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Nick Sideris

Do you think Grand Theft Auto V was overrated ?

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I really ....really don't care about GTA V to be honest


I can list tons of games that are better than GTA V like The Last of Us,Ni no Kuni, Fire Emblem Awakening.....etc


It's just GTA V got a lot of press attention that overshadowed much better games in the market

Edited by Metal Snake

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GTA is one of those series that I'm interested in, but I just KNOW it's overrated. The whole thing. The Last of Us is like that, too. That game got universal acclaim out the ASS, yet I've seen plenty of articles detailing what's wrong with it, and I still want to check it out. 


Bottom line: GTA is fun, but not really deserving of all the hype it gets. I can list two other Rockstar series that deserve much more praise than GTA, and haven't gotten nearly the same amount of attention. Red Dead and L.A. Noire. They both have their flaws, but they're great games which deserve more than they're getting. It's time for Rockstar to invest in some of that stuff. 

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Yes, it was overrated. I read a funny tweet about this, it was like:


Hey there, Delilah,

GTA V was quite shitty.

Sure, the graphics and the gameplay rocks,

but I still think Vice City was the beeeest.

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