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Final Fantasy games had the triditional prelude theme and victory fanfare? I wish the FF XIII games had a version of  the prelude/victory fanfare theme.

That's actually something that Marzgurl(A reviewer on TGWTG site) pointed out as she stated how important those tracks are to make the player familiar and not feel alienated


Removing the Victory Fanfare was a stupid idea.....it's like if you played a Zelda game that doesn't have the awesome Hyrule overworld theme that was in the series since the first game on NES

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That's actually something that Marzgurl(A reviewer on TGWTG site) pointed out as she stated how important those tracks are to make the player familiar and not feel alienated


Removing the Victory Fanfare was a stupid idea.....it's like if you played a Zelda game that doesn't have the awesome Hyrule overworld theme that was in the series since the first game on NES

Yeah, or the Dearly Beloved theme from the KH games.

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I agree for the victory fanfare,but as much as I like the prelude theme from the classic games,I think XIII title screen music is actually better so I don't mind if they change it.

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I agree for the victory fanfare,but as much as I like the prelude theme from the classic games,I think XIII title screen music is actually better so I don't mind if they change it.

Other titles in the series didn't use the prelude at the title screen like FFIX and X but they used it somewhere else


Also,"A Place to Call Home" or "The place I return to Someday" from FFIX is an absolute art of a musical track

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I miss those days. They were pretty awesome.


It was one of the many things that disappointed me about FFXIII. (Not that I dislike the game or anything, I was just kind of disappointed by it.) It felt a little more alien, and less like a Final Fantasy game because of that. Not to mention the SUPER sci-fi feel now. The "Fantasy" in Final Fantasy was pretty much removed in that title, and with that music gone, it honestly felt like it had little connection with the FF series besides the summons.

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Other titles in the series didn't use the prelude at the title screen like FFIX and X but they used it somewhere else


Also,"A Place to Call Home" or "The place I return to Someday" from FFIX is an absolute art of a musical track

Of course, A place to call home is the best title screen music ever

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