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The Heavens Lost Cursed Ones (1x1 with Riven)

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A new wave of pain went through Kei's body when Icy's snake teeth entered his body. Because of that his eyes opened again. He put his fingers in the earth and started squeezing it. Kei wanted to touch her hand when Icy changed back to herself. Why did that angel attack him. He stood up, shaking on his legs, and took Icy in his arms. Then he started searching for Mizuki. That didn't take that long. "Mizu.." He said and fell down with his arms still around Icy.


"Kei!" Mizuki yelled out and ran to her brother. She pulled him away form Icy and tried to stop the bleeding on his shoulder. "What happened?"

"Got attacked..." Kei said to Mizuki. She looked at Icy. "Is she okay?" She asked


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I looked at the wound on Kei's shoulder and growled. "A Dark Angel attacked you with a Heavenly Poison Arrow." I said darkly. Sniffs the air. "Kei your scent has changed." I said. "Icy must have bit you to spread her Soul-Shifter Venom into you for you to have you waken up and not be almost dead. That is why she is passed out. she used most of her energy to suck out the poison and spread her venom." I said with a smile on my face. Walks behind Kei and holds out my hands to his wound and heals Kei.

Edited by roxasrikuterra13

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"Ngh.." Kei closed his eyes when he felt his wound burn. But that disappeared fast. "Thanks.." He said quietly. He lost all his energy again and fell asleep. 


"Thank you, Jacob". Mizuki said and took his hand. "We can't stay here anymore.. It's to dangerous". She said. It was hard to say that. She had this normal school life for a while now, and now she had to say goodbye. To all of it. Even her friends. Mizuki stood up. "I'll make a shield around us before someone attacks again". She walked in a big circle around them and after every 2 steps she waved with her hand, making a big barrier.

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"You are welcome Mizuki." I said. I smiled as she took my hand in her small one. "Come to my home. Be my princess. If we get married you will become queen of all angels in heaven." I said holding her hand to my chest. I watched as my angel made a shield around us. I used my power to make the shield and us un-seeable to the eyes. "There now no one can spot us." I said falling to the ground in sleepiness.

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Mizuki looked at the 3 angels sleeping on the ground. Then she looked around to check if nobody was there. "You know that I can't go to your heaven" Mizuki said. "And you can't go to mine. That are the rules". Mizuki looked at Jacob. "I can't go to your home. It's impossible for a Royal Angel". 


Kei's eyes opened. He stood up and looked at Mizuki. "We have to go". He said. "The Dark Angel attacked us. Not them". He said while pointing to Icy and Jacob. "We can't bring them in danger". He was right. Mizuki took his hand and her wings appeared. His wings appeared as well and they flew away. Above the clouds, through the gates to their home, Ionia.

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I woke up with a yawn. "Kei?" I said sleepily. I looked around and suddenly my heart feels empty and it hurts. I screamed in pain.


I was asleep dreaming of my green eyes angel.

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Mizuki and Kei were walking in the beautiful town of Ionia. Many Angels bowed to them and greeted them like they were really important. Kei went to the King of the Royal Angels while Mizuki said 'Hi' to everyone. Kei wanted to know what is going on with the Dark Angels and he hoped that the King had something to say about it. But he didn't know it. When Kei joined Mizuki again a party started for the two. But they both felt kind of empty without Icy and Jacob.

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The pain in my chest stopped and my screaming died down. I looked up to see a handsome stranger holding his hand out for me too take. I smiled and held out my hand he took it and helped me up. "Thank you." I said blushing. I hid my face behind my hair. "It is no problem miss." He said as he bowed. I giggled. "Call me Icy." I said with a smile. He brushed the hair from my face and said. "Ok. Icy." He let my name roll off his tounge.



I was having a pleasant dream about Mizuki my beautiful green eyed angel.

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"Kei.." Mizuki said. "I want to go back. I don't care if we are in danger or not. This is not our home anymore". Kei just nodded and took her hand. "Let's go then.." He said. The both of them walked back to the big gate. They went through it and fell back on earth. "Let's search them!" Mizuki said to Kei. He knew what she was talking about Jacob and Icy. Then split up. 


Kei found Icy with a stranger. He didn't go to her and made sure she wouldn't see him. 

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I backed away from the guy. "Sorry air but I am engaged already. My boyfriend proposed to me today. He was in a rush and forgot the ring." I said. I remember something the Warrior Angels taught me. The banshee block and scream. I put ear plugs in mine, Kei, Mizuki, and Jacob's ears and screamed a banshee scream. The guy dropped faster then a rock. I took,the ear plugs outside ran to Kei and hugged him.


I an still sleeping and dreaming about my green eyed angel Mizuki. I dream that we were Queen and King of all Angels. I smiled at my dreams when are getting married and starting a family.

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