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[SPOILER ALERT!] The Kicked Bomb. (Or, The straw that broke this Final Fantasy fan's back.)

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Hrmmmm... Where do I start? Where. Do. I. Start? I've been broken as a Final Fantasy fan.


Let me say first that I've always enjoyed the Final Fantasy series. I was introduced during the PS2 era through Final Fantasy X.


I even enjoyed the controversial Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2 to an extent. In my opinion, it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. It wasn't my favorite Final Fantasy, no, but it kept me hooked enough to Platinum Trophy it on my PS3.


Why do I love Final Fantasy? Well, it's a myriad of things. Music, Gameplay, Story, usually; but of course, each game had different things going for it.


I'm a very optimistic person. I don't like to complain or whine.


But this Final Fantasy fan has become weary. The wait for Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III has taken its toll. And then there's the ending of Lightning returns,

where Lightning ends up going to France in order to bring her one step closer to Motomu Toryama, who has claimed her as his waifu.

And then there's All the Bravest, which is a shameless cash grab.


But that's not what broke me. I thought that maybe I could just overlook such weirdness in LR's story by enjoying the gameplay, and just dismiss All the Bravest.


What broke me was these recent developments with the Final Fantasy X universe.


I'll be honest, I was reluctantly accepting an X-3 when news of the audio drama broke out. It was weird, but it might work, I thought. But then news of the (apparently CANON) X-2.5 novella leaked out. Allow me to copy and paste this quote:


"The reviewer's weren't kidding about the gore. Tidus sees a ball roughly the size of a blitz ball, and comes to the conclusion that that's what it exactly is. So he proceeds to run and kick it... explodes. It was a bomb. Yuna gets thrown back by the explosion.... along with Tidus' head which promptly lands by Yuna with his expression frozen with surprise. She promptly passes out.


Yuna resurrects him using pyreflies, however it seems that if Tidus realizes what he is, he'll disappear (whether that means off to the Farplane, or from existence I'm not sure). It seems overall this explaination wasn't explained too well so it could be off the mark. This could explain though why she's seeming cold towards him in the audio drama."


I laughed for a good thirty minutes or so. I think I was also crying as well. Say what you will about whether it might be untrue due to translation derps (there are multiple sources talking about how the bomb thing is real), or that it might be deemed non-canon. The fact that this was actually written is just.....


I then promptly cancelled my Lightning Returns preorder on Amazon. I considered cancelling FFXHD, but I ultimately left it alone so I can play the games and I won't be touching the audio drama.


I dunno. I just dunno anymore. If it were up to me, I would first get FFXV and Kingdom Hearts III done and make that a top priority, then rerelease all the games on all the main consoles (with FF 1-6 having high-res sprites and FF 7-9 remade with at least PS3 level graphics with high-res pre-rendered backgrounds), deem every sequel to numbered games as non-canon, and fire Motomu Toriyama.


Argh. My head hurts, I have no clue if this is real life anymore. I'm broken and I lost the faith that I needlessly gave Square-Enix.


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Edited by Wally

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You have been on Neogaf too?

It is crazy; I don't know what to feel. Square has gone to a new level of batshit.

Have you heard about the sex and the fayth relationship?


Can we just move on to XV?

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If Square really wants to make some money then makes another Just Cause,Sleeping Dogs, Hitman, a HD remake of Final Fantasy 7, release Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3, and more Chrono Trigger!!!!!!!!

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If Square really wants to make some money then makes a HD remake of Final Fantasy 7, release Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3


Fixed that for you.


These three games are the only things Square needs to get themselves out of the red.

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Can you tell more of the ending rather than the France thing becaue I didn't understand a single word. Just spoil it properly because I don't believe Toriyama put himself in the game

Basically, Lightning and the FFXIII main characters all go to a new world. And from the looks of things, they end up in our world. In France. Toriyama apparently has the hots for Lightning, and many believe this is his way of making Lightning "real". If you want more details, Google it. I haven't the heart to go into the nitty-gritty details.

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I fell out of the FF fanbase a while ago. I can enjoy a few of the games, namely the first six and X. None of the rest really hit it with me much. Then, all their recent stupid decisions with the series (Releasing endless XIII sequels, although XIII-2 doesn't look bad, the X-2.5 and X-3 crap) made me just want to dislike it even more. The good days of the series are long gone now, I doubt we'll ever go back to the level of quality the original games had. :/

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I fell out of the FF fanbase a while ago. I can enjoy a few of the games, namely the first six and X. None of the rest really hit it with me much. Then, all their recent stupid decisions with the series (Releasing endless XIII sequels, although XIII-2 doesn't look bad, the X-2.5 and X-3 crap) made me just want to dislike it even more. The good days of the series are long gone now, I doubt we'll ever go back to the level of quality the original games had. :/

Y'know what's awesome about the old days especially the 90's ???


The fact that hardware limitations forced developers to be creative and come up with something new if they want to survive,they were forced to put effort into their games and work around the graphical limitations of systems like the SNES,Genesis,PS1,N64....etc


Nowadays,once achieving the eye candy graphics and over-the-top Hollywood cutscenes became a very easy task,developers like Square Enix,Activision and Capcom started to just throw whatever,make shiny graphics and slap a popular name on it.


It baffles me how a game like FFXIII can't even reach the quality of a Ps1 game like FFVII despite the lego-like sprites of FFVII


I'm not expecting gaming to be any better next gen in fact it's gonna be the same shit we've been exposed to for the last 7 or 8 years only prettier and shinier

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Y'know what's awesome about the old days especially the 90's ???


The fact that hardware limitations forced developers to be creative and come up with something new if they want to survive,they were forced to put effort into their games and work around the graphical limitations of systems like the SNES,Genesis,PS1,N64....etc


Nowadays,once achieving the eye candy graphics and over-the-top Hollywood cutscenes became a very easy task,developers like Square Enix,Activision and Capcom started to just throw whatever,make shiny graphics and slap a popular name on it.


It baffles me how a game like FFXIII can't even reach the quality of a Ps1 game like FFVII despite the lego-like sprites of FFVII


I'm not expecting gaming to be any better next gen in fact it's gonna be the same shit we've been exposed to for the last 7 or 8 years only prettier and shinier

Yeah, I think the limitations kinda helped challenge them. They had to think of new ways to tell stories without games looking realistic, which actually led to some great methods. Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger are my two favorite traditional RPGs, and they were both 16 bit games, without voice acting, fancy graphics, or whatever else a lot of modern games use. I personally like a lot of modern games too, but when it comes to traditional RPGs, it's tough to top the older days.

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I feel you man Final Fantasy went downhill after final Fantasy X. I honestly thought Final Fantasy 11 - 14 kind of sucked. I'm hoping that Final Fantasy 15 makes it through and makes me happy :) that's why I sold my PS3 because I wasn't happy with the games. So for the time being ill be enjoying games other than the Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts games for a while.

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