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Square Enix characters you want (or don't want) to see

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Characters I want to see:

The TWEWY cast that was in Traverse Town

Sho Minamimoto (Please Nomura, Shibuya world with Sho as the boss would be the best thing ever)

Gilgamesh (He hunts rare swords. He'd definitely want a Keyblade)

Chrono Trigger cast (We need more Chrono love from Square, and ports don't cut it)

Celes Chere (Final Fantasy VI)

Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)


Character's I DON'T want to see:

Lightning (Square uses her way too much... Never liked her anyway. I didn't like most of the XIII cast, but I doubt any of them but Lightning would be considered)

Anyone from Final Fantasy XII

I think more Cloud vs Sephiroth would get kinda old, to be honest. :/

Zack Fair (He served his purpose in BBS. As much as I like him, him coming back would be pointless.)

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I'd like to see more FF IX characters, myself. Zidane and Garnet would make for a nice addition. Even Quina would make for some fun times for Sora and the gang. That thing would probably want to eat Donald. "Duck, you say? Quina want duck, roast duck good!"


Another I would like to see is Rinoa from FF XIII. Have her slap Squalleon around, and force him to dance with her. That would be fun to see in Kingdom Hearts. :3

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WANT: Lightning.

            Vanille/Serah. (Either one, doesn't matter)






Edited by Kaweebo

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  On 12/28/2013 at 7:00 PM, Dave said:

Characters I DON'T want include Vincent Valentine, Snow, and Vanitas. 


Characters I DO want... there's a couple, but I'll stick with Quina for now.

Why not Vanitas? He is awesome and we are more than likely going to see him in KH3, probably one of the 13 darkness's.

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  On 1/5/2014 at 8:57 PM, DarknessOrLight said:

Why not Vanitas? He is awesome and we are more than likely going to see him in KH3, probably one of the 13 darkness's.


Because I personally think Vanitas is not a good character, not really much of a villain, and the fact that it's inevitable that he's going to be one of the 13 Darknesses annoys me to no end.

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They should add Chocobos since they're adding Attractions and they can both be summons

I also want to see Cecil. His story makes sense with the light and darkness of KH. He could start as an enemy that you have to fight because someone convinced him to side with the darkness and that"s why he's a dark knight then Sora and co battle him and he sees the light and becomes a paladin and party member 

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well. lightning would be awesome.


and noctis. it would make sense because ffXV is the thing that's currently stalling kh3 from being released. so they might as well have a noctis cameo in kh3.

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  On 1/6/2014 at 4:21 PM, Dave said:

Because I personally think Vanitas is not a good character, not really much of a villain, and the fact that it's inevitable that he's going to be one of the 13 Darknesses annoys me to no end.

I wouldn't say "inevitable", but maybe an 80% chance. Maybe he truly is gone forever, then again the word forever seems to not exist in the KH universe haha. Why do you think he is not a good villain? I am not trying to annoy you or anything I just want to see both standpoints, personally I think he has some very good villainous traits such as being very manipulative.  

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  On 1/6/2014 at 10:36 PM, DarknessOrLight said:

I wouldn't say "inevitable", but maybe an 80% chance. Maybe he truly is gone forever, then again the word forever seems to not exist in the KH universe haha. Why do you think he is not a good villain? I am not trying to annoy you or anything I just want to see both standpoints, personally I think he has some very good villainous traits such as being very manipulative.  


In general, I found him to be ineffectual. He fell into the trap of becoming a taunting-villain: someone who shows up, gives vague hints, then leaves. The design is to make the villain seem to be mysterious, or allude to having a constant one-up on the heroes, but what it also means is that the villain rarely actually winds up doing anything other than taunt. This is sort of what happened when Vanitas. When he makes an appearance, he usually just talks about the things he's going to do, rather than actually doing anything. Outside of the few duels he has with the protagonists (which I will also talk about), we don't see Vanitas actively do anything during the story. If I had to compare him to Pete, the latter might falter more regularly, but that's only because he actually tries and attempts to do things in an active fashion. Vanitas just sort of waits for extended periods of time without doing anything of substance, which makes his bragging seem completely empty and devoid of merit.


The fact that we don't see him do anything else substantial during the story also harms him when it comes to the fights. You fight Vanitas a handful of times before the finale, and each time, he loses. Again, with these moments being the only time we actually see Vanitas assert himself, it means that he fails the rare time he actually attempts to apply himself. It basically sets him up as little more than a playground bully, who's mostly full of hot air, but incapable of backing up his blustering. And I know the argument against this is "he needs to lose, or the game will stop advancing," but again, if we could see him engage in more activities other than these failed duels, it would go a long way in making him look like a legitimate threat.

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caius,noel,lightning,snow,ff summons,auron,saymore,noctus,zidane & BLITZBALL MINIGAME , chokobo , kadaj , ject , kefka , kuuja

Edited by liamaru

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I'd like to see other final fantasy X characters that aren't totally changed (like de-aged or fairies) FFX is a good game and frankly Sora should take on Sin at least once, that would be amazing, I mean he is a flipping Giant floating monster that spits out even more monsters! 


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