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The Heavens Lost Cursed Ones (1x1 with Riven)

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Riven and I are doing this RP. No one is to post but Riven and I.



My characters are a male and female.



Name: Jacob Midnight

Age: 19

Type of being: Warrior Angel

Powers: Unknown



Name: Icy Midnight

Age: 19

Type of being: Warrior Angel and soul-shifter

Powers: Unknown

Edited by roxasrikuterra13

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My characters:


Name: Kei Harada

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Type of Being: Black Angel (Black wings)

Powers: Able to make shadow-clones


Name: Mizuki Harada

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Type of Being: White Angel (White wings)

Powers: Able to control plants.


Appearances: Posted Image

Edited by Riven

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As me and my brother Jacob walked hand in hand down the school halls to the office to get our classes. "Hello. We are new here we came to get our class charts." My brother and I said in sync. The lady looked at us weirdly. She gave us our class chart and we had every class together. "Brother shall we get to class?" I asked. "We shall sister." He said. We walked to our first period Home Cooking.

Edited by roxasrikuterra13

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Mizuki and Kei were already in that class. They were playing rock, paper and scissors. "I won". Mizuki said to her brother. "And I will win next time". Kei said back. They  saw a boy and a girl walking in their class. "Other twins"

"You're right". They smiled at the new students. "Welcome in our class" Kei and Mizuki said on the same time.

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"Hello. We are new here." We said sync. "My brother is Jacob Midnight." I said. "My sister is Icy Midnight." He said. We walk hand in hand to our seats and sit down. Our aprons were on and we started on our cake and finishes it in ten minutes. While that cake cools we make our homemade icing to put on it. Icing is done and we put it on the cake. "Mrs. Flowers?" We called out to the teacher. 

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"I'm Mizuki and my brother here is Kei" Mizuki said. Then they started on their cake. A chocolate cake with strawberries. The twins were working together like they did it everyday. They didn't even talk to each other. They felt what they had to do and communicated with their actions and not with their voice. A beautiful example of action reaction. They bowed to each other when they were ready with the cake and also called out the teacher.

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"Mrs. Flowers. We are done with our cake." We said in sync. It was Chocolate with pink frosting that had flowers everywhere and that said 'Happy birthday Mrs. Flower'. Mrs. Flower said, "Oh my, my. Thank you two. I was wondering if anybody knew. What are your names?" "We are Icy and Jacob Midnight. Happy birthday." We said in sync.

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When the class ended Mizuki and Kei went to their friends in class. They were really popular in school and had many good friends. They were talking and laughing with each other. "Hey I'm giving a party tonight. Only friends are invited. Kei and Mizuki should come too! It will be fun!" A boy named Jason said. Jason was one of the best friends of Mizuki and Kei. So they said yes to the invitation. The twins really wanted to go to that party.

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"Come on brother let head to our next period." I said. "Come on sister lets head out." My brother said. We walked hand in hand to our next period History. We walked to our seats and sits down. "Brother dear?" I asked. "Yes sister dearest?" He asked. "How many more classes do we have until lunch?" I asked. "We have one more sister." He said.

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The other students walked in a big group to the next class. When they were there they talked about what they should wear for the party. Misuki and Kei knew already that they would wear something that matched with each other. In this school they had a title: they were The beautiful twins. When they first joined the school they didn't talk to the others. But because of that they were bullied. But that changed when they started talking to the others.

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We finished our work in record time so we had the entire class left to do anything. My brother and I lightly sung to our selves. As we sung are eyes were closed and we sung in sync. The song we sung was a lullaby that our mother use to sing to us we young ones. Our lullaby caught the ears of our classmates. My brother hugged me as begin to cry and I held my brother as he begin to cry too. We hugged as we are crying, but we kept on singing our lullaby. What we called the lullaby "The Lovely Warrior Angels".

Edited by roxasrikuterra13

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Their classmates were looking at them "What?Why did they start crying?" "Weirudos" They said. Mizuki looked at them. She thought it was beautiful but didn't say anything. She left the classroom with Kei, knowing that the class would follow them so they would leave the two alone. And the class did when they saw the twins leave."Whatever,let's go" said Jason. And they all walked away.

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We were crying because our mother is ill in the hospital. "Brother can we go see mother now?" I asked. "Yes sister. We can go see her." He said. As we walked hand in hand together out side to the woods after we asked the Headmaster to leave school grounds. We walked hand in hand to the middle of the woods. We looked around the clearing and it is clear of anybody. "Venez nos ailes d'ange de guerrir." We said in sync. Large white, gold, and silver wings comes out. We fly high in the clouds so we won't be seen as we fly hand in hand.




(Venez nos ailes d'ange de guerrir. means Come out our Warrior wings. in French)

Edited by roxasrikuterra13

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Mizuki and Kei went to the cafeteria. They sat down on a table. Jason and Zack were sitting next to them on the same table. They were the closest to the twins. "The new twins are weird" Kei said. "Yeah, you're right!" Jason said. "Why would they start singing in class?" Zack asked. 

"I think they have their own reasons". Mizuki replied. "We just have to leave them alone".

"Yeah, I think they don't want to talk to others". 

"Did you see. They are always walking hand in hand". Zack mentioned. "Why aren't you guys doing that?"

"Because we can do things without each other". Mizuki and Kei replied with a smile on their faces.

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We arrived in the woods behind the hospital. Hand in hand we walked to the front of the hospital. The nurses and doctors knew us so they let us walk to our mother's room. "Mother. How are you feeling mother?" I said crying and clinging to her bed like a hurting child. "Sister you know mother is in a coma." He said unhooking me from mother's bed side. "But brother I just know she can hear us." I said crying and hugging him like he was a teddy bear. He hugged me back singing our lullaby that mother use to sing "The Lovely Warrior Angels". That calmed me down fast and I ended up falling asleep in my brother's arms.

Edited by roxasrikuterra13

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"Next class will begin soon" Kei said. He, Zack and Jason stood up and left. "Are you coming, sister?" He asked.

"Yes, wait a second". Mizuki replied. She looked around. "Don't you think it's weird that the new twins aren't here for lunch?"

"I really don't care much about them". Kei said with a long face.

"That's not really nice, brother. They are new here. We should help them to make friends..."

"Maybe they don't want friends. We don't know them, sister. Maybe they are only nice to each other".

Mizuki nodded. The twins started following their friends again, who were talking again about the party tonight. This time about the music they would play. "Hey Mizuki, Kei, some suggestions are always welcome". Zack said with a smile on his face. Kei and his sister started to say some songs and Zack wrote them down. They went back to class, Maths. The twins were really good at maths.

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"Sleep well sister." I said as I picked up my sister and walked to the woods and says, "Venez mes ailes de guerrier." I said in French. Wings come out and I fly back to school's woods with my sister asleep in my arms. I land in the middle of the clearing and hurry in to Math class with my sleeping sister in arms. "I am sorry for being late Mr. Williams. My name is Jacob Midnight and my sister is Icy Midnight. She is not feeling well sir." I said and walks back the of the classroom and sits down.




(Venez mes ailes de guerrier= Come out my Warrior wings)

Edited by roxasrikuterra13

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"Not feeling well? Hah, sure. She probably cried to much". Zack whispered to Mizuki. Zack sat next to her. And Kei sat next o Jason on an other table. Mizuki nodded for  a second but she couldn't stop staring at the girl. She knew it was not polite to stare but she sensed something weird about that girl. Then Mizuki stared at the boy. He had something weird too. But she couldn't say what. She just smiled to boy and turned around again to listen to Mr. Williams. She felt that Kei was staring at her. Mizuki looked back. "What's wrong?" Kei's lips formed but without any sound. "There is something about them". Mizuki whispered back.

"You don't say..." He whispered back then he turned around again and started drawing on some papers.

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Over hears what Zack said. Sit Icy on my chair and walks over there to him. "You better take that back." I said calmly. "Me and my sister is having a rough time right now. We have no home. Our father left us. Our mother is in a coma in the hospital. And now I have to find food for my sister and my self. You don't know what that is like do you Zack. You are a spoiled and pampered little boy who can't even get a single girl. I have them following me around like lost puppies. But I am a gentleman and not do anything stupid like making love to a one dollar stripper." I said.

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Before Zack could react Mizuki stood up. He looked at Jacob and smiled. But her smile disappeared quickly. Mizuki slabbed Jacob in the face. "You think you're to only one with problems? You don't know Zack and how his life is!" She yelled. Kei stood up as well. He walked to his sister and put his hands on her face. Right before her eyes. "Go back to your seat, Jacob". Kei said with cold eyes. "Calm down, Mizu.." Kei whispered to his sister. Mizuki sat down again and Kei went back to her seat. 

"Thanks, Mizuki" Zack said staring to his own hands.

Mizuki looked at him "No problem, Zack" She said and put her hand on his shoulder.

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My eyes changed color. My eye are now the color of moonstones. My voice dropped down to a deep tone. "My sister and I has been the road for thirteen years. We live with wolves, mountain lions, and even bears. We had to eat raw and bloody meats. It was a good thing my sister was good with animals or we would have been killed. I despise the people who dis on my sister." I said angrily.  "Jacob come on it is time for us to leave. We need to calm down for a little while. Go brother I will be there in a bit." She said. Jacob ran out of the class fast. "I am sorry about my brother. He is trying to keep me safe. We have more then that little brief look into our past. Well we will see you in a few days. Bye friends." I said. I walked out of the class and then I dashed off to find my brother in the middle woods. "Brother we must go." I said. "Venez nos guerrier ailes d'ange." We said in sync.



Venez nos guerrier ailes d'ange.= Come out our Warrior Angel Wings.

Edited by roxasrikuterra13

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"Right, friends" Zack said. He was angry. But Mizuki was thinking about something else. His eyes changed collors.. She nodded to her brother and the two of them left class and followed the girl. She went into the forest. Kei and Mizuki were watching them at a save distance so they were sure that they wouldn't see them. They saw how wings appeared on Icy's and Jacon's back. Kei and Mizuki were just staring. They didn't believe what they saw. Angels

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Hand in hand we looked at each other and nodded and started to hum our lullaby "The Lovely Warrior Angel". Our eyes turned into the color of Sapphire gems. Our voices changed into a lower pitch. "We must go brother. The other Warrior Angels need us." I said. "Let's go sister." He said. Hand in hand we flew in the sky and up to heaven.

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Kei and Mizuki saw how they flew away. "Hey!" He yelled to them not knowing if they would still hear him or not. Mizuki looked at his brother. "They are angels". She said and looked back to the flying twins in the sky.

"Should we follow them?" Kei asked.

Mizuki nodded and they started running after them. They were faster then normal humans so even in the woods they could still follow Icy and Jacob. They made sure that the flying twins would not see them running after them.

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