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What should I do?

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Okay...So I recently discovered a while ago.

a long time ago really but kinda came more into focus i gfuess. anyways my dads adopted. they tried to find my pertnal grandparents but my paternal grandma didn;t want nothing with us. nor my own dad (who wouldn;t I still dislike that loser!) So,after my grandmother died, I've Benn thinking about her. Abotu my toehr famiely,and who they really are. My grandfather never knew his grandparents, and I just wan t to know who my paternal grandad is,and what my grandma is like. I mena what about the other famiely...I know that i'll probly destory their famiely but should I try to get in contact with them? learn about my possible other cousins, maybe they are really cool? who knows maybe they own disney or soemthing (hey you never know!) but what should I do?

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no i never made any contact...i did reserch and got all the info i could get form my dad and everyone...apperently shes a neoshadow heartless,but she Could of warmed up...anyway part of me,says this day would of come anywyas...but....idk....

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Hmm i have lots family i have never seen before and have never got into any contact with them which idk why. But maybe there was a reason they didn't want anything to do with you idk, but maybe you should try and contact them ya never know unless you try. Sorry if i'am not a big help.

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yeha but then she sill has to know... lets see shes in her 80's she was in her 60's she has anothe e fmaiely....

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That's weird since I don't know my real paternal grandfather either. My dad was half adopted by my grandpa since my real grandfather ran away from my grandmother when he found out she was pregnant. Well that's something you would have to decide. I personally don't care to talk to my real grandfather because of what he did

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hey my dad did the same thing on me....(which explains my well distitle nature toward the same sex, meaning if your a guy about 50% of the time I already don't like you and if your a dad,then i reallly don't like you, about 50% of the time....oppsite.)


Thing is its a hard dission, kinda liek " Do i dare disturb the univaverse?" Do I cross over that line that everyone sets up for themselves,tha tone line that once you jump off and fall down the rabbit whole,what will you find? its this choice that i Find myself at and i;m greatful for everyones help I really am....thank you all so much for helping me.

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