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So, what you all think of the English cast of BBS? For me,


Terra : Okay, but needs a little deeper

Ven : Exellent! (obviously Jesse McCartney)

Aqua: Superb! Really suits her!

Vanitas : His voice is really kick-ass!

M. Eraqus : Good

M. Xehanort : Eemm...


btw, the boss with the blue weapon really powerful!! maybe, stronger than sephiroth?

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I found Aqua's voice boring at the beginning. But after that she sounded Great! Especially These lines:"Look Out!" and "He's not as weak as you think."


Terra sounded good, but yeah it needs to be a little deeper.

Ven's is perfect!

MX...sounded like a very serious Yoda to me.

Master Eraqus was good.

Vanitas' voice was smexay!


The rest are all great!

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terra: hmm...i like it :D but...yeah it could be a tiny bit deeper

vens: awsome :D

aqua: muy bien!

vanitas: omigosh i LUV HIS VOICE!!!! i want to marry it

xehanort: hard to understand at times...but good :/

eraqus: eh....?


luuuuv the rest <3 <3 <3 they did a really good job casting <3

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I, oddly, don't think Terra's voice is that high at all. It's at around the same pitch as Riku's in KH2 and Days, which I was imagining it as anyway, to be honest. At least he's not Xemnas deep, right? And he's good when he gets emotional!


Aqua... I need some time for her voice to sink in. I'm getting used to it, although I like how she sounds a bit throaty. I'll probably like her voice a lot more when I hear it in some proper cutscenes. At the moment, it seems like they literally dubbed the trailer itself.


I really like Ven's voice. I'm usually okay with Jesse McCartney's acting- but in the trailer, he kind of stunned me. I wasn't expecting him to be that good.


Vanitas. There are no words for the love I have for his voice- and for Haley Joel Osment for pulling it off. So glad they didn't screw him up, best voice in the trailer.


I was fine with Master Eraqus, though he was well casted. But, Master Xehanort... I'm sure I can get used to it. But right now every time I hear him speak I giggle.

I'm expecting him to start using Yoda-backwards-speak any time soon.

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Aqua's voice is total shit. You could hear Willa Holland's voice cracking at the start.


Vanitas' is pretty much just what I expected.


Terra's is pretty good.


Master Xehanort's is really good, sounds right for the character.


Eraqus' is alright but it sounds a little too young for him.



Haley Joel Osment, we underestimated you.

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Terra: pretty good

Ven: perfect!

Aqua: too deep and kinda monotone.... (i HATE her voice!!)

Vanitas: really good (yes!Haley Joel Osment kept him from sounding like Sora! that would just be weird to listen to...)

Eraqus: ok

Xehanort: ummm hard to understand....

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Here is what I though of the english trailer of BBS.


Terra: Pretty good - his voice kind of reminds me of Zack Fair, but overall good job.


Aqua: Sounded too deep to me. too monotone. not too big of a fan of her voice.


Ven: awesome. Great work and props to a job well done as Ven.


Eraqus: Great job. He sounds like that he was voiced by Mark Hamill in my opinion. But great job nontheless.


Xehanort: Sounds like Yoda, and a bit hard to understand. Either way, his voice was ok.


Vanitas: Great job! Was curious as to how his voice would turn out, but overall his voice turned out nice.

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the allready made a thred on this....



pretty much: in a nutshell.


Ven: Can work much better with a Different VA (and cuase tha tpompus jack@$$ has some spell on you guys,that makes you all craxy like the shittiness that disney is now a days...enjoy your sparkly twilight moron!) ((YEHA I HATE THIS TALANTLESS HACK WITH A PASSION!!!)) Get a REAL VA like CGNET/Mike or someone else, heck I Can a better job! he needs EMOTION! He NEEDS HEART!


Terra: Perfect! Disney is starting to get back on track.


Vanitas: Better then I expected Can still be better and still have some doubts of our Haley. As termediously talanted he is idk...Missing something...hes basicly using hsi real voice.


Eraqus: Who knew it was Mark?! I DID!!! Now as much as I love him,and he did an okay job. He seemed a bit out of his element, switch him with master Xehanorts Voice. He actully can be evil,and epic!!! Joker Anyone?


Xehanort:HOW DID YOU ALL GET YODA? AND CONFUSE THE GREAT OZ WITH NIMOY?! No...He sounds liek a pirate. A weird Pirate but a pirate none of the less. switch him with Hamil then we;ll have a kickass Villian.



Aqua: I agree with everyone who thoguth she was monotone....I dispise her vocie...I know this girl can use emotion....oh well frist time VAing i'm going to assume. but shes Horrfic!!! FANDUBBERS (thats right they have talant no matter how awful some of the otehr actors are) but THEY CAN DO A BETTER VOCIE! CGNET, Twilgithchaser37 they both have great Aquas!

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I loved all their voices!!!! Especially Vens and Vanitas's. By the way, does anybody know if Vanitas is Haley Joel Osment?!?! sounds like him, I just want to make sure


We don't have a confirmation from him, but the voices sound similar enough to say it is.

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Ventus-Absolutely Perfect

Terra-Not a bad job at all

Aqua-Cute voice

Master Xehanort-Suits him well

Vanitas-Unbelievably Perfect

Master Eraqus-Its ok

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I loved all their voices!!!! Especially Vens and Vanitas's. By the way, does anybody know if Vanitas is Haley Joel Osment?!?! sounds like him, I just want to make sure


We don't have a confirmation from him, but the voices sound similar enough to say it is.


its already been confierim ti nthe gosh darn trialer....Seiriosuly? so i;'mt he only one who has a vendetta on Vens voice (i like it!)


Haleys okay bette r then i expected bbut how willl he do psycho Van?



you liek that piece of crud Aqua? her vocie was terrrible, Revesal,codedbydays,Alyson Saotner...Could do Aqua more justice....

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Didn't mind Terra's voice, Ven's voice fits (they had to keep him on for continuity purposes, so he did the best he could, I hope), Eraqus' voice was pretty good (could have been better), M. Xehanort's voice is... not that good... (really? Leonard Nimoy? not in his element here), Vanitas' voice is great (kinda sounds like Jonny Yong Bosch, which is fine), and Aqua's voice could also be better...

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all of them were pretty good but Aqua's voice line was kind of stupid at the beginning did anyone realize that most of the footage from the E3 trailler was from the Winter Japnese Trailer for Birth By Sleep?

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I loved all their voices!!!! Especially Vens and Vanitas's. By the way, does anybody know if Vanitas is Haley Joel Osment?!?! sounds like him, I just want to make sure


We don't have a confirmation from him, but the voices sound similar enough to say it is.


its already been confierim ti nthe gosh darn trialer....Seiriosuly? so i;'mt he only one who has a vendetta on Vens voice (i like it!)


Haleys okay bette r then i expected bbut how willl he do psycho Van?



you liek that piece of crud Aqua? her vocie was terrrible, Revesal,codedbydays,Alyson Saotner...Could do Aqua more justice....


I've watched this trailer 5 times already. I got used to it xD


At this point I don't feel like wasting my time and energy ranting about it, so I just accepted it for what it is. Who knows? It might be better in-game.

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Terra: Liked it! Might have done better if slightly deeper, I agree


Aqua: At first I was iffy but who knows. Her voice is different but still okay. It might work for me eventually.


Ven: Loved it of course. In my opinion Jesse is one of the most natural-sounding VAs in the entire franchise


Eraqus: I think it's good. Can't really complain either way


Xehanort:...I can't get over the Yoda thing. I'll have to get used to hearing his voice


Vanitas: *faints* totally BA! Just as sexy as Miyu so kudos for Haley

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ok heres my opinions about everyone

Terra: solid just needed his voice to be deeper

Aqua: overall pretty solid

Ven: did great needs no improvements

Vanitas: Awesome cant wait to hear more of his voice

Eraqus: could work on the voice didn't realy like it

Master Xehanort: ._. thats all I'm going to say about his voice T_T

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I loved all their voices!!!! Especially Vens and Vanitas's. By the way, does anybody know if Vanitas is Haley Joel Osment?!?! sounds like him, I just want to make sure


We don't have a confirmation from him, but the voices sound similar enough to say it is.


its already been confierim ti nthe gosh darn trialer....Seiriosuly? so i;'mt he only one who has a vendetta on Vens voice (i like it!)


Haleys okay bette r then i expected bbut how willl he do psycho Van?



you liek that piece of crud Aqua? her vocie was terrrible, Revesal,codedbydays,Alyson Saotner...Could do Aqua more justice....


I've watched this trailer 5 times already. I got used to it xD


At this point I don't feel like wasting my time and energy ranting about it, so I just accepted it for what it is. Who knows? It might be better in-game.


fine, but Still Jesse isn;t so geniune he's a talantless puck@$$

*BLEEEP THAT CAN BLEEP MY BLEEP BELEEEP BLEEEP BLEEEEEEEEEEEEP* he desevers somethign horrible...liek borken legs....or soemthing....




I Still say Fandubbers do these cahraters jsutice,but i now have an oppion,tha ti was wirte about all this time...and the rest off you seem to be giving upo...liek THEY WANT! Haley wa sokay. Terra perfect,everyone else...well....you know...they can *bleeeeeeeeep it up their bleeping bleeeps*




[And to believe this si me ranting at a G rated leavel]

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ok heres my opinions about everyone

Terra: solid just needed his voice to be deeper

Aqua: overall pretty solid

Ven: did great needs no improvements

Vanitas: Awesome cant wait to hear more of his voice

Eraqus: could work on the voice didn't realy like it

Master Xehanort: ._. thats all I'm going to say about his voice T_T


just switch

Eraqus and Xehanorts VA. then you have a start


Replace YOUR PERIOSU PRETTY BOY with soemone tlaneted for Ven, not that talantless Oaf! OH "Jesse McCartheny" oh mwhy whats pretty boy gonan do,bore me to death?

Terra was perfect


Haley is okay, better thne i expected,but coudkl really do much better.


Aqua was teerible, ehart princess or anyone else can do better.


Ansd jsutr fire the cast and get fandubebrs at least tTHEY know how to actulyl do more then THESE GUYS DO!



keep Vnaitas VA, and TAerras....

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I think that everybody did good except Aqua and MX.

Seriously, hearing their voices made my ears bleed, how old is Willa Holland she sounds like Betty White. Nimoy's voice acting was a FAIL.


And in the quick Mickey part they had, Bret Iwan did the little squeaky squeal well. But he will be put to the test when we actually hear him TALK.

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I think that everybody did good except Aqua and MX.

Seriously, hearing their voices made my ears bleed, how old is Willa Holland she sounds like Betty White. Nimoy's voice acting was a FAIL.


And in the quick Mickey part they had, Bret Iwan did the little squeaky squeal well. But he will be put to the test when we actually hear him TALK.


I pretty much agree. I don't want to be pessimistic and miss negativity though so I'll hold off my final judgments on Aqua and MX until I've heard them in all the cutscenes and gameplay since that's only fair. That's the way it's gonna be so there's really no use in complaining about it

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