviver for Sora just like Tinker Bell was, while also damaging the enemy! (wuav, this turned into quite a fanfiction xD )


But in all seriousness, I really wouldn't mind seeing her as a summon in KHIII :) anything to enrich the experience and as long as it doesn't ruin the game!! And to everyone who are against it without reason... what hurt could a little princess POSSIBLY do?^_^

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From what I've seen of the show she already knows of other Disney princesses/Characters so it would be easy to fit it into the story.


I think an Enchancia world would be interesting if they did some kind of war against Cedric.


As for Sofia as a summon she could be like Genie(from Aladdin) and use her amulet to go into different "drive forms" based on the other Disney princesses.

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  On 1/19/2014 at 12:02 AM, SorrowSurvivor said:

From what I've seen of the show she already knows of other Disney princesses/Characters so it would be easy to fit it into the story.


I think an Enchancia world would be interesting if they did some kind of war against Cedric.


As for Sofia as a summon she could be like Genie(from Aladdin) and use her amulet to go into different "drive forms" based on the other Disney princesses.


Glad I'm not the only one seeing this idea from a constuctive point of view :) and YOUR idea for how she would act as a summon ain't half bad either, I could totally see that work! And then perhaps ALSO give her the abiltity to revive Sora once, thus acting as a combination of Genie and Tinker Bells. Maybe it sounds overpowered, but then again, that's why summons only stay active for a limited time^_^

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  On 1/18/2014 at 11:41 PM, PikaLink91 said:

While I know nothing about Sofia the First untill I saw this thread and looked her up, I actually wouldn't mind if she made an appearance in KHIII xD I mean think about it guys, in KHII we have a "level" where we have to protect Disney Castle from being taken over by Malificent, so I could totally see a similar idea returning in KHIII where Sora this time has to protect Sofia's kingdom from the forces of even. Plus, Sora is older now, so I could totally imagine that he becomes friends with her and acts as her older brother, thus showing us how much he's matured over the years :) and then when he has brought peace back to her world, she is sad to see him leave, but they then do the pinky-swear, and Sora promises her that he'll always be in her heart to protect her. In return, Sofia then gives Sora her lucky-charm (or whatever object they can come up with), and says that as long as he's in her heart, she'll be in his. And with that charm you can now summon her! :D and just like Tinker Bell being a ridiculously overpowered summon in KH1 and like the gamebreaking female characters in Castlevania; she turns out to be the best summon in the game! Acting like a healer/one-time-reviver for Sora just like Tinker Bell was, while also damaging the enemy! (wuav, this turned into quite a fanfiction xD )


But in all seriousness, I really wouldn't mind seeing her as a summon in KHIII :) anything to enrich the experience and as long as it doesn't ruin the game!! And to everyone who are against it without reason... what hurt could a little princess POSSIBLY do?^_^

that nice :D and maybe  Xemnas can take cedric role as a bad guy.

Edited by Andre Walker

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  On 1/7/2014 at 9:05 PM, DaxtotheMax said:

I think it would be funny to see Sofia fight,but I do NOT want to see Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at all or have anything to do with the matter it's a fool of Mickey Mouse and it would make a fool of the KH series.

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source: http://rh7x9.deviantart.com/art/Where-s-King-Mickey-201035967


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  On 1/19/2014 at 12:19 AM, PikaLink91 said:

Glad I'm not the only one seeing this idea from a constuctive point of view :) and YOUR idea for how she would act as a summon ain't half bad either, I could totally see that work! And then perhaps ALSO give her the abiltity to revive Sora once, thus acting as a combination of Genie and Tinker Bells. Maybe it sounds overpowered, but then again, that's why summons only stay active for a limited time^_^


Yup, she could be worked in nicely. In fact it doesn't even need to be Sora who meets her/summons her. If we get to play as other characters like Aqua or Kairi then it would be alright having more healing/revive/magic summons for them.

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